Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Here is why I know you guys are liars. I mean besides you're doing the same thing with abortion. Swearing to god you're not trying to make abortion illegal and murder. But we know that's your end game. You're just obvious liars.

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) initially ran for Senate in 2010, he called for the complete elimination of Social Security.

“It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it,” Lee said at a campaign event in 2010, adding, “There’s going to be growing pains associated with doing this. We can’t do it all at once.”

but then later he changed his tune

“I don’t recall ever having advocated for dismantling those — that’s sensitive stuff,” he said in an October interview with the Daily Herald.

“I think, we oughta look to, after we get it solvent, look to the idea of allowing people, if they want to, to at least identify some portion of their social security payments to go into a private account,” he added, appearing to promote a similar idea to Pence.

So this Pence plan is just like overturning Roe V Wade. It's not the end game. It's a step towards ending these social programs. Which you Republicans hate.

Vagorie Taylor Greene can call us liars but she's the one lying.

So you are against workers deciding how their retirement money should be handled? BTW, that wasn't a Pence idea, it was a GW idea. Democrats fought tooth and nail to make sure that never happened.
This is one of the few times I actually agree with you. If we want these programs (and most Americans do) then they have to be funded plain and simple. Well if it's so easy to do, why is nobody doing it?
Because people like you (Republicans) get in the way
You mean privatization (dumping it into the stock market)?

That's exactly what I mean. Government should allow people to invest their own money provided it's in safe and conservative growth investments. More reliance on their own money and less reliance on the government.
Again, freeze it. Find it from existing revenue over 55, cut off and create a private option with mandatory pay in. Not sure why people aren’t intelligent to understand the problem

Because by doing so gives Democrats less control and dependency. They are never going to allow that to happen just like they made sure it didn't happen when GW suggested we do that.
You mean privatization (dumping it into the stock market)?

For good reason. It would be a disaster
There is risk. However, there are those who believe the stock market is manipulated anyway. In that the downturns are controlled.
what is "heath" care? You have no credibility if you don't pay any attention simple typing errors how then can you comprehend what VCICA.
And NO FANNY and Freddie was the fault of Obama!
FACTS Dragon... something you NEVER deal with!
For example the 2008 recession can be laid directly on Obama's feet, EVEN though he wasn't president yet!
FACT: Obama represented was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.

You talk about Fox and then you post all of those proven lies about the 2008 recession which are now trying to blame on Obama. Talk about drinking the Republican Kool-Aid. I suppose Democrats are responsible for the Reagan crash and Trump’s crash is well.

Republicans loosen restrictions in the Banking and security laws meant to prevent a 1929 style crash, and enact anti-worker economic policy, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors, and then turn around and blame the Democrats when it all comes crashing down around them.

I don’t know who’s dumber the Republicans who keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, or the people who actually believe the shit they sling.
Actually there IS a better way with Medicare/SS. It could make all participating Americans "MILLIONAIRES" guaranteed just like the FDIC works.
Called "Venture Capital Insurance Corporation of America"(VCICA) the program would take deductions from paychecks and UNDER the direction of the participant
options to put into savings accounts, invest in the stock market, buy venture capital, and their principal is guaranteed by VCICA!
Those high risk investments would pay a premium that would be used to protect the VCICA members principal just as FDIC works guaranteeing principal not interest earned. VCICA would not only help any VCICA member to have APPRECIATION plus interest growth that historically over the last
The historical average yearly return of the S&P 500 is 10.345% over the last 100 years, as of end of January 2023.
So a VCICA member who started putting a part of their/employers' 6.2% of paycheck or say average of $2,000/mo or over $250/month
Assume started 30 years ago the VCICA member would have accumulated:$500,000 or more as their salary would have increased.
So If i were asked by the government.. would you like to tell VCICA where to invest your payments and the principal would be guaranteed by VCICA would you participate?
Let the Americans have more control over their lives! Let them have VCICA!
You cant. From the get go, social security was set up, as Pay As You go. The money collected today from workers and employers, is to pay for senior retirements today.

The worker can not use that money for an individual possessed retirement fund....its being used to pay for those receiving SS retirement.

What could be done is perhaps an additional fund for individual investment, but isn't that what 401k s etc...are for?
NO WHERE in the Scott proposal is there a statement that says "Medicare and Social Security to sunset"!


You talk about Fox and then you post all of those proven lies about the 2008 recession which are now trying to blame on Obama. Talk about drinking the Republican Kool-Aid. I suppose Democrats are responsible for the Reagan crash and Trump’s crash is well.

Republicans loosen restrictions in the Banking and security laws meant to prevent a 1929 style crash, and enact anti-worker economic policy, cut taxes, spend like drunken sailors, and then turn around and blame the Democrats when it all comes crashing down around them.

I don’t know who’s dumber the Republicans who keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, or the people who actually believe the shit they sling.
Who was talking about Fox?
What is YOUR proof? You wrote "proven lies" I provided links. I provided facts... YOU?? Your guesses your subjective OPINION!
Why should anyone believe YOU? Me? They don't have to. These are the fACTS:
FACT: Obama represented was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices
NOW you are either too BIASED or also TOO ignorant... But this was Obama's way of creating what were called "redlining".
Lenders were educated to know that some people were NOT responsible enough to pay a mortgage.
BUT Obama's potential lawsuit against Citibank ENCOURAGED loans to those types of people.

And the mortgages of what was called,"Flipping is short-term ownership of an asset hoping to turn a quick profit".
Many factors directly and indirectly serve as the causes of the Great Recession that started in 2008 with the US subprime mortgage crisis.
The major causes of the initial subprime mortgage crisis and the following recession include lax lending standards contributing to the real-estate bubbles that have since burst; U.S. government housing policies; and limited regulation of non-depository financial institutions. Causes of the Great Recession - Wikipedia

Let's get an honest and real opinion from you! If you have been paying your home mortgage on time how do you feel if people with poor credit history are allowed to buy multiple properties then flipping them after NOT paying the mortgage for a few months? Called "flipping". These poor credit history people caused loans to not be paid and hence the real-estate bubbles that have since burst;

Let's get an honest and real opinion from you... how would you feel?
You can't blame them really. Without government handouts, who would need the Democrat party? Just about nobody.
But the majority of Americans like the democrats. Without the the electoral vote and republicans to keeping Blacks from voting, republicans would be relegated to the dust bins of history.
You friggin moron. There's a proposal in Congress right now

You must be completely stupid. I asked who on the Democrat side ever proposed an increase in employee/employer contributions, and you post an article how the Communists (as always) want to lay the burden on the wealthy.

Don't waste my time if you can't provide evidence I was wrong.

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