Will someone PLEASE send Bristol Palin a box of condoms!

Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
You're just being a prude because you aren't getting any.

why do the misogynist scum always have to insult women to make themselves feel like they have genitals?

i'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of you mental midgets. that you draw any conclusion abut my sex life from that simply makes you delusional.
Yep! Preggers again...and probably not by the guy to whom she was engaged:

Bristol Palin pregnancy Is Dakota Meyer the father or did she cheat - Chicago Celebrity Examiner.com

Question. Should she now be paid double to be the spokes person for The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, to inform young people about the negative consequences of teenage pregnancy?

why aren't the rightwingnuts yelling about her immorality?
You're just being a prude because you aren't getting any.

why do the misogynist scum always have to insult women to make themselves feel like they have genitals?

i'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of you mental midgets. that you draw any conclusion abut my sex life from that simply makes you delusional.
Actually it was you who insulted a female for having sex you misogynist scumbag.
Like mother like daughter, a slut is a slut and once again Bristol Paling got herself knocked up once again and will once again remain unmarried. Bristol America's harlot will be raising another bastard child and poor sap Dylan Meyer will be footing the bill for this Republican slut and her second bastard child.

Not so fast! Though Bristol Palin raised some eyebrows on Thursday, June 25, with her less-than-celebratory pregnancy announcement, the daughter of Sarah Palin took to her blog to clarify (to lie about) the details surrounding her second out of wedlock pregnancy on Sunday, June 28.


"I made a mistake, but it's not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume," she wrote. "This pregnancy was actually planned. Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn't go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on."

Palin, 24, was scheduled to get married over Memorial Day weekend to Dakota Meyer, but the pair called off their wedding the week before.

Now the slut is lying. It seems that the possible father has ditched this bitch the way Levi Johnson did. Dakota Meyer would be smart to get a paternity test because you can never trust a lying Republican slut

Bristol Palin Defends Herself This Pregnancy Was Actually Planned - Yahoo Celebrity
She wanted to get pregnant and did. If not she is stupid and or looking to increase her government handout.
I'm pretty sure that Bristol is just doing her part to increase the Alaskan population so that they can earn a new Rep. in the House in Congress.

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