Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

He didn't "man up" too much standing there letting someone bitch slap him (if the whole thing were real, that is).
You have a point. Despite the debate over physical retaliation because of mockery, there is a debate as to the authenticity of the act.
What's most interesting to me about this whole little performance is the reactions. From the armchair psychologists to the "well, when I beat the crap out of people (which is like ALL the time)..." clowns to the "shocked, shocked I am!" moral outrage. It's a performance spawning other performances.
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In high school, there was a short black student who was nicknamed "Carlton".

He was called this mercilessly by others through no control of his own because he was vertically challenged. Will Smith always made fun on Carltons height on Bel Air and thus, he faced this often. He didn't like it, it hurt his feelings, but he trudged on as best he could. Hopefully today he is doing well.

Should this man seek out Will Smith and smack him hard in the face for his poor decision in making fun of people for something they have no control over?
In high school, there was a short black student who was nicknamed "Carlton".

He was called this mercilessly by others through no control of his own because he was vertically challenged. Will Smith always made fun on Carltons height on Bel Air and thus, he faced this often. He didn't like it, it hurt his feelings, but he trudged on as best he could. Hopefully today he is doing well.

Should this man seek out Will Smith and smack him hard in the face for his poor decision in making fun of people for something they have no control over?
Wasn't it Rock who made fun?
Wasn't it Rock who made fun?

Yes, and he was punished for it on global television with an assault against him. It was Will who made fun of Carlton mercilessly on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and thus encouraged the abuse against other people of short stature through his "comedy".

Worse, maybe some short guys bigger brother may defend their bullied brothers honor.
Yes, and he was punished for it on global television with an assault against him. It was Will who made fun of Carlton mercilessly on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air .....
Um, you know they were just characters on a TV show, right?

Worse, maybe some short guys bigger brother may defend their bullied brothers honor.
Maybe they don't need help. Some of my oldest friends are pretty short black guys who were some of the best wrestlers in the country (in our youth). Today, some of their kids are.
Um, you know they were just characters on a TV show, right?

Yes. Characters on a comedy T.V. Alfonso Ribeiro who played Carlton Banks is a real actor and was mocked for his height which encourages students in H.S to name another student after him as a joke.

Just as this was just a joke at an awards show that the crowd and even Will himself initially found funny at his wifes expense, those who mocked this young man also laughed at his expense.
Yes. Characters on a comedy T.V. Alfonso Ribeiro who played Carlton Banks is a real actor and was mocked for his height which encourages students in H.S to name another student after him as a joke.

Just as this was just a joke at an awards show that the crowd and even Will himself initially found funny at his wifes expense, those who mocked this young man also laughed at his expense.
Wow. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air really seems to have made more of an impression on you than it should have.
Um, you know they were just characters on a TV show, right?

Yes. Characters on a comedy T.V. Alfonso Ribeiro who played Carlton Banks is a real actor and was mocked for his height which encourages students in H.S to name another student after him as a joke.

Just as this was just a joke at an awards show that the crowd and even Will himself initially found funny at his wifes expense, those who mocked this young man also laughed at his expense.
Maybe they don't need help. Some of my oldest friends are pretty short black guys who were some of the best wrestlers in the country (in our youth). Today, some of their kids are.

Of course, people come in all shapes, sizes and levels of character.

For instance, I also knew a short black guy who was always trying to rope the youth in high school into the drug business. A real low life. He also smacked a girl so hard she cried all because she told him off, that was definitely not staged.

He, like his sister, became undercover cops. Which suits our agencies well due to the type of characters the police hire to work covertly in Canada.

I am not supposed to know this about he and his family and I keep it to myself except to educate politicians, police forces and foreign government about what I know when I communicate with them with specifics about why they shouldn't invest in Canada, nor trust us.

There are quite a few in this world who I know a great deal about and for the life of them, they can't understand how I know what I know...
Wow. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air really seems to have made more of an impression on you than it should have.

It didn't make an impression on me, it was the source of influence for the nickname this kid was given. Not the undercover, but the guy trying to get through high school.

I watched the show like many in my youth, but, I didn't obtain any nuggets of wisdom. it was good for a laugh or two, a well written show.

I make my case. Just as Will feels free to assault someone for a joke, should he be subjected to the same treatment by someone harmed by his comedy?
Pulling people out of cars and beating the living shit out of them because they made a wrong turn during a social justice protest is also illegal yet 2020 showed myself and many others that legality is simply interpretation.

I applaud Chris Rock for not being a pussy and pressing charges. He manned up.
I would have only dropped charges if he sincerely apologized.
I think everyone knows Will was wrong.

