Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Yes here. At least that's how it worked before you guys broke all the unions.
Unsupportable, ignorant nonsense.

Facts remains:
-Your concept of 'fair share" is obviously tied to your idea that some people have "too much", and the state has a responsibility to even the playing field -- from each according to his means, as they say.
-In the US, the state exists to protect the exercise of our rights, not to take someone's "excess" property and give it to others so they might exercise theirs.

Unions are not communism you pussy ass bitch.
Oh!! Oh!! Internet tough guy alert!!
Your concept of 'fair share" is obviously tied to your idea that some people have "too much", and the state has a responsibility to even the playing field -- from each according to his means, as they say.

Not here, comrade.
In the US, the state exists to protect the exercise of our rights, not to take someone's "excess" property and give it to others so they might exercise theirs.
let him explain what is a fair share. I'm still waiting for eight years in here. They love to scream "FAIR SHARE" but can't define it to have an intelligent discussion. Why, they all picked their noses so much their brain matter came out.
Yes here. At least that's how it worked before you guys broke all the unions. Now labor doesn't have a seat at the table. In Germany they do. In America they used to.
what the fk does unions have to do with fair share paid by rich?
This one didn’t age well, huh sealybobo
What do you mean? The President of the United States just called Republicans out for their plans to kill social security. You think you know more than Joe does about what the Republicans in the House are up to?

I never dreamed the president would confirm my beliefs on this. I'm glad he called them out on this. Now they won't dare try it. Now they would try to slip shit into bills they send to Biden. He basically put them on notice. Don't try it or I will call you out at the next state of the union. So Republicans probably won't try it again until the next time they control the White House.

Like abortion, they can't do it all in one act. It has to be baby steps. Overturning Roe took years. And it's not the end game.

Republicans want to kill social security. Maybe they'll just have to wait 12 more years when it's set to run out of money. Then they'll cut everyone's benefits 20% to save the program. And raise your retirement to 72. Of course you don't believe it or won't admit it. Then that would mean you're an idiot because with how much you save, you're going to need every penny you got coming to you.
let him explain what is a fair share. I'm still waiting for eight years in here. They love to scream "FAIR SHARE" but can't define it to have an intelligent discussion. Why, they all picked their noses so much their brain matter came out.

In 1999 Ford Motor had record profits and Ford employees got record profit sharing checks.

Without unions, your fair share is a lot less.

Unless you are someone like me who benefits from every man for himself. I always told people i'd do better if it were every man for himself. And that turned out to be right. But most of the mids who work for my company, people like you, are not making their fair share.

Today you get what the CEO's and VP's say is your fair share. That's as little as they can get away with paying you. If they paid you any less you'd form a union. So your fair share is probably $3 hr less than what you'd be making if you were in a union.
what the fk does unions have to do with fair share paid by rich?
How do you think people who are in unions get profit sharing and pensions? They insist the employees get their fair share.

You don't get profit sharing or a pension. So today your "fair share" is a lot less than it would be if you were smart.
In 1999 Ford Motor had record profits and Ford employees got record profit sharing checks.
Without unions, your fair share is a lot less.
All we see here is you babbling on about unions and failing to give your definition of "fair share" -- and you houw arrived at it.

Clearly, its a term you were taught to repeat, but have zero understanding of.

let him explain what is a fair share. I'm still waiting for eight years in here. They love to scream "FAIR SHARE" but can't define it to have an intelligent discussion. Why, they all picked their noses so much their brain matter came out.
According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.

It's very simple really. Let's say in 1970 a CEO was making $1 million dollars and in today's dollars that would be $10 million. But today he makes $20 million a year.

And the employees made $30,000 a year and in today's dollars that would be $70k. But the medium workers only makes $50K.

Fair share would be where employees make a medium salary of $70K. But today they only make $50K. But today the CEO makes double what he made back in 1970?

Ever since they started breaking unions and waging war on the middle class, ceo pay has skyrocketed and we no longer make our fair share.

I think you know what fair share is. If I have to explain it then maybe you aren't smart enough to be having this conversation.

I forgot if you a a broke loser or successful person. I seem to recall you're a dish washer in Boston? Am I confusing you for someone else?
All we see here is you babbling on about unions and failing to give your definition of "fair share" -- and you houw arrived at it.

Clearly, its a term you were taught to repeat, but have zero understanding of.
Did you see my other reply.

If in 1970 the average CEO made $1 million and the average worker made $30K and the economy was perfect then, but then over the next few decades slowly workers pay stopped going up but CEO pay went up to $20 million dollars a year. So today the CEO makes $20million when before he made $1, and you used to make $30K but today you only make $50K. That's not your fair share. Well it is if the guys at the top get to decide. And they do. So I guess you are right. Your fair share is whatever they decide it is. And if you don't like it you can leave. So in a way you are right but then you'd be missing the point.

In those 50 years the CEO's pay went up 20x's and your pay didn't even double. What happened? And so today you are struggling more than people in 1970 did. And you scratch your head and wonder why?
And they lost their jobs to the global labor market.
How's that "fair share" now?

Why didn't they go down South instead of to Mexico and China? Seems like southerners idea of fair share was too much for them to bare too. So in their minds your fair share would be what a mexican makes.

