Will Republican women applaud the right to an abortion being taken away from them?

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
you don't even know what it means. Try doing some research first. Man you are ignorant.
By definition Leftism is ignorance.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.

It's a "possible" person, but until the feet clear the birth canal, it's still a fetus!

Definition of fetus:: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b the operative word here is BIRTH!
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

Yup. Now you democrats can’t scrape and suck anymore minority babies.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.

It's a "possible" person, but until the feet clear the birth canal, it's still a fetus!

Definition of fetus:: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b the operative word here is BIRTH!
People have been charged with murder for killing unborn babies.

Was the possibility of you being a person ever determined?
People who support legalized elective abortion are worse than the Southern slavery apologists in the 1850s. No one who supports abortion has any right to pose as being humane or progressive or compassionate. Such people are helping to enable the killing of innocent babies for no valid reason.

We're not talking about cases of rape, incest, severe deformity, or endangerment. Those cases account for barely 5% of all abortions. We're talking about elective abortion.
These aren't "babies." They are a cluster of cells and depending on the stage, either a zygote, or a fetus. There's laws that now protects a fetus after viability.
You know, it's funny how many bleat about those "poor murdered babies" when they don't want to have their taxes help feed, clothe, and house them after they're born because then, they're nothing more than leeches on the country. They also don't want to provide medical care for them if they end up in the NICU or get after birth. They don't think they're entitled to a decent education either.
The hypocrisy is disgusting!
All talk, but somehow they are taken care of, and better yet the millions of illegals here have been taken care of as well, but you do know that we don't have to like it that the left and our government encourages all this out of control birth, and the out of control murdering of these human beings afterwards, and then the pillaging of every hard working taxpayers bank accounts due to the irresponsible bullcrap in order to take care of what it had created in it all to begin with. The taxpayers should be livid as to what has taken place against them and their humanity over the years.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

Women deserve what they get.
Over half of white women voted for Trump. If not for black and Hispanic women voting overwhelmingly against Trump, he would have won the women’s vote.

Women in Red States voted for Trump. It is those women who will lose their right to an abortion
Blue States will remain the same
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.

It's a "possible" person, but until the feet clear the birth canal, it's still a fetus!

Definition of fetus:: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b the operative word here is BIRTH!
There are children out playing today who were born before the legal abortion limit.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.

It's a "possible" person, but until the feet clear the birth canal, it's still a fetus!

Definition of fetus:: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth — compare embryo 1b the operative word here is BIRTH!

You have the right to be wrong. Calling it a "fetus" doesn't change it from being a human being.

If you find a bald eagle egg, and smash it, you will be sent to prison for a year. You try and tell them "oh it's not an eagle until it hatches" see how far that gets you.

If you find a pregnant giant panda, and perform an abortion on it, try telling the judge "It wasn't a panda yet". You'll still go to jail for violating the endangered Species act.

In any other case, no one buys the idea that it isn't what the animal is, until it is birthed.

And that doesn't hold water with me, or any rational decent, intelligent thinking person. Only evil people, trying rationalize murder, attempt to split hairs with definitions and arrogantly claiming they have the ability to determine who is, and who is not, a "person".

NO, you don't get to claim that. You can just shut up. With all un-do respect. I don't need your evil rationalizations for murder. Save that crap for someone else.
Sure if you like coat hangers & back alleys.
Nope. Most "back alley" abortions were performed in a doctor's clinic and were perfectly safe. The myth of thousands of women dying each year from back alley abortions is total bullshit. It was a fearmongering hoax deliberately made up by the assholes at NARAL.
I know someone who went to a nurse and she performed hers in her bedroom. A couple of days later, she started hemorrhaging and almost died because she was too afraid to tell her parents or go tot he hospital. She called me and I went to help her the best I could. she finally stopped bleeding but had lost so much blood that she stayed weak for awhile.I remember her being doubled over the toilet while she gushed blood and clots into it. It was in the middle of the night and I was spending the night because it had started earlier when she called me. We were both young...21...and it's a miracle she didn't die from blood loss. I also went with her when she had it and thought everything would be okay because this was a nurse. It's something I will never forget.
So she almost died instead of (it being her willingly killing her child as a result of her own wrecklace actions in life) ??? So in all of this she killed her child instead of owning up to her results... Hard to find sympathy really.
People who support legalized elective abortion are worse than the Southern slavery apologists in the 1850s. No one who supports abortion has any right to pose as being humane or progressive or compassionate. Such people are helping to enable the killing of innocent babies for no valid reason.

We're not talking about cases of rape, incest, severe deformity, or endangerment. Those cases account for barely 5% of all abortions. We're talking about elective abortion.
These aren't "babies." They are a cluster of cells and depending on the stage, either a zygote, or a fetus. There's laws that now protects a fetus after viability.
You know, it's funny how many bleat about those "poor murdered babies" when they don't want to have their taxes help feed, clothe, and house them after they're born because then, they're nothing more than leeches on the country. They also don't want to provide medical care for them if they end up in the NICU or get after birth. They don't think they're entitled to a decent education either.
The hypocrisy is disgusting!

Sad to see you lie to yourself
I'm not lying to myself. I'm a woman and therefore have a say in this as such. Men, on the other hand, have NO say because until they grow a uterus and can get pregnant, should shut the fuck up! Actually, if men could get pregnant, there would be an abortion clinic on every corner.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
If Roe v. Wade is repealed, you won't see any change in the abortion rate. At all.

People who support legalized elective abortion are worse than the Southern slavery apologists in the 1850s. No one who supports abortion has any right to pose as being humane or progressive or compassionate. Such people are helping to enable the killing of innocent babies for no valid reason.

