Will Republican women applaud the right to an abortion being taken away from them?

in the Bible God says, "I knew you before you were ever born." So, if you're going to hypocritically use the Bible in defense of abortions, know what you're talking about. This passage destroys the liberal argument that babies in the womb are 'clumps of cells.

The Bible is also about LOVE, especially for others, selflessness...not selfishly killing children as a type of post-birth contraceptive because having a baby would be 'inconvenient'.

Don't like it? Then stop using the Bible in attempted defenses of abortions / killing babies.

If you think I want to tell anyone they can't have an abortion?

Have all the abortions you want....and YOU pay for it.

Have the decency to end Late Term Abortions and courage enough to tell assailed like Obama - who supported killing a baby outside the womb fighting for life after a failed abortion because that is what the mother originally wanted - to STFU, NO KILLING BABIES!

Do some research. Late term abortions are only done for extreme medical reasons and not because a 7 or 8 month pregnant woman walks by a clinic and says, "Oh right! I've been meaning to do something about this pregnancy, so no time like to present." Those who have to have late term abortions very much want to carry to full term.
I belong to a couple of women's sites and there are some who have had to do this and they are in agony about it for a very long time. What about the ones who on't have a brain, or have some other horrible defects that would cause it to die in agony? You think all pregnancies who go full term are perfect? You're delusional if you do.
Extremists want abortions on demand, whenever. As pointed out, Obama is in record for arguing for / supporting 'aborting' a baby that survives a failed abortion attempt.

Obama the abortion extremist
Not sure I understand this link.
Quote from the link:

President Obama is an extremist on abortion. He has never supported any meaningful restriction on it, and never will.

He opposed a partial-birth abortion bill in Illinois, even as the federal version passed the House with 282 votes and the Senate with 64 votes and was signed into law by President Bush in 2003.


He never supported any restriction except he opposed a partial birth abortion bill?
Makes no sense.

I know that 43 states have a restriction on how long a woman can wait to have an abortion.

So the idea of babies breathing on their own from an abortion is nonsense.

The real truth: Republicans don't give a flying fuking fart for children. The ONLY reason they are anti abortion is politics for their ignorant base and so they can manage to keep some control over women.
To be honest? I used to be all about pro-choice, but now I just don't care anymore.

It's not my problem. Let women deal with it.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
do you know what a right is? it's something we all share, it's universal, if it does not extend to everyone it ceases to be a right and becomes privilege.
Wealthy con women will continue having abortions ... calling it a D&C.

You dumbasses are to much.

As has already been pointed out.....

Before Roe there were huge number of abortions and that didn't change.

It's not going to change now.

Roe is basically meaningless.

But the left is using it as a rally point. This is the best you can do ? No wonder Trump is winning.

You guys are bent on losing.
You mean will Republican women lament not being able to legally kill their unborn babies purely for their own convenience? Nope.

You're wrong there. I can see you aren't a Republican woman, so how would you know? I am, and I know that the GOP has for many decades let all these women's rights strictly alone. They will say this or than in an election, but they never, never act on it. The anti-abortion talk going on now is strictly far right stuff.

Bad move to try to abrogate women's rights: we'd most of us desert the party immediately. What we need is Libertarians to come in. Everyone mind your own business: if you don't want an abortion, don't get one.
If you kill a baby...... you are a murderer. Don't give me this 'it is not a person' crap. Thanks, don't bother me with that idiotic nonsense again.

It's not a person. So we can prevent it becoming one and having to give our lives over to raise it on our own for many years.

This is about men wanting total control over women, and it's not a winning issue for you: you'll alienate your allies, most conservative women, like me.

Interesting how the Kennedy retirement issue went straight to men trying to control women yet again. You can't, though. Look at the #MeToo stuff, the fact that women are 55% and better of all college students, and we're taking over in politics and business. You can alienate those of us on your side with this "control women, control women" stuff, but we won worldwide on the votes for women issue, so I wonder why you think you can win this -- you never have won it before.
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
You do realise that the belief that abortion is wrong is probably one of the biggest reasons a Woman would be a Republican ?
Something has happened to my computer and I can't reply to anyone, so I'll just post a comment.
Women have fought long and hard for the right to many things men take for granted. The right to vote. the right to get credit in their own name, and finally, the right to have a say over what medical procedures they can have done. Abortion is a medical procedure.
Another mentioned sin. Well, to that person I ask this, why then did God kill the entire world, including children except for one family when he flooded it? Why was the first born of Israel killed during what is now Passover? These were already born people. You can't pick and choose you're indignation and outrage!

There is absolutely nothing in the bible addressing abortion as killing, but plenty about helping the poor and sick, and homeless. And feeding the hungry. none of which the RW Christian conservatives seem to think is important. Someone mentioned the children of the refugees. Aren't they already born children?

I don't remember when I saw it, but a right winger said he didn't care what happened to those kids because they weren't his. I know many of you feel the same way. Well, the fetus isn't yours either and you don't know the circumstances that led the woman to that point, so you have no say in it.
This earth has over 7 billion people in it....that's a B. Has anyone seen the pictures of India and China where they can barely move around because it's so packed with people? Why do you think China implemented the one child per couple policy? We can't keep producing more and more people to suck the natural resources dry and sustain life.We are destroying this planet, and what kind of life will all of these kids have that you who want all of them to be born?