This is what happens when government has no power. Sure if you allow your vital manufacturing to go overseas. But most counties would never do that. We did it because American workers were the highest paid workers in the world. We were getting "our fair share"

Do you think Mexican workers make their fair share? So would you go to Mexico and work at a ford plant for that kind of money? WHy not? Aren't they getting their "fair share"?
According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.

It's very simple really. Let's say in 1970 a CEO was making $1 million dollars and in today's dollars that would be $10 million. But today he makes $20 million a year.

And the employees made $30,000 a year and in today's dollars that would be $70k. But the medium workers only makes $50K.

Fair share would be where employees make a medium salary of $70K. But today they only make $50K. But today the CEO makes double what he made back in 1970?

Ever since they started breaking unions and waging war on the middle class, ceo pay has skyrocketed and we no longer make our fair share.

I think you know what fair share is. If I have to explain it then maybe you aren't smart enough to be having this conversation.

I forgot if you a a broke loser or successful person. I seem to recall you're a dish washer in Boston? Am I confusing you for someone else?

What difference does it make what the salary is of a CEO? Unless you made sure you took a job with profit sharing, all you need to worry about is your wages, not the wages of others.

It's this same leftist fallacy that the reason some have too little is because others have too much. There is absolutely zero truth to that.
Today you get what the CEO's and VP's say is your fair share. That's as little as they can get away with paying you. If they paid you any less you'd form a union. So your fair share is probably $3 hr less than what you'd be making if you were in a union.

The value of your work is what your employer can pay somebody else the same money for as they pay you. That's what we are all worth. It's not what a company or CEO decides.
What difference does it make what the salary is of a CEO? Unless you made sure you took a job with profit sharing, all you need to worry about is your wages, not the wages of others.

It's this same leftist fallacy that the reason some have too little is because others have too much. There is absolutely zero truth to that.
Actually that's not true. That's why Democrats want to pass a law that companies posting a job need to post the salary. Why don't they? Because this is how they get away with paying women and minorities less.

So a smart employee should worry about what everyone else is making. If you aren't, how do you know you aren't being underpaid? Oh yea, you're a white man.
The value of your work is what your employer can pay somebody else the same money for as they pay you. That's what we are all worth. It's not what a company or CEO decides.
Again, that's not always true. My brother is a VP of HR as you all know. He had some people under him bragging that they were able to JEW this guy out of a raise. They know he's not going anywhere so they paid him less. My brother said pay him fair market value.

So I guess it depends on the company you work for. I'm sure Henry Ford could have gotten away with paying only $4 hr. He decided to pay $5. So it was what the CEO decided. So you're wrong.
Biden. Did you listen to the state of the union? He called them out. It was great to hear the president call them out. Then to hear them respond like USMB republicans do. LIAR! LOL.

We aren't lying. You and I both know Republicans hate these social programs more than they do abortion. They won't admit they want to make abortion illegal and they can't admit yet that they want to end ss and medicare. They'd LOVE to privatize them both.

I kind of like the idea of privatizing ss. I'd make more and my loveones would get the money I saved if I die before I start collecting?

And we should just put Obamacare and Medicare together in one pot. If you are young, healthcare is cheap. If you are 65, it's free.
Biden isn't a source, he is a politician, he will lie and has done so in the past and will again in the future.

Key Facts​

Biden claimed some Republicans want to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare in his State of the Union Address Tuesday, prompting a wave of boo-ing from Republicans.
Biden implied Republicans advocating for cuts to Medicare and Social Security were making the issue part of negotiations on raising the debt ceiling.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has repeatedly stated cuts to Medicare and Social Security are not part of Republican conditions for raising the debt ceiling.
Biden’s remarks are widely speculated to be a response to a proposal from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) suggesting all federal programs “sunset,” or expire, after five years unless they are renewed, though Scott’s proposal never mentions Social Security or Medicare specifically.
Some Democrats, including Biden, referenced Scott’s proposal during midterm elections as evidence that Republicans wanted to end the programs.
According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent.

It's very simple really. Let's say in 1970 a CEO was making $1 million dollars and in today's dollars that would be $10 million. But today he makes $20 million a year.

And the employees made $30,000 a year and in today's dollars that would be $70k. But the medium workers only makes $50K.

Fair share would be where employees make a medium salary of $70K. But today they only make $50K. But today the CEO makes double what he made back in 1970?

Ever since they started breaking unions and waging war on the middle class, ceo pay has skyrocketed and we no longer make our fair share.

I think you know what fair share is. If I have to explain it then maybe you aren't smart enough to be having this conversation.

I forgot if you a a broke loser or successful person. I seem to recall you're a dish washer in Boston? Am I confusing you for someone else?
Post this study
Unsupportable, ignorant nonsense.

Facts remains:
-Your concept of 'fair share" is obviously tied to your idea that some people have "too much", and the state has a responsibility to even the playing field -- from each according to his means, as they say.
-In the US, the state exists to protect the exercise of our rights, not to take someone's "excess" property and give it to others so they might exercise theirs.

Oh!! Oh!! Internet tough guy alert!!

I don't think the state should FORCE a company to pay more.

Government can be pro or anti union. A Republican government would make it harder for labor to organize.

So it's up to the employees to unionize or go work somewhere else.

Another thing government can do is not do business with a company if it's CEO make more than 35X the lowest paid worker. Or something like that.

In 1965 it was 15 to one. Last week, the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan thinktank, released a report on the increasing pay gap between chief executives and workers.

Today it's 351 times the average worker. Wake up you idiots.

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