Will the coup ringleaders ever face justice?

A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.

Sen Graham said this.

""The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury," Graham said two decades ago.

Essentially Graham wants to abuse his authority. Sen Graham could find himself in jail if he is not careful. If justice is done, no one will face trumped up accusations.

Rush put his brain in hock sometime ago.
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.

Sen Graham said this.

""The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury," Graham said two decades ago.

Essentially Graham wants to abuse his authority. Sen Graham could find himself in jail if he is not careful. If justice is done, no one will face trumped up accusations.

Rush put his brain in hock sometime ago.
What crime to believe Graham has committed?
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.
They will not face justice. When was last time any of the crooks in government were imprisoned? Government today makes sure to protect their own. They might get a few low level persons, but none of the ringleaders will face justice.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.

What you would like to see is what happens in a banana republic. A leader jails his political opponents because they dare to hold him accountable. Trump and Republicans will be held accountable and it could mean the end of the Republican Party.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats

There was no coup attempt. Trump conspired with a foreign power by giving the Russians a roadmap to help Trump. That is why Manafort talked strategy with a business associate. He told the Russians who they were targeting and where they were. He also gave polling data. All of this to a business associate with ties to Russian Intelligence. Comey confirmed that parts of it were verified.

Numerous Trump associates lied about their attempts to get Russian help. All to cover that fact up. There is no evidence that the FISA court was misled. I remember Nunes saying that the court was not told of it's political history but it turns out they did inform the court of the political nature of the document. Another Nunes lie. It is Trump who will face the music despite Trump attempts to push it on Obama. Won't work.
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.

Sen Graham said this.

""The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury," Graham said two decades ago.

Essentially Graham wants to abuse his authority. Sen Graham could find himself in jail if he is not careful. If justice is done, no one will face trumped up accusations.

Rush put his brain in hock sometime ago.
What crime to believe Graham has committed?

Start with abusing his authority. He and Grassley filed a fake criminal referral to the DOJ in a attempt to intimidate Michael Steele. If I were testifying, I would pull a Trump. Just say you can't remember. If Trump can get away with it then anyone can.
I could swear that paranoia and a delusional tendency are not contagious diseases. But with Donald Trump and his Little Trumpsters, this anomaly has become the norm.
You're fine then with Trump purchasing a Dossier of dirt from Russian sources and using it to get FISA warrants to spy on the Biden Campaign?

Good to know!

If Trump did do that, it would be dirty politics but it would not be a coup attempt, not even close.
You Little Trumpsters kill me, you swallow Trumps Kool-aid, without even blinking. Trump is an thespian and you are buying his act. :happy-1:
I could swear that paranoia and a delusional tendency are not contagious diseases. But with Donald Trump and his Little Trumpsters, this anomaly has become the norm. :2up:
^^^In case anyone needs an example this is what projection looks like.^^^

So in other words, I nailed it. What a simple little mind you have.
I am thrilled I am not you!
A good recap by Rush:

Will the Coup Ringleaders Ever Face Justice?

Sen Grahamesty is going to expose a lot of things that the MSM and other Democrats will do their best to hide.

The question is whether justice will prevail, or whether the MSM and other Democrats will.
I have an idea, what if the constitution prevails? What would that mean?
The Constitution. LMFAO....it died long ago, thanks to the criminals in charge and an apathetic citizenry.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
...Impeachment is just an investigation and trial...
Impeachment is a CONGRESSIONAL POWER. The illegal spying by te Biden/Obama Administration had nothing to do with "impeachment", Trump wasn't even an office holder.
...papadopolus bragging to an australian diplomat about russia ties
To get a FISA warrant on a US citizen the corrupt Biden/Obama Administration would have to swear to the Court that they had verified evidence that showed that they were knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign government.

