Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Yes here. At least that's how it worked before you guys broke all the unions. Now labor doesn't have a seat at the table. In Germany they do. In America they used to.

In America we used to buy our own products just like Germany and most European countries do today. We opted for cheap Chinese crap because union made American products cost so much more.


“I tried with Senator Grassley back in the 1980s to freeze all government spending, including Social Security, including everything,” Biden said in 1995.​

And after a Republican wave swept Congress in 1994, Biden’s support for cutting Social Security, and his general advocacy for budget austerity, made him a leading combatant in the centrist-wing battle against the party’s retreating liberals in the 1980s and ’90s.

“When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well,” he told the Senate in 1995. “I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans’ benefits. I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time.” (A freeze would have reduced the amount that would be paid out, cutting the program’s benefit.)
Do include facts when speaking with partisans, they only spout party line.
Biden isn't a source, he is a politician, he will lie and has done so in the past and will again in the future.

Key Facts​

Biden claimed some Republicans want to “sunset” Social Security and Medicare in his State of the Union Address Tuesday, prompting a wave of boo-ing from Republicans.
Biden implied Republicans advocating for cuts to Medicare and Social Security were making the issue part of negotiations on raising the debt ceiling.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has repeatedly stated cuts to Medicare and Social Security are not part of Republican conditions for raising the debt ceiling.
Biden’s remarks are widely speculated to be a response to a proposal from Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) suggesting all federal programs “sunset,” or expire, after five years unless they are renewed, though Scott’s proposal never mentions Social Security or Medicare specifically.
Some Democrats, including Biden, referenced Scott’s proposal during midterm elections as evidence that Republicans wanted to end the programs.
I have been listening to Republicans for 40 years now boy. I know how they feel about SS and Medicare.
In America we used to buy our own products just like Germany and most European countries do today. We opted for cheap Chinese crap because union made American products cost so much more.
There you are blaming unions. Notice those union companies didn't relocated to Alabama? Why not? I'll tell you why. Because ANY American worker was asking for their fair share and the corps didn't want to pay it.

Yes, I remember Republicans in the 2000's loved China, dollar stores and Walmart. Us liberals didn't.
We knew government can come up with money/funding

Like I've always said that Republicans for YEARS have said they hate the program. But when they kill it, they'll blame Democrats. You're already doing it.

So now you are saying Republicans want to save/strengthen social security and it's us liberals who want to privatize social security and medicare?

HA! You guys need to get better at lying.

That's the one thing Trump did. He exposed your dishonesty and hypocricy. He was a different type of Republican which is what attracted a lot of people to him. But then that means those people don't like traditional Republicans. Which you have been your entire life. Today you can't decide are you a Bush Republicans or a Trump REpublican. I guess it depends. You reserve the right to flip flop.

You have clearly pivoted to being pro social programs. Should we call you socialists now?
I can assure no cuts to SS are forthcoming, though O cut it when he stained the WH. This is yet another issue promoted by the establishment to divide Americans. You must see the pattern by now.
There you are blaming unions. Notice those union companies didn't relocated to Alabama? Why not? I'll tell you why. Because ANY American worker was asking for their fair share and the corps didn't want to pay it.

Yes, I remember Republicans in the 2000's loved China, dollar stores and Walmart. Us liberals didn't.

Right. Those Walmart's are just loaded with Republicans.

Yes I'm blaming unions. A good idea at first but like anything else, they got too large, too powerful, and too greedy. Consumers rejected it and opted for cheaper made overseas products.

Back in the day if I went to a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you if they were union or not in ten minutes without talking to one employee. Union workers became worthless because they got paid no matter how fast or slow they worked. I could write a book about unions from a truck drivers prospective. This is especially true of those worthless lazy UAW bastards.
Sunset after 5 or renewed without specifically naming SS or Medicare is a longs ways away from ending SS and Medicare. Reminds me of the dimbo’s claiming the pubs want to push grandma off the cliff commercial. Consider the source, Biden…..that speaks volumes as to the truth. The man doesn’t know the truth from fantasy.
Actually that's not true. That's why Democrats want to pass a law that companies posting a job need to post the salary. Why don't they? Because this is how they get away with paying women and minorities less.

So a smart employee should worry about what everyone else is making. If you aren't, how do you know you aren't being underpaid? Oh yea, you're a white man.
Your problem is the D Party is no different from the R Party. Both support the wealthy and do little for the people. You can’t get to the right of Pelosi or Schumer. You must know this.
Again, that's not always true. My brother is a VP of HR as you all know. He had some people under him bragging that they were able to JEW this guy out of a raise. They know he's not going anywhere so they paid him less. My brother said pay him fair market value.

So I guess it depends on the company you work for. I'm sure Henry Ford could have gotten away with paying only $4 hr. He decided to pay $5. So it was what the CEO decided. So you're wrong.

