Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

They don't have a normal marriage----they gave an interview before where they said as long as Will has asked first and she has given her permission after they "discussed it" that he was allow to screw others. These idiots are the poster children for why you don't do drugs.
I personally think he is just weak. He isn't into that, but she convinced him cause quite frankly she is the classic jezebel temptress. Many men fall victim to that lure and he is one of them. She is all about her and the classic narcissist and both a clear products of the typical ruined souls of the lures of the world and trappings of Hollywood and Malibu.
So what was wrong with Jada's hair??

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So she cuts her hair off because she has hair management issues??? lmao Methinks she's an attention seeking strumpet!!!

Sorry; nothing "insulting" about Rock's joke.

Her new hairstyle looks odd.

She could always have done like my Momma did when she had a hair treatment FAIL; it resulted in a bright orange mop. We knew better than to laugh as kids so she simply cut it short and wore a sensible wig. It grew back just as streaky grey as it had been.

BTW: why are hair issues somehow a "heroic battle"??

I hereby publicly announce my heroic struggle with

restless leg syndrome.
I hereby publicly announce my heroic struggle with

restless leg syndrome.
Hmmm. I just saw a few comments from kimmel, who I loathe but it popped up on my phone so....

Anyway...opening dialog was him dissing Smith and making "jokes" like most late night hosts. What is the difference of what THEY say at the expense of others any different than a comedian? Answer: None.
boredtoseeya demonstrating her complete inability to grasp satire. At all. So, nothing new here.

I’ll spell it out for the tragically hard of thinking: boredtoseeya you can relax. I wasn’t being serious about restless leg syndrome. I was indeed making fun of it as a serious medical issue.

boredtoseeya’s sense of humor is legendary. As in fictional. 🙄
Hmmm. I just saw a few comments from kimmel, who I loathe but it popped up on my phone so....

Anyway...opening dialog was him dissing Smith and making "jokes" like most late night hosts. What is the difference of what THEY say at the expense of others any different than a comedian? Answer: None.
I used to think Carson was brilliant. I still think he was. None of the current crap of late night comics are very good. I tuned in to Fallon on Monday night. He was quite disappointing. He made some references to the Will Smith slap incident, but couldn’t bring himself to go for the jokes. At least Kimmel tried. I know because I switched over to Kimmel. (I refuse to watch that unfunny smirking asshole over on SeeBS.)

Conan had lamented earlier in the day that he didn’t have a late night show just for Monday night! That was funny. Leno would have had something clever to offer. Letterman is a gasbag liberoid these days, but even he probably would have found something funny to offer.

Oh well. It was a minor diversion anyway.
boredtoseeya demonstrating her complete inability to grasp satire. At all. So, nothing new here.

I’ll spell it out for the tragically hard of thinking: boredtoseeya you can relax. I wasn’t being serious about restless leg syndrome. I was indeed making fun of it as a serious medical issue.

boredtoseeya’s sense of humor is legendary. As in fictional. 🙄
I've never like Will Smith---(I like Chris Rock, but I hate stupid overrated people so I can't stand Smith). He is overhyped and can't act. He isn't funny, just obnoxious. Yes he and his wife are want to be victims and narcissitic as hell. Jada doesn't have to be bald--if she doesn't like being bald--she has lots of options so being bald for her is a choice. I think likely to play up the fake victim drama queen line about Alopecia. Being near bald like she is is actually in HOLLYWEIRD. Virtue signalers are disgusting--The Smith's have an open marriage---I remember an interview of theirs where will had to ask permission to fuck someone else---but she was good as long as he asked first. Jada and Will are a weird drug addicted pair who have even weirder more unstable kids.

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