What predicated Biden/Obama spying on the Trump Campaign is what Barr has pledged to get to the bottom of.
... the warrants were signed by fucking judges...
In our system EVERY warrant requires the entity requesting the warrant to swear an oath the information provided is accurate, trustworthy and complete. When you LIE to the Court, the spying that results is illegal. Lies are not suddenly laundered into truth because you tricked a Judge by lying to them and withholding information.
... Republican employees decided they saw probable cause to investigate...
The Party affiliation of the Biden/Obama Administration members that illegally spied on Trump is beside the point. You think a lie is suddenly "truth" if a Republican utters it? How Silly!
... secured warrants from Republican-appointed judges...
Who cares who appointed them? You can no more lie to a Judge selected by Roberts than you can a Judge selected by anyone else.
... Orwellian reframing of legal due process in an attempt to undermine the role of the judicial system in providing the critical oversight necessary to maintaining a free and just democracy....
Lying to the Court doesn't preserve a Free and Just Democracy. They lied because if they had told the truth, they wouldn't have gotten the warrants they wanted to exploit the vast spying capabilities we entrust to our Intelligence Community.
...Carter Page was under investigation since 2013. Why did Trump get involved with him.
Carter Page worked WITH the FBI in 2013. He was never convicted of any crimes, hell, he's never even been indicted, still hasn't! Next to Trump he's probably the cleanest guy in DC. A FISA warrant is renewed every 90 days. His 2013 assistance to the FBI had no bearing on his fitness to work in the Trump Campaign.

The Biden/Obama Administration wanted to spy on Trump, they knew Page and used him as pretext to throw a surveillance blanket over the campaign at a time when they believed Hillary would be elected and that no one would even find out the warrant had even been issued.
You're believing the president of ten thousand lies.
Counterintelligence against Russia is justified.
Surveillance of Russian election meddling is justified. We have the mueller report to prove it. ....and their meddling still continues into 2020 election.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
...Impeachment is just an investigation and trial...
Impeachment is a CONGRESSIONAL POWER. The illegal spying by te Biden/Obama Administration had nothing to do with "impeachment", Trump wasn't even an office holder.
...papadopolus bragging to an australian diplomat about russia ties
To get a FISA warrant on a US citizen the corrupt Biden/Obama Administration would have to swear to the Court that they had verified evidence that showed that they were knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign government.

What predicated Biden/Obama spying on the Trump Campaign is what Barr has pledged to get to the bottom of.
... the warrants were signed by fucking judges...
In our system EVERY warrant requires the entity requesting the warrant to swear an oath the information provided is accurate, trustworthy and complete. When you LIE to the Court, the spying that results is illegal. Lies are not suddenly laundered into truth because you tricked a Judge by lying to them and withholding information.
... Republican employees decided they saw probable cause to investigate...
The Party affiliation of the Biden/Obama Administration members that illegally spied on Trump is beside the point. You think a lie is suddenly "truth" if a Republican utters it? How Silly!
... secured warrants from Republican-appointed judges...
Who cares who appointed them? You can no more lie to a Judge selected by Roberts than you can a Judge selected by anyone else.
... Orwellian reframing of legal due process in an attempt to undermine the role of the judicial system in providing the critical oversight necessary to maintaining a free and just democracy....
Lying to the Court doesn't preserve a Free and Just Democracy. They lied because if they had told the truth, they wouldn't have gotten the warrants they wanted to exploit the vast spying capabilities we entrust to our Intelligence Community.
...Carter Page was under investigation since 2013. Why did Trump get involved with him.
Carter Page worked WITH the FBI in 2013. He was never convicted of any crimes, hell, he's never even been indicted, still hasn't! Next to Trump he's probably the cleanest guy in DC. A FISA warrant is renewed every 90 days. His 2013 assistance to the FBI had no bearing on his fitness to work in the Trump Campaign.