Oh, and I worked with a girl who was on BC and got pregnant 4 times on it. She tried every kind there was at the time, so don't any of you dare say pregnancy can be prevented by taking BC. After her 4th, she finally had her tubes tied and her husband had a vasectomy.

You know, it's so easy for all of you to sit back and condemn abortion, but again, since most of you are men, all you have is pathetic righteous indignation. You don't know the circumstances of why a woman chooses to do this, but you sure do love to judge her. Many men demand the girl they got pregnant get an abortion. Like I said before, probably many in DC, but they go quietly to another country. Remember what your bible said about judging. If it is a sin, then she will be judged by a higher power than any of you.
Women had a chance to stop Trump and failed to do so
They will now face the consequences

Women in Red States supported Trump. They are the ones who will lose their abortion rights
Something has happened to my computer and I can't reply to anyone, so I'll just post a comment.
Women have fought long and hard for the right to many things men take for granted. The right to vote. the right to get credit in their own name, and finally, the right to have a say over what medical procedures they can have done. Abortion is a medical procedure.
Another mentioned sin. Well, to that person I ask this, why then did God kill the entire world, including children except for one family when he flooded it? Why was the first born of Israel killed during what is now Passover? These were already born people. You can't pick and choose you're indignation and outrage!

There is absolutely nothing in the bible addressing abortion as killing, but plenty about helping the poor and sick, and homeless. And feeding the hungry. none of which the RW Christian conservatives seem to think is important. Someone mentioned the children of the refugees. Aren't they already born children?

I don't remember when I saw it, but a right winger said he didn't care what happened to those kids because they weren't his. I know many of you feel the same way. Well, the fetus isn't yours either and you don't know the circumstances that led the woman to that point, so you have no say in it.
This earth has over 7 billion people in it....that's a B. Has anyone seen the pictures of India and China where they can barely move around because it's so packed with people? Why do you think China implemented the one child per couple policy? We can't keep producing more and more people to suck the natural resources dry and sustain life.We are destroying this planet, and what kind of life will all of these kids have that you who want all of them to be born?

Oh, and I worked with a girl who was on BC and got pregnant 4 times on it. She tried every kind there was at the time, so don't any of you dare say pregnancy can be prevented by taking BC. After her 4th, she finally had her tubes tied and her husband had a vasectomy.

You know, it's so easy for all of you to sit back and condemn abortion, but again, since most of you are men, all you have is pathetic righteous indignation. You don't know the circumstances of why a woman chooses to do this, but you sure do love to judge her. Many men demand the girl they got pregnant get an abortion. Like I said before, probably many in DC, but they go quietly to another country. Remember what your bible said about judging. If it is a sin, then she will be judged by a higher power than any of you.
Women had a chance to stop Trump and failed to do so
They will now face the consequences

Women in Red States supported Trump. They are the ones who will lose their abortion rights
Republican women should be forbidden to bear children Who needs more traitors in this country?
Republican women should be forbidden to bear children Who needs more traitors in this country?
Ah yes,.... The authoritarian left bears it's true colors once again.

Congratulations you jokers make the far right religious nut jobs look downright tolerant and civilized by comparison.
the rich and elite will continue to have abortions ...as will most women.....women have aborted since they figured out how..that wont stop...
the rich and elite will continue to have abortions ...as will most women.....women have aborted since they figured out how..that wont stop...
Prior to Roe v Wade, some states allowed abortion, some banned it
It would revert to that

Women who can afford to go to another states or Canada can still get abortions
the rich and elite will continue to have abortions ...as will most women.....women have aborted since they figured out how..that wont stop...
Prior to Roe v Wade, some states allowed abortion, some banned it
It would revert to that

Women who can afford to go to another states or Canada can still get abortions
Yes all those republican women who vote against choice
Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
If Roe v. Wade is repealed, you won't see any change in the abortion rate. At all.

I'd say that isn't entirely true.

But mostly so.
The abortion rate barely changed when Roe v. Wade was made the law of the land. There were already nearly a million legal abortions a year before Roe v. Wade.

And abortions will continue unabated if Roe v. Wade is repealed.

Yep especially with the constant technological changes in modern medicine. The law of physics is always against conservatives.

For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Even if Roe were overturned an entire movement will arise that assure women who live in states that prohibit abortion will either receive abortion inducing medication or receive help or n traveling to a state that will
the rich and elite will continue to have abortions ...as will most women.....women have aborted since they figured out how..that wont stop...

Soon, we will have another radical right wing judge.

Roe versus Wade is very close to being taken away from women as a right. After all, Trump said women who get an abortion should be punished.

Will losing this woman's right be OK to women in the US?

Should women be punished for getting an abortion?

What is it you think women will do? Celebrate?
Anyone who's pro-life regardless of sex will applaud it. Pretty simple stuff here.

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