Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
We never should have bailed the auto or banking industry, we should have let them fail. Making taxpayers pay for the mistakes of big business is wrong. We also need to end all corporate subsidies and cut all spending by 25%. Raise the taxes on everyone and pay down debt, until we do that the country will suffer.

During the 2008 global financial crisis, when GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, the union agreed to massive concessions in benefits, which included their pensions. The workers attempted to get their pensions back during the 2019 movement “Unite All Workers for Democracy,” but the negotiations failed after a 40-day strike.
Fast forward 15 years

UAW Rips Ford CEO's $21 Million Compensation as Strike Looms​

Published Sep 14, 2023 at 7:24 PM EDT
During the 2008 global financial crisis, when GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, the union agreed to massive concessions in benefits, which included their pensions. The workers attempted to get their pensions back during the 2019 movement “Unite All Workers for Democracy,” but the negotiations failed after a 40-day strike.
Fast forward 15 years

UAW Rips Ford CEO's $21 Million Compensation as Strike Looms​

Published Sep 14, 2023 at 7:24 PM EDT
A few days ago R PAUL on FOX BUSINESS said we have to talk about cutting SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE.
Then Trump CALLING MEDIA & SAYING THE SAME THING.. So think its fair that's the direction they want to go.
Yea, sure. LOL. Lucky for you it is there because you didn't save as much as you should have because you are a typical American. Give America a raise and they'll still spend it. That's why ss is such a good idea.

If Republicans touch ss just remember I called it here and now. Long before the GOP admitted the program was on their chopping block. And all you Trumpbots are to blame.
Those who are younger than 50, and some how think that you would by magic start saving or doing some good investing with that 15 to 35 dollars taken out of your pay check.
Just don't believe it because half the country is mired in Credit Card debt.
Those who are younger than 50, and some how think that you would by magic start saving or doing some good investing with that 15 to 35 dollars taken out of your pay check.
Just don't believe it because half the country is mired in Credit Card debt.

Yup. Trump gave everyone a tax break. No one is saving more because they are making more. And consider giving everyone more money caused inflation. It ate up your tiny tax break. So the only ones who benefit from Trump's tax breaks are rich people and corporations.

I just want to remind everyone that if Trump were president right now he and his supporters would be saying we are living in the greatest economy EVER

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.
Either you are a rich liar or a broke ass fool. Liberals haven't done anything. In fact we warned you that Republican policies do nothing but make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

But I don't have to tell you that's what happens. You'll see.

the Fed keeps making America's uber rich ever richer, when in the first quarter thanks mostly to yet another $1.1 trilion increase in the value of financial assets (read stock market), the asset holdings of US households (or at least a very small subsection of them) rose by $1.6 trillion to a record $99 trillion, which net of $14.2 trillion in debt, means US household net worth is also a record $84.9 billion.

Very Rich Get Very Richer: Wealthiest 20% Hold 94.5% of World’s Money

And these are the people telling you liberal programs are bankrupting the country and meanwhile they've never been richer. The poor and middle class are so stupid. And not just Americans. This has happened all over the world. Greece, France, EVERYWHERE. The middle class and poor of the world are doomed!!!
Don't know about doomed, but its easy too see that the richest of the rich have been gaining in leaps & bounds.
While most working Americans are working hard just to stay even.
Don't know about doomed, but its easy too see that the richest of the rich have been gaining in leaps & bounds.
While most working Americans are working hard just to stay even.
Yes and I remember they were doing this during the Bush years too. Do you remember all the arguments Republicans made? They said the widening gap between the rich and rest of us was no big deal. Do you agree with that? I don't.

This is what we/I was saying in the 2000's. Was I wrong?

Here's another good read from the 2000's

In case you think this started on Obama or Biden's watch. It didn't.

And don't blame Bill Clinton

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
If what you say is true, that's scary. So you think the corporations are in charge not your government? Tariff them if they move out of the country.

If they want to move to a red state where labor costs and taxes are low, go for it. But even those workers are wising up and organizing into unions.

No, investors are not in charge. Government is the referee and should have the power/control.

Yes corporations through their lobbyists own every politician in the country, period, got an issue get a tissue. Yes, if you fail to improve profits, they will make you change something through not investing! The Government uses regulations to make more money!
If what you say is true, that's scary. So you think the corporations are in charge not your government? Tariff them if they move out of the country.

If they want to move to a red state where labor costs and taxes are low, go for it. But even those workers are wising up and organizing into unions.

No, investors are not in charge. Government is the referee and should have the power/control.

