Will Republicans draft Paul Ryan to run for President? We can only hope.

The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.

Obama doesn't get the blame for unemployment and unemployment was around 11% during Reagan's third year in office.

And then Reagan passed the biggest tax hike in history and unemployment dropped like a stone.
If they’re going to ‘draft’ anyone it should be Huntsman or Christie – Ryan is poison.

He's only "poison" for leftwing tics like you.

And your grandmother on your father's side.

And your grandmother on your mother's side.

And your grandfather on your father's side.

And your grandfather on your mother's side.

And all their brothers and sisters.
Huntsman a Mormon and Christie's fat. America is, what America is.

Be that as it may, compared to what they have to offer now, they’ve got noting to lose.

He's only "poison" for leftwing tics like you.

Now there’s an intelligent and persuasive argument, I’m sure you’ll win many over to the right with eloquence such as that.
Huntsman a Mormon and Christie's fat. America is, what America is.

Be that as it may, compared to what they have to offer now, they’ve got noting to lose.

He's only "poison" for leftwing tics like you.

Now there’s an intelligent and persuasive argument, I’m sure you’ll win many over to the right with eloquence such as that.

Eloquence is invariably terse.

My arguments are 100 times more persuasive than the idiocies you post.
Hopefully Conservatives will wake up this go around and elect Ron Paul. He predicted the 2008 housing crash in 2002. He is the most fiscally responsible person around. The fact is it doesn't matter how many budget cuts or taxes we raise. Why are we having a private bank create our money when Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution says it is the duty of Congress "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;". Thomas Jefferson said that "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks...will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Ron Paul is probably the only candidate in both parties who has been aiming to get rid of the Federal Reserve private bank. He has even introduced a bill to audit the Federal Reserve which passed in the Congress but failed in the Senate. Herman Cain himself was actually a chairman for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. If you don't know about Ron Paul, look into him. The media won't talk about him for you. He is a modern day Thomas Jefferson. He is the only true conservative who hasn't flipped on any issues and has always been on the right track even when everyone counted him off as a crazy old guy.
He'll cut taxes for the wealthy and cut entitlements.
.....And, make the trains run, on-time, too.....right?


"The Tea Party began early in 2009 after an improvised rant by Rick Santelli, a CNBC commentator who called for an uprising to protest the Obama administration’s subsidizing the “losers’ mortgages.” Video of his diatribe rocketed around the country, and protesters quickly adopted both his call for a tea party and his general abhorrence of government that took from the virtuous and the successful and gave to the poor, the uninsured, the bankrupt—in short, the losers. It sounded harsh, Santelli quickly conceded, but “at the end of the day I’m an Ayn Rander.”

Ayn Rand, of course, was a kind of politicized L. Ron Hubbard—a novelist-philosopher who inspired a cult of acolytes who deem her the greatest human being who ever lived. The enduring heart of Rand’s totalistic philosophy was Marxism flipped upside down. Rand viewed the capitalists, not the workers, as the producers of all wealth, and the workers, not the capitalists, as useless parasites."

Hopefully Conservatives will wake up this go around and elect Ron Paul.
MOST Americans are too-goddamned LAZY to live as full-blown Libertarians.


Our infrastructure is....

I've YET to see any Libertarians, out there, with their picks & shovels.

'Dismantling of Medicare'? Medicare is going to dismantle itself if it isn't reformed one way or another. I have yet to hear of any Dem solution, they would rather just let it implode and when Repubs try to fix it, immediately use scare tactics to gain more senior votes.

Actually, a very viable solution to Medicare has been introduced. Not only would it "save" Medicare, but it would give Americans what they wanted from the start of the Health Care reform debate, a public option. Open Medicare for ALL to buy into just like any other health insurance plan.
Hopefully Conservatives will wake up this go around and elect Ron Paul.
MOST Americans are too-goddamned LAZY to live as full-blown Libertarians.


Our infrastructure is....

I've YET to see any Libertarians, out there, with their picks & shovels.


This is true. I've yet to encounter any Libertarian who lives "off of the grid"
.....Especially if they're married, and their wife is (typically) runnin'-the-show.....


'Dismantling of Medicare'? Medicare is going to dismantle itself if it isn't reformed one way or another. I have yet to hear of any Dem solution, they would rather just let it implode and when Repubs try to fix it, immediately use scare tactics to gain more senior votes.

Actually, a very viable solution to Medicare has been introduced. Not only would it "save" Medicare, but it would give Americans what they wanted from the start of the Health Care reform debate, a public option. Open Medicare for ALL to buy into just like any other health insurance plan.

The public option idea is aimed at improving the (private) insurer-provider relationship to mitigate that source of cost increases. But it's worth considering a sampling of other major Medicare reforms recently passed into law:

This is true. I've yet to encounter any Libertarian who lives "off of the grid"

Me neither. I do know a lot of NorCal "hippies" that do though. Of course, I was once told that a Libertarian is just a Republican that is either 1) gay or 2) likes to smoke pot. :lol:
He'll cut taxes for the wealthy and cut entitlements. Entitlements need fixing, but I'm not sure Ryan's plan is the best option. I prefer higher taxes on the wealthy and no freebies. Buy health insurance or fucking die.
The grisly stats are:
50% of the medical system is used on 5% of the chronically/seriously ill
25% is used on the dying
25% is used on the rest of us.
You "conservatives" surely can be creative, when it comes to makin'-up stats!!!

You always seem to forget how (often) rich-people are always at the front-of-the-line, when it comes to the availability of organs, for transplants. I'm sure it's just an oversight, on your part.​
The reality is it doesn't really matter who gets the Republican nomination.

The election is going to be a referendum on Obama and his policies which are driving this country into the ground. 9% unemployment, record foreclosures, and the largest deficit ever made by a President and his dem Congress.

At this point Dems need a frontrunner Republican more than Republicans do so they can start their personal attacks. God knows they can't win on Obama's record.
I think the biggest-reason (most) Republicans are running-from the nomination, is....."conservatives" feel it's bad-enough being told-what-to-do (in their eyes), by a Black-President....and, there's no way, in HELL, they'll ever support a political-candidate (in the future) that gets BEATEN by a Black-President.....and, their politicians know that!!

One o' your boys has to step-forward....do his hit o' sake....


......and, jump, feet-first, into a history of total-anonymity!!!


Who knows......he might get a Viagra-gig!!

Ryans plan may be coming up for a vote but anyone who thinks it will pass is living in la la land. No way will the Dems pass it.

Since the Dems don't seem to have any plan I guess we'll just all sit around and wait for Medicare to implode.

Then I assume the Clowns will get off their asses and attempt to fix it.

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