Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Cult45: Hahaha…now libs are bragging about illegals thieving and committing fraud.
Welcome to the Lib Twilight Zone.

JESH: Typical NAZI and John Birch propaganda above. Nowhere is anyone left, right, or center bragging about such things.
Isn't social security already broke?

It's not something I'd be relying on.

I can see the boomer generation relying on it. That's logical, collectively speaking.

But current generations? Huh uh...
Given I've paid into SS my whole life, I'd be robbed massively if it was removed.

Why should I consider you Trump-thug robbers any different than a thug who would openly rob me at gunpoint? After all, the thug would take far less of my money. And at least the gun-wielding thug would be honest about it, which puts him in a moral class above the Trump-thugs.

Sure, but Democrat thugs want to play Robin Hood with SS as they have proposed removing the cap on which you pay SS taxes coupled with not increasing the benefits. That would be a HUGE tax increase for those of us that make more money, with zero hope of ever collecting the full benefit. It is bad enough as it is in that the higher the income, the less likely to collect what you contributed due to the benefits algorithm. The ironic thing is that if the cap was removed, Democrats would still claim that the “rich” don’t pay their fair share. Pure idiocy and ignorance, but that can be expected from the party whose base is made up of the absolute LEAST successful people in the country.
Sure, but Democrat thugs want to play Robin Hood with SS as they have proposed removing the cap on which you pay SS taxes coupled with not increasing the benefits. That would be a HUGE tax increase for those of us that make more money, with zero hope of ever collecting the full benefit. It is bad enough as it is in that the higher the income, the less likely to collect what you contributed due to the benefits algorithm. The ironic thing is that if the cap was removed, Democrats would still claim that the “rich” don’t pay their fair share. Pure idiocy and ignorance, but that can be expected from the party whose base is made up of the absolute LEAST successful people in the country.
DBA, be quiet until you understand how this works. If you earn more, you are not hurting at SS retirement time.
Hmm why hasn't Biden raised taxes on the rich, he said he was going to, and now is saying it again!

He's not going to extend the trump tax breaks. Oh yea, only yours weren't permanent. The rich will continue getting them.

So if Biden rolls back the Trump tax breaks like yours are going to roll back, you okay with that?

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