Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
This is gibberish.
Fine don't respond. Kill the conversation. Why are you supporting the day when you get a 25% cut to your income that you had coming? You may not call it a tax but that's what I call it when the government takes $500 a month from you for the rest of your life when you retire. Isn't that about what a 25% cut would mean? I think you get the point. You seem bent over and lubed. Ready to take it.
Fine don't respond. Kill the conversation. Why are you supporting the day when you get a 25% cut to your income that you had coming? You may not call it a tax but that's what I call it when the government takes $500 a month from you for the rest of your life when you retire. Isn't that about what a 25% cut would mean? I think you get the point. You seem bent over and lubed. Ready to take it.
Work on reading comprehension. Yours sucks.
Work on reading comprehension. Yours sucks.

You said this

I have no expectation of collecting a cent from social security.

So you'll let them steal $500 a month from your sorry ass and do nothing but you'd riot and storm the capitol for Trump? What a fucking idiot you must be.
Its not an accident.
Reminds me of the people Jimmy Kimmel or the Daily Show interview at Trump rallies. The person is asked how they feel about Biden doing......and then the person inserts something trump did. But the idiot Trump supporter is asked what they think about Biden doing that and should that disqualify him from being president. Quickly they say YES it disqualifies Biden. But then they are told they made a mistake it was Trump and suddenly the person sees it completely different.

You're a political hack. You all are. And it's been proven. Look how you call the media the lying media. Then we find out Fox IS lying to you. Trump too, through Fox, and right wing radio shows. And you eat that shit up!!!
If you want your social security you better start being pro immigration. We need 10 million low wage workers paying into social security.

Too many baby boomers retiring and not enough of us having kids who will go to work to fund the program. So either be pro immigration or get to fucking.

Now maybe I am pro life. We need poor Americans to start breeding if we want our social security.
I am not relying on social security, never count on the government for anything, they are not dependable. I raised my kids not to rely on government for money, it will be long gone when they retire.

I am all for legal immigration and always have been, so they are welcome to come into our country.
I am not relying on social security, never count on the government for anything, they are not dependable. I raised my kids not to rely on government for money, it will be long gone when they retire.

I am all for legal immigration and always have been, so they are welcome to come into our country.

I'm all for legal immigration too.

Boomers began to reach age 62 in 2008. The cost of Social Security will rise faster than tax income because the population over age 65 will grow faster than the working-age population. Both the baby boom generation and increasing life expectancy after age 65 contribute to an aging population. When Social Security began in 1935, life expectancy at age 65 was an additional 12.5 years. In 2016, it was an additional 20.7 years for women and 18.2 years for men. By 2030, it is projected to be 21.6 for women and 19.2 years for men.

While the number of beneficiaries will grow, tax rates remain unchanged in current law.

By 2031, when the youngest boomers will have reached 67, Americans age 65 and older are projected to number 75 million, nearly doubled from 39 million in 2008. The beneficiary-to-worker ratio, which compares the number of people drawing benefits to the number of workers paying into Social Security, will rise from 35 per 100 in 2014 to 44 per 100 in 2030.

Perhaps we need to undo all the tax breaks Reagan, Bush and Trump gave rich people and corporations and put that money into social security. Or half. Or a wealth/death tax on $ left over $10 million?
And the fund is going broke in 9 years and Republicans like Trump are going to cut your benefits 20%. Get ready.

That's why for 40 years they've told us not to count on social security being there when we retire. Why else would Republicans have warned us of this?

And Republicans try to make these cuts every year but they don't want what's happening to them now with roe v wade to happen to them over social security. So they need another great recession to use as justification for the cuts.
Fucking moron
They won't. They know the nation goes into a massive tailspin. Guaranteed election losses. Nobody supports it being cut.
Yea right now. Let me ask you, do you believe any republican would vote NO to banning abortion? They believe it's murder so why would they not?

Same goes for SS. They don't believe in this program. They make the argument you would do better on your own instead of paying into this program. So they will wait or cause a financial national crisis like the Bush Great Recession. In 9 years when I turn 62 SS goes broke. That aught to do it. How can you complain during a national crisis? You'll argue this is the only solution. Be patriotic and take a $500 a month cut to your benefits. To save the program. Then privatize it away.

So right now Republicans wouldn't dare. But, give them the opportunity to kill the program, or end abortion, and they will. Despite the next election.

And who says the next elections will be legit? If Trump wins, I doubt it. Most Trump supporters are okay with him becoming a dictator. Fuck elections right?
That's nice.
The point stands.

Irony so thick a continental engineer can;t cut it.
I'm just a middle class American. I agree with you, or I think I do, that the rich have too much of the money and the middle class is struggling. We need to do something to redistrubute the money they stole from us during the Bush Great Recession.

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you aren't richer today than you were under Trump, you're doing something wrong.

If Trump could boast this on his watch, he'd be replacing Lincolns face on mount rushmore.
The nation could not survive ending g social security or medicare
Here is what pisses me off about baby boomers. They are telling us that we are probably going to need to take a 25% cut to our benefits when the funds run out in 9 years. But those same boomers give themselves cost of living increases. Why don't they freeze the payouts? I'd accept that over a 25% cut to my benefits. Just tell everyone this is what you get and it'll never be more. Inflation doesn't matter. This is what you get. If you live 30 years it's not going to seem like much in 28 years. We know this.
I am not relying on social security, never count on the government for anything, they are not dependable. I raised my kids not to rely on government for money, it will be long gone when they retire.

I am all for legal immigration and always have been, so they are welcome to come into our country.
Fortunately for me also, I have a defined pension.
Here is what pisses me off about baby boomers. They are telling us that we are probably going to need to take a 25% cut to our benefits when the funds run out in 9 years. But those same boomers give themselves cost of living increases. Why don't they freeze the payouts? I'd accept that over a 25% cut to my benefits. Just tell everyone this is what you get and it'll never be more. Inflation doesn't matter. This is what you get. If you live 30 years it's not going to seem like much in 28 years. We know this.
Yeah screw that, just give me back what they took with 10% interest over the last 41 years

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