Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
hmm they sure had the ability to impeachment hearings and the house accomplished it twice why do you suppose there was support we enough to revoke those cuts, you had enough rino's in the senate for it. So why not try
Did you wake up and get drunk or are you on a bender?
Did you wake up and get drunk or are you on a bender?
Why when Biden said he would, did he not attempt to raise taxes on the rich, they had the house, and had enough rino's in the senate to get it passed, why didn't they even try? Search deep, you know the answer and are deflecting!
Republicans have been trying to end Social Security for decades, seems to come up every election. One of the main reasons I always vote Democrat. I know so many seniors who told me they will never vote Republican because they want to take or cut their social security. Social security pays so little to seniors and yet it is the main source of income for so many seniors. We need to expand Social Security not cut it. Social Security is one of the best things FDR passed. Without Social Security we would have so many seniors face destitution in old age. Taking away Social Security would be one of the dumbest things the US could possible do. If anything Social Security needs to expand, lower the age and increase the benefits that are paid out.
It's as if you cut and pasted one of my posts. You're preaching to the choir.

Despite the extremely superficial correlation of today's workers providing a substantial percentage of the benefits existing beneficiaries are receiving, Social Security in no way meets the definition of a Ponzi scheme.

Do NOT trust Republicans with your retirement
Or anything else. They scream freedom but want to come into your doctors office.

They destroyed the middle class by attacking unions/labor/workers in the 2000's. And that attack started with Reagan. Trickle down doesn't work but that's all they do. Don't trust them with the economy either.

And they will lie us into war and argue with us for 20 years they didn't until Orange Messiah says so and suddenly they don't defend Bush like they used to.

Trump: Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.


Blitzer: Their argument is, they weren’t lying, that that was the intelligence that he was presented, and it was not as if he was just lying about it.

Trump: I don’t believe that.

Blitzer: You believe that it was a deliberate lie?

Trump: I don’t believe it. And I don’t think you believe it either, Wolf. You are a very, very intelligent young man. I don’t think you believe it either.
He had two years, and if he doesn't have enough what does that tell you?

That the rich own just enough Democrats to get enough of them to go along. Usually blue dog democrats from the south.

Did you hear your your majority in the House just got smaller?

GOP House Majority to Shrink as Ken Buck Sets March 22 Departure​

You said:
The way those tax cuts were passed they are permanent for the wealthy and expire for everyone else.
This is a lie, as the tax cuts for the wealthy expire at the same time as everyone else.
Your source proves it.

Lie to us some more, jackass.
You know a lot of poor folks that claim corporate tax cuts?
That the rich own just enough Democrats to get enough of them to go along. Usually blue dog democrats from the south.

Did you hear your your majority in the House just got smaller?

GOP House Majority to Shrink as Ken Buck Sets March 22 Departure​

It puts us closer to having everything in this country thrown in the toilet, so no! At least you understand that the Rich Democrats do not want the Rich taxed more!
It puts us closer to having everything in this country thrown in the toilet, so no! At least you understand that the Rich Democrats do not want the Rich taxed more!
You mean like the golden age of America when things were great? You have to understand it was us liberals who built the great middle class. Don't blame us for the rich taking over the federal reserves. If we speak up you just Occupy WallStreet us. Or BLM us. You start defending the corporations and blaming labor.

Google Ford/GM record profits 1999, 98, 97, keep going. You'l see record profits and record profit sharing to the employees. Corporations wanted to max profits so they sent those jobs to Mexico and China. And you defended them when you attacked unions.

But you never attack the corporations. They provide jobs and according to you they should pay no taxes. Which means you and I have to chip in more, dummy.

I could go on and on but why? Deaf ears. The end of the middle class started in the late 70's and they got their boy elected. Reagan. Then Bush sent 700,000 jobs overseas and caused a great recession and they took your house now you pay them rent sucker.
You mean like the golden age of America when things were great? You have to understand it was us liberals who built the great middle class. Don't blame us for the rich taking over the federal reserves. If we speak up you just Occupy WallStreet us. Or BLM us. You start defending the corporations and blaming labor.

Google Ford/GM record profits 1999, 98, 97, keep going. You'l see record profits and record profit sharing to the employees. Corporations wanted to max profits so they sent those jobs to Mexico and China. And you defended them when you attacked unions.

But you never attack the corporations. They provide jobs and according to you they should pay no taxes. Which means you and I have to chip in more, dummy.

I could go on and on but why? Deaf ears. The end of the middle class started in the late 70's and they got their boy elected. Reagan. Then Bush sent 700,000 jobs overseas and caused a great recession and they took your house now you pay them rent sucker.
I refuse to demonize people who have more money than I do!
Over taxation sent those jobs away, you have to continue to increase profits, or investors will make you! Unions continue to create a lazy work force in many cases, they had their time, now they are simply a political wing of the Democrat party. Corporations have done nothing to me, why would I attack them, if I have an issue I can simply refuse to buy their product. Over spending buy the Government is the biggest issue we have, THE BIGGEST, yet you want to send them more :laughing0301:
You mean like the golden age of America when things were great? You have to understand it was us liberals who built the great middle class. Don't blame us for the rich taking over the federal reserves. If we speak up you just Occupy WallStreet us. Or BLM us. You start defending the corporations and blaming labor.

Google Ford/GM record profits 1999, 98, 97, keep going. You'l see record profits and record profit sharing to the employees. Corporations wanted to max profits so they sent those jobs to Mexico and China. And you defended them when you attacked unions.

But you never attack the corporations. They provide jobs and according to you they should pay no taxes. Which means you and I have to chip in more, dummy.

I could go on and on but why? Deaf ears. The end of the middle class started in the late 70's and they got their boy elected. Reagan. Then Bush sent 700,000 jobs overseas and caused a great recession and they took your house now you pay them rent sucker.
We never should have bailed the auto or banking industry, we should have let them fail. Making taxpayers pay for the mistakes of big business is wrong. We also need to end all corporate subsidies and cut all spending by 25%. Raise the taxes on everyone and pay down debt, until we do that the country will suffer.
I refuse to demonize people who have more money than I do!
Over taxation sent those jobs away, you have to continue to increase profits, or investors will make you! Unions continue to create a lazy work force in many cases, they had their time, now they are simply a political wing of the Democrat party. Corporations have done nothing to me, why would I attack them, if I have an issue I can simply refuse to buy their product. Over spending buy the Government is the biggest issue we have, THE BIGGEST, yet you want to send them more :laughing0301:
If what you say is true, that's scary. So you think the corporations are in charge not your government? Tariff them if they move out of the country.

If they want to move to a red state where labor costs and taxes are low, go for it. But even those workers are wising up and organizing into unions.

No, investors are not in charge. Government is the referee and should have the power/control.


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