The Biden/Obama Administration wanted to spy on Trump, they knew Page and used him as pretext to throw a surveillance blanket over the campaign at a time when they believed Hillary would be elected and that no one would even find out the warrant had even been issued.
You're believing the president of ten thousand lies...
Did he tell me that if I liked my insurance plan that I could keep my insurance?
Counterintelligence against Russia is justified...
Of course, but they spied on US Citizens and a rival domestic political campaign.
Surveillance of Russian election meddling is justified. ..
Nobody has any issue with them spying on Russians.
...We have the mueller report to prove it. ....
The Mueller Report confirms that Trump and his Campaign didn't engage in a Criminal Conspiracy with the Russians, and far from the "back channels" that we were lied about for 3 years, the Mueller report confirms that after the election the Trump folks had difficulty contacting the Russians as is customary in a Transition because they didn't even have their phone numbers.

Americans and a rival political campaign were illegally spied on by the lying corrupt Obama/Biden Administration and I hope AG Barr gets to the bottom of it.
I could swear that paranoia and a delusional tendency are not contagious diseases. But with Donald Trump and his Little Trumpsters, this anomaly has become the norm.
You're fine then with Trump purchasing a Dossier of dirt from Russian sources and using it to get FISA warrants to spy on the Biden Campaign?

Good to know!

If Trump did do that, it would be dirty politics but it would not be a coup attempt, not even close.
You Little Trumpsters kill me, you swallow Trumps Kool-aid, without even blinking. Trump is an thespian and you are buying his act. :happy-1:
If Trump did that, it would be a massive violation of their civil rights, and ours.
Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats.

What is occurring now is an unprecedented and almost unbelievable episode of political theatrics. The Democrats are pretending that their fraudulent attempt at what amounted to a coup d’état against the election of an administration of the other party still possesses the legitimacy to be continued and taken seriously after it has been largely unmasked by its own chosen investigators for what it was.

At the same time, the machinery of dispassionate justice is already turning towards the identification and eventual punishment of the Democrats for subverting the justice and intelligence apparatus of the former administration in order to influence the results of the election of the succeeding president and vice president of the United States.

It is an elemental rule of nature that the longer and the more febrile the efforts of the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic party generally, abetted by their media echo chamber, to delay the exposure of their wrongdoing, the more complete and overwhelming the defeat and discreditation of the entire effort to destroy the Trump administration will be.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
... I remember Nunes saying that the court was not told of it's political history but it turns out they did inform the court of the political nature of the document. Another Nunes lie...
They told the FISA Court that they were submitting VERIFIED evidence that Carter Page was a spy for the Russians working on behalf of the Trump Campaign. But they didn't have verified 1st hand sources that they had confirmed but unknown 3rd and 4th hand supposed Russian Sources collected by a British Spy who was paid by the Hillary Campaign who admitted under oath when his butt was on the line that it was unverified. They concealed from the court that this information was not only unverified, but purchased by the Hillary Campaign!

And after the FBI fired Steele for lying, did the FBI inform the Court that the guy they had vouched for was fired for lying? Why no, they did not. They continued to vouch for him through 3 renewals,

And after it was undeniable that Steele was the source for the news article that they used to "corroborate" the Dossier, did they correct the record with the Court? Why no, they concealed this from the Court as well.

So, if Trump purchases some opposition dirt, you are fine with Barr concealing that from the FISA court and getting a warrant to spy on the Democrat nominee? Good to know!
...Impeachment is just an investigation and trial...
Impeachment is a CONGRESSIONAL POWER. The illegal spying by te Biden/Obama Administration had nothing to do with "impeachment", Trump wasn't even an office holder.
...papadopolus bragging to an australian diplomat about russia ties
To get a FISA warrant on a US citizen the corrupt Biden/Obama Administration would have to swear to the Court that they had verified evidence that showed that they were knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign government.

