Will Republican women applaud the right to an abortion being taken away from them?

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

I am pretty sure that women on the right can keep their legs crossed or at least use a other form of contraception. You see, they aren't sluts like your women.

Of course you will soon inquire "but what about rape"? Well the same right winged women are not pro bringing in rapists, so we are dealing with that issue as well.
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
Extremists want abortions on demand, whenever. As pointed out, Obama is in record for arguing for / supporting 'aborting' a baby that survives a failed abortion attempt.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

I am pretty sure that women on the right can keep their legs crossed or at least use a other form of contraception. You see, they aren't sluts like your women.

Of course you will soon inquire "but what about rape"? Well the same right winged women are not pro bringing in rapists, so we are dealing with that issue as well.

Typical answer from a stupid man. BC fails and tell the married woman to keep her legs crossed. Are you married? If so, did you and your wife only have sex when you wanted to have a kid?
I used to know a couple who did that and it turned out that he was gay. Maybe that's you...
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
Extremists want abortions on demand, whenever. As pointed out, Obama is in record for arguing for / supporting 'aborting' a baby that survives a failed abortion attempt.
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
Extremists want abortions on demand, whenever. As pointed out, Obama is in record for arguing for / supporting 'aborting' a baby that survives a failed abortion attempt.

Obama the abortion extremist
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

If it is a “right”, then why isn’t it protected in the constitution?
If America wanted abortion as a right that bad we would had amended the constitution already.
I just wish Dean's mama would have used her right for abortion.

But, I heard one requirement to receive an abortion is the woman
has to walk erect, not on all fours. Dean's mama fell short of
the requirement.
I'm not lying to myself. I'm a woman and therefore have a say in this as such. Men, on the other hand, have NO say because until they grow a uterus and can get pregnant, should shut the fuck up! Actually, if men could get pregnant, there would be an abortion clinic on every corner.

Woman to woman, yehh... U are not the arbiter on the sanctity of human life and when in the spectrum it "begins". Thinking U are is only a delusion, bred out of expediency, selfishness & immorality with complete disregard for the natural rights inherent to all mankind, including your fetus!
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

You are a freakin moron, you can fear monger all you want, you can cry, stomp your feet, but it will never happen and when it doesn’t, you will cry, bitch and moan about some other fantasy fear. Thanks for a stupid, thread.
I'm not lying to myself. I'm a woman and therefore have a say in this as such. Men, on the other hand, have NO say because until they grow a uterus and can get pregnant, should shut the fuck up! Actually, if men could get pregnant, there would be an abortion clinic on every corner.

Woman to woman, yehh... U are not the arbiter on the sanctity of human life and when in the spectrum it "begins". Thinking U are is only a delusion, bred out of expediency, selfishness & immorality with complete disregard for the natural rights inherent to all mankind, including your fetus!
I am for the right for every woman to choose, period! I am not pro-abortion, I am PRO CHOICE. BIG difference, and if you're not, then you probably are some meek little wifey who lets her husband tell her what she's allowed to do. Strong women with equal partners aren't like that. Men who don't think they are entitled to dictate to women aren't like that.
It's a living, breathing human being even if it is only feeding from the mothers embryonic fluids/sack, and even though it is breathing through the umbilical cord, (otherwise completely dependent on the mother for it's life), and this while in or outside the womb up to a certain time period..

She is to carry herself in specific ways in order to ensure the safety and well being of her child as he or she is carried within the womb.

She is to watch her diet, no drinking, and no smoking, no drugs, and to be careful about her lifting and straining while pregnant.

If and when abortion is made illegal, then women should be punished for attempting it, and especially if they are successful at it.

Save the little ones is my opinion in life.
As the last President told us elections have consequences.

Unless you have a hypocrite like McConnell in the senate. Haha!
He’s no worse than Harry Reid was.

What will come as a shock on the right is they forget that Roberts has sided with the left on some decisions including Obamacare. If he becomes the new Kennedy on the court that will be the next whine from the righties. I see that happening and being a relativelly young man they won’t be replacing him for awhile.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
Conservative women bow to the will of their male dominators. It is the defining characteristic of conservative women.


At least, that's what Hillary believes.
Something has happened to my computer and I can't reply to anyone, so I'll just post a comment.
Women have fought long and hard for the right to many things men take for granted. The right to vote. the right to get credit in their own name, and finally, the right to have a say over what medical procedures they can have done. Abortion is a medical procedure.
Another mentioned sin. Well, to that person I ask this, why then did God kill the entire world, including children except for one family when he flooded it? Why was the first born of Israel killed during what is now Passover? These were already born people. You can't pick and choose you're indignation and outrage!