And yes, you are correct about what's going on in America. Not just 2020 either. Protests, insurrections, riots, police brutality, wars, lying. This country is going to shit and this is just one small example of it. A violent culture. A stupid citizenry. Snowflakes. Triggered. Cancel culture. BLM. CRT. Trannies trying to compete against women. The planet is heating up. Inflation.

I hope it's still illegal to pull people out of their cars.

Also 2020 showed us no punishment comes to a former president who tries to steal our election.

He described the attempt to overturn the results of the elections as “a coup in search of a legal theory”, arguing the president and his allies sought to criminally obstruct the work of Congress.

“If Dr Eastman and President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution,” Carter wrote. “If the country does not commit to investigating and pursuing accountability for those responsible, the Court fears January 6 will repeat itself.”
No, he took it and laughed and acted under self control. The spin doctors will try harder and harder to convince us it was staged. It wasn't. Again, will Smith is an emasculated man and that is am example of the reaction. I am not a psychiatrist, but I don't think it takes much of a leap to see the psychological effects that his narcissistic wife had on him when she blamed her infidelity and treachery on him and then had the whole world watch it and they are in the same bed that she rode her lover.

Bingo. Yes, she has emasculated him and that emasculation has more to do with this than what Chris Rock said.

Think about it like this. Your boss picks on you, you say nothing. Your wife picks on you, you say nothing. You're being treated like a little bitch everywhere you turn. Then suddenly some little guy disrespects you too. Now you see someone you can attack and get away with it. So he attacks Chris Rock. Chris took it for all of us. That slap was meant for us and Will's whore wife.
It was another cuck moment for will smith. No, I don't believe it was staged. A few reasons. One, all publicity is good is a fallacy and completely untrue. Unless they just wanted to deliberately dishonor the Williams father and sisters which is what it was supposed to be about. Also, they would have come out by now to tell everyone it was staged based on the massive reaction worldwide. No, will is an emasculated person and he has to live with it every night considering the interview by that manipulative mate he has. Also, people act like she has cancer. It isn't cancer and considering the vast wealth they have, there are designer wigs etc. It's not some life threatening disease.


She made it all about her as she always does and so many women in Hollywood do. They protest and every other cause they virtue signal about in between bites of caviar, sips of Dom Pérignon.


Watch the video with her copping to the affair for EVERYONE TO SEE (which is weird) so that the tart could somehow recoup her reputation and didn't give one log about the damage she did to her husband she supposedly loves but clearly doesn't.

Remember this. There are two different men in moat women's lives. One of the men they are deeply infatuated with and have been obsessed with that man for a long time. The other is the man they marry and they are not the same man.

They will never admit it, but that is true. Can you deal with that truth?
I've never like Will Smith---(I like Chris Rock, but I hate stupid overrated people so I can't stand Smith). He is overhyped and can't act. He isn't funny, just obnoxious. Yes he and his wife are want to be victims and narcissitic as hell. Jada doesn't have to be bald--if she doesn't like being bald--she has lots of options so being bald for her is a choice. I think likely to play up the fake victim drama queen line about Alopecia. Being near bald like she is is actually in HOLLYWEIRD. Virtue signalers are disgusting--The Smith's have an open marriage---I remember an interview of theirs where will had to ask permission to fuck someone else---but she was good as long as he asked first. Jada and Will are a weird drug addicted pair who have even weirder more unstable kids.
No, he took it and laughed and acted under self control. The spin doctors will try harder and harder to convince us it was staged. It wasn't. Again, will Smith is an emasculated man and that is am example of the reaction. I am not a psychiatrist, but I don't think it takes much of a leap to see the psychological effects that his narcissistic wife had on him when she blamed her infidelity and treachery on him and then had the whole world watch it and they are in the same bed that she rode her lover.

They don't have a normal marriage----they gave an interview before where they said as long as Will has asked first and she has given her permission after they "discussed it" that he was allow to screw others. These idiots are the poster children for why you don't do drugs.
I doubt cancel culture is going to do anything. Neither should anyone else. I don't blame Will for slapping Criss anymore than I blame Criss for telling the joke. But I also won't defend either one of them.
Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes you gotta defend your girl.

If a white guy had been in Will's shoes, he would've been arrested on the spot. And would not have been given the award that Will got that night.
Now these are coming out..

There's will smith making fun OF A MAN with that bald head thing.

Now watch has his manipulative wife justifies riding another man in the very bed they are in. Not only is will cucked but she is proud and completely unapologetic.


Almost feel sorry for him.

Why they feel the compulsive need to share their private issues and problems so publicly makes me wonder. Their relationship isn’t exactly private, by their choice. But I hadn’t seen this clip before and I wouldn’t have looked it up. Their business is their business. It’s not my concern.

That said, I also didn’t know she had alopecia. And upon reflection, I still don’t care. It’s fucking hair.

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