Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

He took his bitch-slapping like a damn bitch motherfucker.
If it had been me....I would have beat that motherfucker to a pulp right on the motherfucking stage.
Dude. Listen. If you are gonna fight. Then you arrange a time. Away and fight. Get on a pair of gloves an duke it out in the ring were NO ONE CAN STOP IT.

Since Will looks about 225-230 pounds and Chris looks about 170 pounds then Will also being a bit younger that Rock. Even a legit fight Will would still be strong favourite to win.

But you don't have two a Listers scrapping it out at the Oscars and then ppl rush up and break it up in seconds.

If you are fight. Then fight properly. A fight were no one can break it up.

So Chris Rock did a fantastic job by showing restraint AND keeping the show moving. Remember this not an ordinary awards show. This is the Oscars. A show with a massive worldwide audience, serious sponsors, awards to give out, TV, all that shit. But Rock keep the show moving. He had commentary. He never stopped being Chris Rock bcoz that right there ? Could've went a whole different way.

And as I say the fact that Rock is not trying to press charges or sue Will ? That's class act right. Because most ppl would be putting in all kinds and claims and lawsuits to get money or to get revenge

Especially if Will would have done that some one white ? If he did that to Seinfield, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, James Corden or a Ricky Gervais ? Man......they would go all out to try and ruin Will
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Back to that old lie. You may be unoriginal, boring, witless and dishonest but

that’s it.

You're the liar...

I made a bet. I lost. Welching is not cool, at least not the way I was raised. Therefore, I am obligated to honor the bet (Zona's revenge ): and the terms were simple. I bet that Pres. Obama would NOT get re-elected.


The payment terms were simple, too. If I lost the bet, I was to flat out LEAVE USMB.


Thus, I am obliged to leave USMB. I have been' assured' by lots of my lib "buddies" that I will come back under some other username. Nope. Gone means gone. They can believe whatever a lib's heart says they should believe. But, I'll still be gone.


That leaves only one thing left to say.


Yet here you are, posting under a new name. Just as you insisted you wouldn't do.

You're a welsher, Welshy. Just like this welsher...

You conservatives just can't honor a bet. It's why I never bet with conservatives.
Back to that old lie. You may be unoriginal, boring, witless and dishonest but

that’s it.
Not a lie at all....and there are many of us who remember you promising to leave USMB forever and not even retread if Romney lost in 2012. And yet, here you are.
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Dude. Listen. If you are gonna fight. Then you arrange a time. Away and fight. Get on a pair of gloves an duke it out in the ring were NO ONE CAN STOP IT.

Since Will looks about 225-230 pounds and Chris looks about 170 pounds then Will also being a bit younger that Rock. Even a legit fight Will would still be strong favourite to win.

But you don't have two a Listers scrapping it out at the Oscars and then ppl rush up and break it up in seconds.

If you are fight. Then fight properly. A fight were no one can break it up.

So Chris Rock did a fantastic job by showing restraint AND keeping the show moving. Remember this not an ordinary awards show. This is the Oscars. A show with a massive worldwide audience, serious sponsors, awards to give out, TV, all that shit. But Rock keep the show moving. He had commentary. He never stopped being Chris Rock bcoz that right there ? Could've went a whole different way.

And as I say the fact that Rock is not trying to press charges or sue Will ? That's class act right. Because most ppl would be putting in all kinds and claims and lawsuits to get money or to get revenge

Especially if Will would have done that some one white ? If he did that to Seinfield, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, James Corden or a Ricky Gervais ? Man......they would go all out to try and ruin Will
Chris Rock didn't want to get his ass whooped on national television. There must have been at least 30 people watching. That would be embarrassing getting punked out in front of all of those rich white people, not to mention all of the brothers and sisters expecting Will Smith to get another Oscar. I also feel he knew he shouldn't have told the joke once he told it. ....because he knows Will and Joda personally. There's no way he wouldn't know how they would take it.

But I think there was something else going on. 2 years ago Will never would have pulled a stunt like that. These days...blacks think they can get away with anything. Robbing stores, beating the shit out of Asians, pulling fake MAGA attacks. Seems that blacks think they're bullet-proof these days.

I still have a sneaking suspicion it was a planned skit. If it wasn't....I'm sure Will Smith wasn't worried about the authorities...because these days...the only people that have to worry about the authorities is Middle-Class white gun-owning MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters. If you're black, homosexual, tranny or otherwise, Muslim, Hispanic, or and illegal immigrant you don't ever have to worry about the cops as long as you vote Democrat.
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boredtoseeya demonstrating her complete inability to grasp satire. At all. So, nothing new here.

I’ll spell it out for the tragically hard of thinking: boredtoseeya you can relax. I wasn’t being serious about restless leg syndrome. I was indeed making fun of it as a serious medical issue.

boredtoseeya’s sense of humor is legendary. As in fictional. 🙄
Yeah, he's weird.
You're the liar...

Yet here you are, posting under a new name. Just as you insisted you wouldn't do.

You're a welsher, Welshy. Just like this welsher...

You conservatives just can't honor a bet. It's why I never bet with conservatives.
What's that Sir Robin??? lmao

You're the liar...

Yet here you are, posting under a new name. Just as you insisted you wouldn't do.

You're a welsher, Welshy. Just like this welsher...

You conservatives just can't honor a bet. It's why I never bet with conservatives.
Gosh darn those pesky save-functions. :heehee:
Chris Rock didn't want to get his ass whooped on national television. There must have been at least 30 people watching. That would be embarrassing getting punked out in front of all of those rich white people, not to mention all of the brothers and sisters expecting Will Smith to get another

It would not have got that far. Do you realize 90% of fights last under ten seconds ? All Chris had to do was when Will turned his back. Just run full force from behind and spear him


Will would have went to the ground and it would have been broken up in a second. But that would have been a bitch. As I say you name the time and place and settle it like MEN. Not do some Jerry Springer brawling sh*t like you want

But I think there was something else going on. 2 years ago Will never would have pulled a stunt like that. These days...blacks think they can get away with anything. Robbing stores, beating the shit out of Asians, pulling fake MAGA attacks. Seems that blacks think they're bullet-proof these days.

So a white man in Russia is slaughtering thousands of other whites, raising the prospect of WW3 and you have the nerve to point the finger at blk ppl for being disruptive ?
And you’d have likely suffered the consequences. However if you’re a Hollywood actor…
And that may be the crux of the semi-planned stunt.

I'm thinking Jada Pinket-Smith, or Will Smith set it up with Chris Rock, but did not know when, or what the cue was. Will Smith laughed at the dead joke, and Jada should not have been as offended as she acted.

There is a report of they're having an "open marriage," back in September, and I'm thinking he got caught cheating, because of some things he said in his award speech about going through some tough times, or something.
Yep. Smith bitch slapped (or punched) Chris Rock for cracking a joke about Jada’s bald head. It was a fucking joke. The slap or punch appears to have been real. The sound went off due to the ensuing “language.” Rock seemed genuinely stunned, but the guy can take a hit.

Will Smith is kind of :cuckoo:
I don't watch that oscar crap

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