What predicated Biden/Obama spying on the Trump Campaign is what Barr has pledged to get to the bottom of.
... the warrants were signed by fucking judges...
In our system EVERY warrant requires the entity requesting the warrant to swear an oath the information provided is accurate, trustworthy and complete. When you LIE to the Court, the spying that results is illegal. Lies are not suddenly laundered into truth because you tricked a Judge by lying to them and withholding information.
... Republican employees decided they saw probable cause to investigate...
The Party affiliation of the Biden/Obama Administration members that illegally spied on Trump is beside the point. You think a lie is suddenly "truth" if a Republican utters it? How Silly!
... secured warrants from Republican-appointed judges...
Who cares who appointed them? You can no more lie to a Judge selected by Roberts than you can a Judge selected by anyone else.
... Orwellian reframing of legal due process in an attempt to undermine the role of the judicial system in providing the critical oversight necessary to maintaining a free and just democracy....
Lying to the Court doesn't preserve a Free and Just Democracy. They lied because if they had told the truth, they wouldn't have gotten the warrants they wanted to exploit the vast spying capabilities we entrust to our Intelligence Community.
...Carter Page was under investigation since 2013. Why did Trump get involved with him.
Carter Page worked WITH the FBI in 2013. He was never convicted of any crimes, hell, he's never even been indicted, still hasn't! Next to Trump he's probably the cleanest guy in DC. A FISA warrant is renewed every 90 days. His 2013 assistance to the FBI had no bearing on his fitness to work in the Trump Campaign.

The Biden/Obama Administration wanted to spy on Trump, they knew Page and used him as pretext to throw a surveillance blanket over the campaign at a time when they believed Hillary would be elected and that no one would even find out the warrant had even been issued.
You're believing the president of ten thousand lies...
Did he tell me that if I liked my insurance plan that I could keep my insurance?
Counterintelligence against Russia is justified...
Of course, but they spied on US Citizens and a rival domestic political campaign.
Surveillance of Russian election meddling is justified. ..
Nobody has any issue with them spying on Russians.
...We have the mueller report to prove it. ....
The Mueller Report confirms that Trump and his Campaign didn't engage in a Criminal Conspiracy with the Russians, and far from the "back channels" that we were lied about for 3 years, the Mueller report confirms that after the election the Trump folks had difficulty contacting the Russians as is customary in a Transition because they didn't even have their phone numbers.

Americans and a rival political campaign were illegally spied on by the lying corrupt Obama/Biden Administration and I hope AG Barr gets to the bottom of it.
We dont fully know what Mueller's findings are yet because of redactions and so much has been passed onto other jurisdictions, such as SDNY.
But one source is Trump's reaction to retaliate against the Mueller team indicates that there is something more damaging in that report.
“Staging a coup” by invoking the impeachment power delegated to Congress by the Constitution.

And not even the Bill of Rights... but Article I.

Trump’s basic understanding of the federal government is amazingly wrong.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
...Impeachment is just an investigation and trial...
Impeachment is a CONGRESSIONAL POWER. The illegal spying by te Biden/Obama Administration had nothing to do with "impeachment", Trump wasn't even an office holder.
...papadopolus bragging to an australian diplomat about russia ties
To get a FISA warrant on a US citizen the corrupt Biden/Obama Administration would have to swear to the Court that they had verified evidence that showed that they were knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign government.

What predicated Biden/Obama spying on the Trump Campaign is what Barr has pledged to get to the bottom of.
... the warrants were signed by fucking judges...
In our system EVERY warrant requires the entity requesting the warrant to swear an oath the information provided is accurate, trustworthy and complete. When you LIE to the Court, the spying that results is illegal. Lies are not suddenly laundered into truth because you tricked a Judge by lying to them and withholding information.
... Republican employees decided they saw probable cause to investigate...
The Party affiliation of the Biden/Obama Administration members that illegally spied on Trump is beside the point. You think a lie is suddenly "truth" if a Republican utters it? How Silly!
... secured warrants from Republican-appointed judges...
Who cares who appointed them? You can no more lie to a Judge selected by Roberts than you can a Judge selected by anyone else.
... Orwellian reframing of legal due process in an attempt to undermine the role of the judicial system in providing the critical oversight necessary to maintaining a free and just democracy....
Lying to the Court doesn't preserve a Free and Just Democracy. They lied because if they had told the truth, they wouldn't have gotten the warrants they wanted to exploit the vast spying capabilities we entrust to our Intelligence Community.
...Carter Page was under investigation since 2013. Why did Trump get involved with him.
Carter Page worked WITH the FBI in 2013. He was never convicted of any crimes, hell, he's never even been indicted, still hasn't! Next to Trump he's probably the cleanest guy in DC. A FISA warrant is renewed every 90 days. His 2013 assistance to the FBI had no bearing on his fitness to work in the Trump Campaign.

