Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
So the government would become Wall Street????? That is where venture capital is being found today. Added to which, it EXPANDS government into a role that the private sector is firmly in control of, like heath care.

Aren't you the same people who blamed Fanny and Freddy for the 2008 housing collapse? And you want the government running the venture capital market.

How very hypocritical of you.
what is "heath" care? You have no credibility if you don't pay any attention simple typing errors how then can you comprehend what VCICA.
And NO FANNY and Freddie was the fault of Obama!
FACTS Dragon... something you NEVER deal with!
For example the 2008 recession can be laid directly on Obama's feet, EVEN though he wasn't president yet!
FACT: Obama represented was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.

No. Not necessary. Cut the war budget by 80% and eliminate all the tax loopholes used by big corporations and billionaires. Problem solved.

Of course we know this won’t happen because our government is of, by, and for the rich.
We knew government can come up with money/funding
Biden wants to end SS too, but you’re too uninformed and propagandized by TV news to know it.
Like I've always said that Republicans for YEARS have said they hate the program. But when they kill it, they'll blame Democrats. You're already doing it.

So now you are saying Republicans want to save/strengthen social security and it's us liberals who want to privatize social security and medicare?

HA! You guys need to get better at lying.

That's the one thing Trump did. He exposed your dishonesty and hypocricy. He was a different type of Republican which is what attracted a lot of people to him. But then that means those people don't like traditional Republicans. Which you have been your entire life. Today you can't decide are you a Bush Republicans or a Trump REpublican. I guess it depends. You reserve the right to flip flop.

You have clearly pivoted to being pro social programs. Should we call you socialists now?
Who is your source?
Biden. Did you listen to the state of the union? He called them out. It was great to hear the president call them out. Then to hear them respond like USMB republicans do. LIAR! LOL.

We aren't lying. You and I both know Republicans hate these social programs more than they do abortion. They won't admit they want to make abortion illegal and they can't admit yet that they want to end ss and medicare. They'd LOVE to privatize them both.

I kind of like the idea of privatizing ss. I'd make more and my loveones would get the money I saved if I die before I start collecting?

And we should just put Obamacare and Medicare together in one pot. If you are young, healthcare is cheap. If you are 65, it's free.
Actually there IS a better way with Medicare/SS. It could make all participating Americans "MILLIONAIRES" guaranteed just like the FDIC works.
Called "Venture Capital Insurance Corporation of America"(VCICA) the program would take deductions from paychecks and UNDER the direction of the participant
options to put into savings accounts, invest in the stock market, buy venture capital, and their principal is guaranteed by VCICA!
Those high risk investments would pay a premium that would be used to protect the VCICA members principal just as FDIC works guaranteeing principal not interest earned. VCICA would not only help any VCICA member to have APPRECIATION plus interest growth that historically over the last
The historical average yearly return of the S&P 500 is 10.345% over the last 100 years, as of end of January 2023.
So a VCICA member who started putting a part of their/employers' 6.2% of paycheck or say average of $2,000/mo or over $250/month
Assume started 30 years ago the VCICA member would have accumulated:$500,000 or more as their salary would have increased.
So If i were asked by the government.. would you like to tell VCICA where to invest your payments and the principal would be guaranteed by VCICA would you participate?
Let the Americans have more control over their lives! Let them have VCICA!
demofks love government control. They are communist out the ass.
demofks love government control. They are communist out the ass.
Trump proved this to be true

And Biden came in and proved experience matters. You do need to know what you are doing to have a successful administration. It was easy for Trump the first 2 years. Obama handed him a dream economy. All Trump did was pass a tax break and then claim he made Obama's economy better. Yea, but that also caused inflation. Then a year later Trump started a trade war with China. Trump didn't know what he was doing.
then why do they need our money?
We need rich people to start paying their fair share.

My brother isn't even a VP anymore yet he still makes VP money. How many VP's work in every fortune 500 company? I googled it and found this:

I would estimate that we have around 200 for over 125,000 employees. Pay ranges quite dramatically from ~150K-1mil+. I am a director and probably make more than 40% of the VPs to illustrate the broad range.

I work for a Fortune 500 company - somewhere around Fortune 480 in a midwest city. Our breakdown is as follows:VPs around 20 with salary of $160k - 260K. Bonus and stock is worth 100% of base (i.e. total compentation is $300 to $500k, but the stock is tied-up for years).Senior VP - about 7 with salary of $200k - 350K. Bonus and stock is worth 125% of base.Executive VP - 5 with salary of $400k - 700K. Bonus and stock is worth 200% - 400% of base.

That was 2013. Let me tell you they all make $1 million dollars a year. Some more some less. So 200 million dollars. Each Fortune 500 spends $200 million on VP's.

Doesn't include CEO, CFO, CIO, etc. They all make $15 million a year each.

The gab between them and us is getting wider and wider. Let's dole out the money a little more fairly so the workers get their fair share.

You Republicans love to tell us workers that we are overpaid and the company is just passing on the cost to consumers. Well they do that with VP pay too right?
We need rich people to start paying their fair share.
What is a fair share? You all keep saying this mantra but never say what it is. what is it?