There is absolutely nothing in the bible addressing abortion as killing, but plenty about helping the poor and sick, and homeless. And feeding the hungry. none of which the RW Christian conservatives seem to think is important. Someone mentioned the children of the refugees. Aren't they already born children?

I don't remember when I saw it, but a right winger said he didn't care what happened to those kids because they weren't his. I know many of you feel the same way. Well, the fetus isn't yours either and you don't know the circumstances that led the woman to that point, so you have no say in it.
This earth has over 7 billion people in it....that's a B. Has anyone seen the pictures of India and China where they can barely move around because it's so packed with people? Why do you think China implemented the one child per couple policy? We can't keep producing more and more people to suck the natural resources dry and sustain life.We are destroying this planet, and what kind of life will all of these kids have that you who want all of them to be born?

Oh, and I worked with a girl who was on BC and got pregnant 4 times on it. She tried every kind there was at the time, so don't any of you dare say pregnancy can be prevented by taking BC. After her 4th, she finally had her tubes tied and her husband had a vasectomy.

You know, it's so easy for all of you to sit back and condemn abortion, but again, since most of you are men, all you have is pathetic righteous indignation. You don't know the circumstances of why a woman chooses to do this, but you sure do love to judge her. Many men demand the girl they got pregnant get an abortion. Like I said before, probably many in DC, but they go quietly to another country. Remember what your bible said about judging. If it is a sin, then she will be judged by a higher power than any of you.

First off you aren’t God.

Second, without a man you don’t get pregnant. There’s only been one example in all of human history where it didn’t require a man to get a woman pregnant.

Third, women have been entrusted with the power of natural creation. Abortion is evil & it’s murder. It’s a perversion of that gift. It flies in the face of the nature of being a woman. Only an idiot would support such a notion...
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!
God killed the first born children of Egypt and every child in the world with his flood

He is not concerned with the lives of children

He’s God, we are not....
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

I am pretty sure that women on the right can keep their legs crossed or at least use a other form of contraception. You see, they aren't sluts like your women.

Of course you will soon inquire "but what about rape"? Well the same right winged women are not pro bringing in rapists, so we are dealing with that issue as well.

Typical answer from a stupid man. BC fails and tell the married woman to keep her legs crossed. Are you married? If so, did you and your wife only have sex when you wanted to have a kid?
I used to know a couple who did that and it turned out that he was gay. Maybe that's you...

Did you not read the part "or uses a other form of contraception"?

Typical, a tolerant leftists resorting to calling other people gay, when in fact he himself only lacked the IQ to read.
As the last President told us elections have consequences.

Unless you have a hypocrite like McConnell in the senate. Haha!
He’s no worse than Harry Reid was.

What will come as a shock on the right is they forget that Roberts has sided with the left on some decisions including Obamacare. If he becomes the new Kennedy on the court that will be the next whine from the righties. I see that happening and being a relativelly young man they won’t be replacing him for awhile.
No actually I haven't forgotten that at all but it seems many on the left did the moment he voted to uphold the Presidents travel ban. Supreme Court judges are not supposed to be rubber stamp votes for one side or the other.
in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
Extremists want abortions on demand, whenever. As pointed out, Obama is in record for arguing for / supporting 'aborting' a baby that survives a failed abortion attempt.


Obama the abortion extremist
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?

Abortion should only be legal for the situations of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger, Abortion on Demand, the Killing For Convenience of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb should be outlawed and also it should be a criminal offence. To consciously make the decision to have your OWN child murdered in the womb because to allow it to live would not be convenient for your lifestyle is literally up there with Paedophilia in the most heinous of crimes league.

The solution is if you do not want to get pregnant then use contraception and don't mention the usual that condoms can split *, there are a large variety of contraception devices that are only for women, they should use one of them, either that or don't go out and get drunk and open the legs for the first man who buys you drinks or dinner or whatever.

* That is how Kid A arrived on this planet, I did NOT decide to have an abortion because I'm not a Satanic Bitch Slut like the Murderers of their OWN children in the womb are.

"Should women be punished for getting an abortion?"

If they have not been raped, a victim of incest or their life is not in danger, if they are Killing For Convenience and consciously decide to have their own child murdered in the womb then they should be charged with murder and depending on a jury they should get life in prison like what happens with other CHILD KILLERS. Some of these disgusting bitches are even Serial Killers, some of them have had four or five abortions, there is a very special place in Hell for these bitches who consciously with premeditation order that their own child is murdered in the womb.
Yea, charge them with murder and put them in prisons. Run on that. Women in America will vote GOP in droves to pass laws like this.
Great idea.
And if a man pressures her into getting an abortion, jail him too.

Pro-Life Congressman Pressured Extramarital Girlfriend to Get an Abortion

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