We're not talking about cases of rape, incest, severe deformity, or endangerment. Those cases account for barely 5% of all abortions. We're talking about elective abortion.

Sure if you like coat hangers & back alleys.
Nope. Most "back alley" abortions were performed in a doctor's clinic and were perfectly safe. The myth of thousands of women dying each year from back alley abortions is total bullshit. It was a fearmongering hoax deliberately made up by the assholes at NARAL.

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.

People who support legalized elective abortion are worse than the Southern slavery apologists in the 1850s. No one who supports abortion has any right to pose as being humane or progressive or compassionate. Such people are helping to enable the killing of innocent babies for no valid reason.

We're not talking about cases of rape, incest, severe deformity, or endangerment. Those cases account for barely 5% of all abortions. We're talking about elective abortion.
These aren't "babies." They are a cluster of cells and depending on the stage, either a zygote, or a fetus. There's laws that now protects a fetus after viability.
You know, it's funny how many bleat about those "poor murdered babies" when they don't want to have their taxes help feed, clothe, and house them after they're born because then, they're nothing more than leeches on the country. They also don't want to provide medical care for them if they end up in the NICU or get after birth. They don't think they're entitled to a decent education either.
The hypocrisy is disgusting!

Sad to see you lie to yourself

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

"Will Republican women applaud saying murdering babies is wrong?"

All decent people would say yes. Women, or men, Republican or not. All immoral murder supporting trash.... likely would not.
Sorry, but it isn't murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person.

Sorry, but it is murder. Murder is killing of a human being, without cause or reason.

This idea that you can claim who is, and who is not "a person" is wrong, and sick.

Do you know what happened the last time Human beings thought they had the right to determine who is, and who is not, a person?

It was the 3/5ths compromise, when arrogant sinful, evil humans, said you are not really a person.

NO. You don't get to decide who is or is not a person. Period, end of story, don't ever say that crap again.

Here are the facts. It is human. Do a DNA test, and prove me wrong. Good luck with that.
It is alive. It grows, consumes oxygen and nurishment. Do any test you want to try and prove me wrong.
It did nothing wrong, or deserving of death. Prove it committed some crime, beyond it inconvenienced an arrogant human female..... good luck trying to prove that.

It's human. It's alive. It did nothing wrong.

You know what you call someone who kills a living human being who did nothing wrong? We call that person a murderer.

If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

There is not now, nor has their ever been a "Constitutional right" to get an abortion. Roe v. Wade was totally unconnected to any provision of the Constitution, and remains one of the worst examples of judicial legislation in our history.

Many, many conservative and human women would gladly relinquish their "right" to an abortion, if by doing so they could save the lives of a couple hundred thousand babies a year in the U.S.

It is a liberal delusion that people do not react to changes in law. I guaran-fucking-tee you that if abortion were totally outlawed, women (and men) would quickly and significantly change their reproductive behavior forthwith.
Before abortion became legal people with lots of money got nice clean abortions done by nice clean doctors.(mental health one main excuse)or in a country where it was legal. people with some money & moxie got the same. all others some sad or damaging result
OR they got no abortion, had an unwanted child. best cases those dumped on a parent or relation, foster care, adoption the rest neglect, abuse, some make it on there own, the rest ...... check out the gangs the street the jails .
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
Conservative women bow to the will of their male dominators. It is the defining characteristic of conservative women.

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
Conservative women bow to the will of their male dominators. It is the defining characteristic of conservative women.


And left wing men bow to the will of their left wing men. It's the defining characteristic of people like you.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?


Something has happened to my computer and I can't reply to anyone, so I'll just post a comment.
Women have fought long and hard for the right to many things men take for granted. The right to vote. the right to get credit in their own name, and finally, the right to have a say over what medical procedures they can have done. Abortion is a medical procedure.
Another mentioned sin. Well, to that person I ask this, why then did God kill the entire world, including children except for one family when he flooded it? Why was the first born of Israel killed during what is now Passover? These were already born people. You can't pick and choose you're indignation and outrage!

There is absolutely nothing in the bible addressing abortion as killing, but plenty about helping the poor and sick, and homeless. And feeding the hungry. none of which the RW Christian conservatives seem to think is important. Someone mentioned the children of the refugees. Aren't they already born children?

I don't remember when I saw it, but a right winger said he didn't care what happened to those kids because they weren't his. I know many of you feel the same way. Well, the fetus isn't yours either and you don't know the circumstances that led the woman to that point, so you have no say in it.
This earth has over 7 billion people in it....that's a B. Has anyone seen the pictures of India and China where they can barely move around because it's so packed with people? Why do you think China implemented the one child per couple policy? We can't keep producing more and more people to suck the natural resources dry and sustain life.We are destroying this planet, and what kind of life will all of these kids have that you who want all of them to be born?

Oh, and I worked with a girl who was on BC and got pregnant 4 times on it. She tried every kind there was at the time, so don't any of you dare say pregnancy can be prevented by taking BC. After her 4th, she finally had her tubes tied and her husband had a vasectomy.

You know, it's so easy for all of you to sit back and condemn abortion, but again, since most of you are men, all you have is pathetic righteous indignation. You don't know the circumstances of why a woman chooses to do this, but you sure do love to judge her. Many men demand the girl they got pregnant get an abortion. Like I said before, probably many in DC, but they go quietly to another country. Remember what your bible said about judging. If it is a sin, then she will be judged by a higher power than any of you.
Fluked again.

in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!
God killed the first born children of Egypt and every child in the world with his flood

He is not concerned with the lives of children

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