Will Republicans hand Trump another loss

Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump advocated the $2000 stimulus. Whatever Trump goes after he loses. Trump is the biggest loser, ever
Trump will try to cut the pork.
He loses again. He fails.
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump advocated the $2000 stimulus. Whatever Trump goes after he loses. Trump is the biggest loser, ever
Trump will try to cut the pork.
He loses again. He fails.
Thanks for not reading the article; I’m shocked!
This is Trump’s response.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Only one NO vote was needed, if the Democrats had been on it 10 days ago, they could have used their majority then to pass the bill with the changes for the $2000. The Republicans wouldn't be able to stop it.

Stop embarrassing yourself with your ignorance over what is going on.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Can you believe Elmer's argument? Blame Democrats for something a Republican did, literally.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.
Senate had to be on board you idiot.
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump advocated the $2000 stimulus. Whatever Trump goes after he loses. Trump is the biggest loser, ever
Trump will try to cut the pork.
He loses again. He fails.
Thanks for not reading the article; I’m shocked!
This is Trump’s response.
Trump has shined a light on the Democrats desire for a higher stimulus package. The Democrats are trying again to push it through. The Republicans will block it making the Republicans look bad in many people's eyes. This is Trump's way of getting revenge on Republicans he feels did not support him enough in turning over the election. No one is immune to his revenge.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.

It is idiots like YOU and the democrats for not seeing the obvious coming at them.

As I pointed out several times now that the democrats went the way acting like a minority by allowing the house MINORITY republicans to need just ONE vote to stop it.

You can't be that dumb to not understand this game of politics?
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump advocated the $2000 stimulus. Whatever Trump goes after he loses. Trump is the biggest loser, ever
Trump will try to cut the pork.
He loses again. He fails.
Thanks for not reading the article; I’m shocked!
This is Trump’s response.
Trump has shined a light on the Democrats desire for a higher stimulus package. The Democrats are trying again to push it through. The Republicans will block it making the Republicans look bad in many people's eyes. This is Trump's way of getting revenge on Republicans he feels did not support him enough in turning over the election. No one is immune to his revenge.
The Stimulus and Omnibus were made contingent on each other to further feed the pilfering trough of establishment politicians.
Never mind the fact that a $600.00 check is nowhere near what people need.
They might as well send out Food Stamps.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.

It is idiots like YOU and the democrats for not seeing the obvious coming at them.

As I pointed out several times now that the democrats went the way acting like a minority by allowing the house MINORITY republicans to need just ONE vote to stop it.

You can't be that dumb to not understand this game of politics?

Like I said, it's all they had time to do before Christmas and a Republican killed it. Now the House will pass it and the GOP in the senate will kill it and you'll be all out of excuses.
Will Republicans hand Trump another loss?
Trump is demanding $2000 stimulus checks.
Democrats are on board.
Will Republicans deny the $2000 stimulus checks giving Trump another loss?

Have Congress made a new bill with the $2,000 in it yet?


You didn't read very well, here is what you missed, that shows the Democrats could have made the changes using their majority, didn't bother to do it:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


It was the liberals who screwed up.

Meanwhile the lazy ass Congress shows their contempt of Americans by not doing their job in the first place:

The Last Refuge

Rage Against The Machine – It’s Simple Really, President Trump Asks Legislative Branch to Use COVID Relief to Help Americans No-One Else

Posted on December 26, 2020 by Sundance


As noted yesterday, a simple COVID relief bill for American workers is really not a big problem… except it is… because the DC system is not structured around simply helping Americans first. The legislative machinery is owned by K-Street and multinationals who pay for the outcomes they alone create.
A people’s president, Donald Trump, cuts through the chaff and countermeasures:


President Trump wants congress to re-write the $900 billion COVID bill to provide $2,000 per person instead of $600 per person. In essence Trump is asking for a stand alone COVID relief bill for $2k/person, then drop the $600/person payment out of the pork-laden COVID relief bill and start that economic relief bill over.

This is not a hard issue to resolve. The only reason UniParty congress is fighting Trump is because the lobbyist and foreign government bribes are part of the $900 billion and will not pass the scrutiny of public opinion if standing alone. Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never return to that moment in time when you did not see them.

Heavy sigh…

Stop your slithering and conniving. yes, a measure to send $2000 checks was drafted by democrats. yes, republicans blocked it. These are facts. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Trump advocated the $2000 stimulus. Whatever Trump goes after he loses. Trump is the biggest loser, ever
Trump will try to cut the pork.
He loses again. He fails.
Thanks for not reading the article; I’m shocked!
This is Trump’s response.
Trump has shined a light on the Democrats desire for a higher stimulus package. The Democrats are trying again to push it through. The Republicans will block it making the Republicans look bad in many people's eyes. This is Trump's way of getting revenge on Republicans he feels did not support him enough in turning over the election. No one is immune to his revenge.
The Stimulus and Omnibus were made contingent on each other to further feed the pilfering trough of establishment politicians.
Never mind the fact that a $600.00 check is nowhere near what people need.
They might as well send out Food Stamps.