Going back 100 years doesn't apply to today. Today, an employer pays you whatever you are willing to work for. That's the way all employers do things. If you're not making satisfactory money, it's on you to make your labor more valuable to the employer or potential employer.

You don't pay your lawn care company or plumber a percentage of what you make, so why should a CEO? If you have a job that needs to be done, you get estimates and usually choose the cheapest one. In a sense that's what employers do. If you feel you deserve a percentage of profit a company makes, then you get a job that has profit sharing, sells stock to their employees at a discount, find a job with an employee owned company, or get into sales where you automatically make a percentage of money you make for a company.
I have been listening to Republicans for 40 years now boy. I know how they feel about SS and Medicare.
NO you don't know as YOU have HEARD everything through the BIASED MSM!
Remember the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and 90% to Biden so why would they be honest now!
The facts are that Medicare /SS are truly inefficient! I know for a FACT... that for that in 2019 the most recent records, these FACTS!
A) 1,093,367 health care providers saw 879,062,808 patients.
B) Billed Medicare $345,362,265,790 for services.
C) Medicare paid $89,512,383,992! or 25.8% of what was billed!
GROSS inefficiencies and YOU believe it's a valid service?? GEEZ...
I deal with facts. Realities and NOT the biased grossly inaccurate MSM which YOU believe!
That's the biggest difference!
I wish Biden would run on raising ssi enough for old and disabled people to be able to fully live on it and transform it into a full retirement plan. I think he'd win big!
Actually that's not true. That's why Democrats want to pass a law that companies posting a job need to post the salary. Why don't they? Because this is how they get away with paying women and minorities less.

So a smart employee should worry about what everyone else is making. If you aren't, how do you know you aren't being underpaid? Oh yea, you're a white man.

It's against the law to pay women or minorities less, so you lost that argument right now. What is underpaid or overpaid? You are offered a job for X amount of money and it's either satisfactory to you or it isn't. If you are happy with the wage offered, you accept the position and you are paid and you are not overpaid or underpaid.
Biden said Tuesday in his STU speech...his exact words..
“Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset,” he said,“I'm not saying it's a majority. Let me give you... anybody who doubts it. Contact my office. I'll give you a copy. I'll give you a copy of the proposal.”
THAT IS A LIE!!! A total LIE!

Republican Senator Rick Scott has proposed to require all federal legislation (which includes Medicare and Social Security) be reauthorized every five years, meaning it would expire if not renewed.
However, even if the plan passed, Scott has said he would expect Medicare and Social Security to be reauthorized every time.

WHERE in the above FACT does anyone ANYONE say that they want Medicare and Social security to sunset"?
WHERE??? NOT ONE statement from NOT ONE GOP saying they "want Medicare and Social security to sunset"?

I don't think the state should FORCE a company to pay more.

Government can be pro or anti union. A Republican government would make it harder for labor to organize.

So it's up to the employees to unionize or go work somewhere else.

Another thing government can do is not do business with a company if it's CEO make more than 35X the lowest paid worker. Or something like that.

In 1965 it was 15 to one. Last week, the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan thinktank, released a report on the increasing pay gap between chief executives and workers.

Today it's 351 times the average worker. Wake up you idiots.
Still waiting on what is fair share!!! Come on man got no balls?
NO HE DOESN'T. That's the part you keep refusing to believe. No reasonable, sane, economist wants to end either program. They simply want adequate funding for them. Reforming the programs, not "retiring" them.

Nor should the country be wasting time re-authorizing them every 5 years. How can you solve current problems when you keep re-litigating past problems. You're still re-litigating the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act 60 years after they were passed. You're re-litigating Roe v. Wade and have created a total mess with that one which will take a generation to sort out.

How can you deal with your current problems when you're still dealing with issues from the 1940's, 1950's and 1960's?????

This is one of the few times I actually agree with you. If we want these programs (and most Americans do) then they have to be funded plain and simple. Well if it's so easy to do, why is nobody doing it?

If we greatly increased the employee/ employer contributions to save the program and make it last, people would be complaining it costs too much. They would demand something different. Now if that happens, the Democrats are screwed. They love when people depend on them for everything. It's what gives them power.
This is one of the few times I actually agree with you. If we want these programs (and most Americans do) then they have to be funded plain and simple. Well if it's so easy to do, why is nobody doing it?

If we greatly increased the employee/ employer contributions to save the program and make it last, people would be complaining it costs too much. They would demand something different. Now if that happens, the Democrats are screwed. They love when people depend on them for everything. It's what gives them power.
Again, freeze it. Fund it from existing revenue over 55, cut off and create a private option with mandatory pay in. Not sure why people aren’t intelligent to understand the problem
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