You idiot, you do not want democracy, and we do not have a democracy. Democracy, majority rules the majority of Americans push back against high taxes and the social reconstructing through the alphabet lobby, lgbtqxyzder
You idiot, you do not want democracy, and we do not have a democracy. Democracy, majority rules the majority of Americans push back against high taxes and the social reconstructing through the alphabet lobby, lgbtqxyzder
We don 't have a dictatorship either, despite MAGA's highest hopes.
During the 2008 global financial crisis, when GM and Chrysler went bankrupt, the union agreed to massive concessions in benefits, which included their pensions. The workers attempted to get their pensions back during the 2019 movement “Unite All Workers for Democracy,” but the negotiations failed after a 40-day strike.
Fast forward 15 years

UAW Rips Ford CEO's $21 Million Compensation as Strike Looms​

Published Sep 14, 2023 at 7:24 PM EDT

Again why is it our problem if the banking and auto industries fail because of their own stupidity? They weren’t worthy of hard working taxpayers money but you seem okay with hat, so I’m confused.
Again why is it our problem if the banking and auto industries fail because of their own stupidity? They weren’t worthy of hard working taxpayers money but you seem okay with hat, so I’m confused.

Yea I'm not going to go along with what went down back then but as far as the auto industry, bailing them out probably saved the American middle class. We have an imperfect system. Seems like you Republicans want to destroy it. Either when you are in power you want to destroy it from within or when you aren't in power you pray for us to fall apart, which never happens. Biden is killing it.

And let me remind you that if Trump was president, you'd be arguing this is the greatest time in American history

From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall.

You would ignore the fact that the super rich are driving those numbers way up. Now suddenly you're worrying about the wealth gap? Interesting. So give Biden credit for From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall.

And if you are a republican and complaining that you're not benefiting from it, then take your own advice from the 2000's. Go back to school, start your own company or get a new job.

And today that advice is good because there are jobs out there. There weren't during the Bush years so that advice back then was bullshit. The economy is booming. Go get it!
Social Security won't end even if the government has to start printing money to pay it.
Actually SS recipients will get about 75% of promised benefits based only on the money coming in.

The bigger problem is Medicare, that will go bankrupt. Then what?
A few days ago R PAUL on FOX BUSINESS said we have to talk about cutting SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE.
Then Trump CALLING MEDIA & SAYING THE SAME THING.. So think its fair that's the direction they want to go.
Cutting is one thing, having them go bankrupt is another.
I didn't see democrats do anything to "fix" either, which means they go bankrupt.
Actually SS recipients will get about 75% of promised benefits based only on the money coming in.

The bigger problem is Medicare, that will go bankrupt. Then what?
That's almost exactly what I predicted. 20% cuts to social security. That will be the Republican solution. When it happens, remember the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks to the rich and corporations. And remember they borrowed from the fund.

Remember Clinton had a projected surplus. Then Bush passed tax breaks for the rich and corporations AND started 2 wars that lasted 20 years. If we had the money for that we can fund the social security fund by rolling all those tax breaks back.

Also consider this. Biden wants to hire more IRS agents to go after rich tax cheats. The rich are hiding BILLIONS of dollars from us. The IRS doesn't have what it takes to go after guys like Trump. So they only go after easy cases, middle class people. This is by design. We need to get their fair share. Even with all the tax breaks they still don't want to pay their fair share.
That's almost exactly what I predicted. 20% cuts to social security. That will be the Republican solution. When it happens, remember the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks to the rich and corporations. And remember they borrowed from the fund.

Remember Clinton had a projected surplus. Then Bush passed tax breaks for the rich and corporations AND started 2 wars that lasted 20 years. If we had the money for that we can fund the social security fund by rolling all those tax breaks back.

Also consider this. Biden wants to hire more IRS agents to go after rich tax cheats. The rich are hiding BILLIONS of dollars from us. The IRS doesn't have what it takes to go after guys like Trump. So they only go after easy cases, middle class people. This is by design. We need to get their fair share. Even with all the tax breaks they still don't want to pay their fair share.
1. It wasn't Reagan and Bush that made the "Unified Budget"
The United States government adopted a unified budget in the Johnson administration in 1968, beginning with the 1969 budget. The surplus in the Social Security OASDI (Old Age Survivors and Disabilities Insurance) budget offsets the total deficit, making it appear smaller than it otherwise would.

2. I remember that it was Newt and Clinton that made the surplus, and Bush/Cheney passed tax cuts with the wars as you said.

3. Biden wanted 87,000 new IRS agents "willing to kill". Fuck that. I agree that Leona was right that "Only little people pay taxes".
When it happens, remember the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks to the rich and corporations. And remember they borrowed from the fund.
So did Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden.
Each of them took every penny of the SS surplus and spent it.
How did you manage to not mention that?
So did Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama and Biden.
Each of them took every penny of the SS surplus and spent it.
How did you manage to not mention that?

Funny you left out Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, and Trump.

The reality is that it is Congress that passes the budgets. No President could have spent it without Congress authorizing the funds.


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