Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Where is your proof?
You provide no links, no substantiation. Who are you God? If so why are you using the Internet and on this forum specifically?
Besides if you know so much that we are destroying the planet why are you using the internet?
Our major finding is that the Internet uses an average of about 5 kWh to support the utilization of every GB of data,
On average, North American internet users consumed 536 GB of broadband data per month in 2021.
Overall, 31% of Americans say they go online on a daily basis
About three-in-ten U.S. adults say they are ‘almost constantly’ online
Assuming there are 300 million Americans or 93 million or monthly kWh used: 249,240,000,000 kWh per month
So why are you burning up trees, fossil fuels etc to use the internet???
How selfish for someone who wants to keep from destroying the world!

Wow! I just read your post. I had no idea

According to the BBC, carbon emissions generated by the Internet, devices, and systems that support it account for 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That's more than all aviation emissions (2.5%).

All I can say is I have to have internet for my work. I don't have a personal phone so I guess that's as green as I can get when it comes to internet.

I had no idea me posting this to you was killing trees. I'm out of here.
We can prove the claim. Rick Scott said SS needed to be re-upped every 5 years, and Grassley said every year. How can anyone plan for retirement when a good portion of their income can go away at any time? It makes no rational sense at all, but that's today's Republican Party.

You're avoidance of the question is also typically Republican. Cancelling programs with no thought to the real consequences. Like Roe v Wade. You got what you wanted, and suddenly that's not what you thought would be happening.

Clueless is a good description of Republican ideology.
These idiots are constantly telling you how wrong/dumb you are. You seem to understand reality a lot better than they do. Keep up the good work.
Your cannot prove your claim.
And you know it.
I can't prove that if Republicans had control of the White House, Senate and House of Representatives they would pass a law to make abortion illegal/murder either. But you and I both know they'd do that if given the chance.
... your claim that Republicans want to end/destroy Social Security.
And you know it.
If you don't realize it, you're either dull or you're such a brainwashed right winger that you just can't get yourself to admit it about your party that they hate that socialism program. It's even called SOCIAL security.

You hate it. Right? I can't prove it but can you deny it?
These idiots are constantly telling you how wrong/dumb you are. You seem to understand reality a lot better than they do. Keep up the good work.
Well something has to happen as according to THESE experts...
By law, there are six Trustees, four of whom serve by virtue of their positions in the Federal Government: the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Commissioner of Social Security.

Check what the Trustees of Social Security say :
Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits

SS payments will be 23% less than what is paid today i.e. if you get $2,000/month today... you will get $1,570 per month... in 2034...
So then what you bought with $1,570 in 11 years at 7% current inflation rate...you will need to spend $3,536/month to buy the same as you bought today with $1,570 month from SS. Obviously a little less!

So if the GDP grows faster and the population grows older thus making the costs GROW FASTER... Part A...hospital expenses no more reserves and people will have to pay out of pocket 10% more in addition to the 20% Medicare patients pay now for hospitals. Part B
Well something has to happen as according to THESE experts...
By law, there are six Trustees, four of whom serve by virtue of their positions in the Federal Government: the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Commissioner of Social Security.

Check what the Trustees of Social Security say :
Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits

SS payments will be 23% less than what is paid today i.e. if you get $2,000/month today... you will get $1,570 per month... in 2034...
So then what you bought with $1,570 in 11 years at 7% current inflation rate...you will need to spend $3,536/month to buy the same as you bought today with $1,570 month from SS. Obviously a little less!

So if the GDP grows faster and the population grows older thus making the costs GROW FASTER... Part A...hospital expenses no more reserves and people will have to pay out of pocket 10% more in addition to the 20% Medicare patients pay now for hospitals. Part B
I know they are going to cut social security 20%, maybe in my lifetime. I'm 52. I'll survive it when it happens.

Funny they sent my dad stimulus during covid. Why? Absolutely nothing changed for him when the economy shut down.

And I notice they gave him a huge increase because of inflation. Why? If social security is hurting, I would think the first step would be to freeze everyone who's getting it now. No more cost of living raises the rest of your life. What you get now is what you will always get.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
No, it won’t end.
They'll just cut everyone's 20%. In order to "save" the program.
Why don't you read what the TRUSTEES of SS say...

Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.
NOTE: This means payments will be cut 23%!!!

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits
NOTE: This means payments for hospital expense will be cut 10%!!!

And remember...this is projections based on more people being older in the USA and expenses continue to increase.
Two factors that will change ONLY in the amounts increasing!
Why don't you read what the TRUSTEES of SS say...

Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.
NOTE: This means payments will be cut 23%!!!

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits
NOTE: This means payments for hospital expense will be cut 10%!!!

And remember...this is projections based on more people being older in the USA and expenses continue to increase.
Two factors that will change ONLY in the amounts increasing!
I know! I'm not arguing.

Funny they seemed to find the money to fight 2 wars for 20 years. Imagine if instead they pumped all that money into social security.

Honestly, fuck schools. Half the lotto monies should go to ss and medicare, not schools. Schools should all be privatized. Want to have kids? Pay for private schooling.
Well something has to happen as according to THESE experts...
By law, there are six Trustees, four of whom serve by virtue of their positions in the Federal Government: the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Commissioner of Social Security.

Check what the Trustees of Social Security say :
Social Security and Medicare both face Social Security and Medicare both face long-term financing shortfalls under currently scheduled benefits and financing. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided. Costs of both programs will grow faster than gross domestic product (GDP) through the mid-2030s primarily due to the rapid aging of the U.S. population. Medicare costs will continue to grow faster than GDP through the late 2070s due to projected increases in the volume and intensity of services provided.

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034, one year later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing tax income will be sufficient to pay 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

The Hospital Insurance (HI) Trust Fund, or Medicare Part A, which helps pay for services such as inpatient hospital care, will be able to pay scheduled benefits until 2028, two years later than reported last year. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing total program income will be sufficient to pay 90 percent of total scheduled benefits

SS payments will be 23% less than what is paid today i.e. if you get $2,000/month today... you will get $1,570 per month... in 2034...
So then what you bought with $1,570 in 11 years at 7% current inflation rate...you will need to spend $3,536/month to buy the same as you bought today with $1,570 month from SS. Obviously a little less!

So if the GDP grows faster and the population grows older thus making the costs GROW FASTER... Part A...hospital expenses no more reserves and people will have to pay out of pocket 10% more in addition to the 20% Medicare patients pay now for hospitals. Part B
I love it that Biden agrees with me that Republicans want to end social security. Of course you do. It's socialism you say. You guys hate the program. You call it a ponzi scheme. You've told us for 50 years not to expect it when we retire. How can any Republican today say they want to continue the program? You can't. You'd be the LIARS.

Joe didn't lie when he said “Some Republicans want Social Security and Medicare to sunset,” Biden said.

He should have said most or all. If not, you're a RINO.
I love it that Biden agrees with me that Republicans want to end social security. Of course you do. It's socialism you say. You guys hate the program. You call it a ponzi scheme. You've told us for 50 years not to expect it when we retire. How can any Republican today say they want to continue the program? You can't. You'd be the LIARS.

Joe didn't lie when he said “Some Republicans want Social Security and Medicare to sunset,” Biden said.

He should have said most or all. If not, you're a RINO.
Biden wants to end SS too, but you’re too uninformed and propagandized by TV news to know it.

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