How is it you think you know what they all pay? Is there a spreadsheet with names and revenues received the demofks got going around? I'm really curious how the fk your dumbass would know what gates pays in taxes.
What is a fair share? You all keep saying this mantra but never say what it is. what is it?

How is it you think you know what they all pay? Is there a spreadsheet with names and revenues received the demofks got going around? I'm really curious how the fk your dumbass would know what gates pays in taxes.
He pays nothing stupid. He's rich. You vote for politicians who pass laws that say rich people should't pay any taxes. They are job creators. Why would you tax a maker?
That’s bullshit


“I tried with Senator Grassley back in the 1980s to freeze all government spending, including Social Security, including everything,” Biden said in 1995.​

And after a Republican wave swept Congress in 1994, Biden’s support for cutting Social Security, and his general advocacy for budget austerity, made him a leading combatant in the centrist-wing battle against the party’s retreating liberals in the 1980s and ’90s.

“When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well,” he told the Senate in 1995. “I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans’ benefits. I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time.” (A freeze would have reduced the amount that would be paid out, cutting the program’s benefit.)
We need rich people to start paying their fair share.
The gab between them and us is getting wider and wider. Let's dole out the money a little more fairly so the workers get their fair share.
Your concept of 'fair share" is obviously tied to your idea that some people have "too much", and the state has a responsibility to even the playing field -- from each according to his means, as they say.

Not here, comrade.
In the US, the state exists to protect the exercise of our rights, not to take someone's "excess" property and give it to others so they might exercise theirs.
What is a fair share? You all keep saying this mantra but never say what it is. what is it?

How is it you think you know what they all pay? Is there a spreadsheet with names and revenues received the demofks got going around? I'm really curious how the fk your dumbass would know what gates pays in taxes.
Remember in the late 90's before Bush sent all our highest paying manufacturing jobs overseas? Those union members knew what their fair share was and they got it at the negotiation table. They looked at what white collar was making, the profits the company made and THEY the workers decided what was fair. And the company agreed because they paid it.

But that's why Republicans and corporations in the 2000's waged a war on unions. Maybe you weren't here but for 10 years USMB Republicans provided cover for Republicans as they sent all those high paying blue collar jobs overseas. And then you said Clinton signed NAFTA. As if you didn't INVENT nafta. You stupid bitch. Do you think I'm stupid? I think you are.

And I know their pay because my brother is a VP of HR for a fortune 500. He's worked for 4 Fortune 500 companies so far. And he knows how much people who leave his company make at the new job. These guys at the top get to decide now how much they are worth and how much the workers are worth.

Workers no longer have a seat at the table. If you are a worker and you vote Republican, you're a fucking idiot. But we already knew that about you.
Your concept of 'fair share" is obviously tied to your idea that some people have "too much", and the state has a responsibility to even the playing field -- from each according to his means, as they say.

Not here, comrade.
In the US, the state exists to protect the exercise of our rights, not to take someone's "excess" property and give it to others so they might exercise theirs.
Yes here. At least that's how it worked before you guys broke all the unions. Now labor doesn't have a seat at the table. In Germany they do. In America they used to.

So you are correct. Not here. But don't think for a second it works this way in communist countries, comrade. This is another example of how you guys misuse words like comrade. Do you think that workers in Russia get a seat at the table? Then what is that shit about comrade?

Unions are not communism you pussy ass bitch.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
This one didn’t age well, huh sealybobo
Remember in the late 90's before Bush sent all our highest paying manufacturing jobs overseas?
Bush didn't send any jobs "overseas".
The world labor market did that. Globalization, you know.
And its was going on long before 2001
Those union members knew what their fair share was and they got it at the negotiation table.
Yep. And they priced themselves ot of a job.
Like or not, labor is a commodity, and the market is global.
That's not going to change.
Remember in the late 90's before Bush sent all our highest paying manufacturing jobs overseas? Those union members knew what their fair share was and they got it at the negotiation table. They looked at what white collar was making, the profits the company made and THEY the workers decided what was fair. And the company agreed because they paid it.

But that's why Republicans and corporations in the 2000's waged a war on unions. Maybe you weren't here but for 10 years USMB Republicans provided cover for Republicans as they sent all those high paying blue collar jobs overseas. And then you said Clinton signed NAFTA. As if you didn't INVENT nafta. You stupid bitch. Do you think I'm stupid? I think you are.

And I know their pay because my brother is a VP of HR for a fortune 500. He's worked for 4 Fortune 500 companies so far. And he knows how much people who leave his company make at the new job. These guys at the top get to decide now how much they are worth and how much the workers are worth.

Workers no longer have a seat at the table. If you are a worker and you vote Republican, you're a fucking idiot. But we already knew that about you.
dude, I wasn't looking for a mumbo jumbo salad from you. As always, you can mouth off and scream "FAIR SHARE" but you can't define what that is. Take your fingers out your nose.
Bush didn't send any jobs "overseas".
The world labor market did that. Globalization, you know.
And its was going on long before 2001

Yep. And they priced themselves ot of a job.
Like or not, labor is a commodity, and the market is global.
That's not going to change.
And he didn't answer his comment about fair share. just a mumbo jumbo salad with bad dressing.

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