And Trump signed it.

Now, I'm not for omnibus bills, I think it's a very bad idea meant to stifle debate. With that said, without nothing else on the table because Republicans didn't want to go passed $600. When benefits are running out and we're facing a government shut down during a pandemic is not the time to debate omnibus bills. Hell, the Whitehouse negotiated the spending bill, hey got what they wanted and then Trump comes a long, delays it by a week and thereby ensuring some will have to go without extended unemployment for a week. Completely unnecessary and the douche signs the bill anyway and saves face using a red marker insisting he got some sort of deal that nobody cares about.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.

It is idiots like YOU and the democrats for not seeing the obvious coming at them.

As I pointed out several times now that the democrats went the way acting like a minority by allowing the house MINORITY republicans to need just ONE vote to stop it.

You can't be that dumb to not understand this game of politics?

Like I said, it's all they had time to do before Christmas and a Republican killed it. Now the House will pass it and the GOP in the senate will kill it and you'll be all out of excuses.



I never agreed with McCarthy's action in the first place, merely pointed out that democrats were too stupid to not see a single vote from a GOP house member be able to sink their ship.

You are really slow today.....

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.

It is idiots like YOU and the democrats for not seeing the obvious coming at them.

As I pointed out several times now that the democrats went the way acting like a minority by allowing the house MINORITY republicans to need just ONE vote to stop it.

You can't be that dumb to not understand this game of politics?

Like I said, it's all they had time to do before Christmas and a Republican killed it. Now the House will pass it and the GOP in the senate will kill it and you'll be all out of excuses.



I never agreed with McCarthy's action in the first place, merely pointed out that democrats were too stupid to not see a single vote from a GOP house member be able to sink their ship.

You are really slow today.....

It's not sunk, McCarthy merely caused a delay. It's the Republican senate who is going to sink it and then you'll be out of excuses.

I never said whether you agree with McCarthy, I really don't care.

Your citation says the House hasn't passed a new bill yet ... and that the Senate hasn't even taken it up ... so the answer to S'Tommy's question is "no" ...

Really? What do you think the article was saying Democrats were trying to do?

Is this better?

House Republicans on Thursday blocked a bill by Democrats to provide direct checks of $2,000 to individuals on Thursday, after President Trump called on Congress to amend a newly passed coronavirus relief bill to increase direct payments to $2,000, with $4,000 for a couple. House Republicans blocked the proposal, which Democrats tried to pass by unanimous consent, but Speaker Nancy Pelosi said there will be a full House vote on the measure next week.

From your FIRST link:

"The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats."


from your second link:

"Democratic Congressman Richard Neal, the House Ways and Means Committee chair, introduced the Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act on Thursday, increasing the direct payments to $2,000. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer attempted to bring the bill to the floor by unanimous consent, but it was blocked due to opposition from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. Only one Republican, Congressman Rob Whittman, needed to be present on the House floor to block the bill."


Now you are downright dishonest since it was the DEMOCRATS who screwed up since they used the Pro Forma session process, which mandated UNANIMOUS consent, thus only one republican vote is needed shut it down.

I think the Democrats WANTED it to fail on purpose.

They used Unanimous Consent because they didn't have time for the full process and wanted to expedite the $2000 payments as quickly as possible. Don't blame Democrats because the GOP shot it down and now we have to wait until after Christmas and the Democrats will resubmit.

I didn't lie about anything.


you are clearly clueless about the process, since out of about 215 Republicans only ONE no vote was needed, if the democrats did their job about 5 days ago, they would have a full democrat majority in place to make the $2,000 HAPPEN, but they think about going home instead for Christmas is more important than doing their jobs for the rest pf the country.

The Congress was the one who failed to do it right, Democrats took days to get around to adding the $2,000 the President started talking about...... TEN DAYS AGO!!!

Now that Congress screwed up, the President decided to let it go and signed the bill after all, it is over.

Yeah, they're not going to hold session on Christmas day. And it only came down to Keven McCarthy if he had said yes the bill would have gone through. There wasn't enough time for a full vote but when they are back they will vote on it, pass it in the house and then the senate will kill it thanks to Republicans. So, sure it's the Democrats fault. fucking idiot.

It is idiots like YOU and the democrats for not seeing the obvious coming at them.

As I pointed out several times now that the democrats went the way acting like a minority by allowing the house MINORITY republicans to need just ONE vote to stop it.

You can't be that dumb to not understand this game of politics?

Like I said, it's all they had time to do before Christmas and a Republican killed it. Now the House will pass it and the GOP in the senate will kill it and you'll be all out of excuses.



I never agreed with McCarthy's action in the first place, merely pointed out that democrats were too stupid to not see a single vote from a GOP house member be able to sink their ship.

You are really slow today.....

It's not sunk, McCarthy merely caused a delay. It's the Republican senate who is going to sink it and then you'll be out of excuses.

I never said whether you agree with McCarthy, I really don't care.
SunsetTommy does not know what he is talking about. Another uneducated Trump supporter.

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