The Biden/Obama Administration wanted to spy on Trump, they knew Page and used him as pretext to throw a surveillance blanket over the campaign at a time when they believed Hillary would be elected and that no one would even find out the warrant had even been issued.

And also Zorro, is it not TRUE that---------------->the 1st FISA warrant they tried to obtain was denied! So in actuality, they were attempting to SPY on the Trump campaign earlier.

As far as UNLUCKYDUCKS assertions, 1/2 of them have been proven false! One of the most obvious is his linkage to the discussion had with Alexander Downer, where they BOTH have said that----------->what was claimed to be discussed, NEVER HAPPENED!

Maybe Quack-Quack should also address all of the unmaskings from the protected data-base, and the fact that 3 HIRED CONTRACTORS had access to that data base under the Obama Administration. Was one of the Fusion GPS? We will soon know, and that would explain a whole-helluva-lot! A large amount of the unmaskings were supposedly authorized by the UN Ambassador. She insists it wasn't her, and somebody must have used her name to authorize it!

So what is the point you say?

ANSWER------------->While I can NOT confirm it...……..YET...……...it seems that 95% of these unmaskings, along with the inquiry that followed into these people, WERE PEOPLE WORKING ON THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY CANDIDATES CAMPAIGNS, not just Trumps-) Oh, my! Seems whomever was in control of this, had a plan for whomever won the nomination on the Republican side, now doesn't it! And it probably would have worked, if Admiral Rogers hadn't blown the whistle to the FISA court, which FORCED the cabal to LEGALLY get a FISA warrant, which it could NOT the 1st time around! And so, enter the dossier, and walla, they can now legally spy, even IF the evidence they used, was false!

Problem for them is----------->they had to SWEAR to the court that the evidence was vetted, and found to be true. They LIED!

And how do we know this?

Because Carter Paige is not only walking around, he has a MASSIVE suit against the Feds, which legal experts from both sides of the aisle claim he will WIN, so they will no doubt settle out of court with a gag order to be included.

Anyway, the point is--------------->it was NOT just Trump, it was all/most of the Republican candidates people being unmasked. Trump was just the winner, so it is focused on what happened to him. The Left says worse than Watergate!

Yes it was, and you will soon find out!
It's amazing....the truth has been revealed. Evidence has exposed the betrayal and coup attempt - the biggest scandal in IS history - and personal and party-st loyalty and hatred have many Americans defendiing the traitors.

This fact shows the nation, as it stands, is lost. The indoctrination and division is complete.
Nobody invoked the impeachment power of Congress in this coup attempt. The illegal spying was conducted by the Obama Administration with powers described in Article 2 and impeachment is not one of them. Further, this began well before Trump held elective office.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion gambit, based on the infamous Steele dossier’s pastiche of lies and defamations, was the dirtiest political trick in American history and is in the process of transmogrification into one of the greatest fiascos in the history of American political skullduggery. (One of the most rabid Trump-hating Democratic congressmen, Eric Swallows-well, still professes to believe all of the Steele dossier, as if it were a catechism.)

Though there is an elaborate psychopolitical effort underway to pretend otherwise, investigations already taking place by the inspector general of the Justice Department, a special counsel, and the attorney general of the United States, about to be joined by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will call upon the chief intelligence and law officers of the Obama administration, along with Hillary Clinton and members of her campaign staff, to account for their conduct.

These include lies under oath to congressional committees, lies to federal officials, and misleading the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court. This is a series of dishonest statements and illegal acts that can only, at least provisionally, be seen as a coordinated campaign to influence the results of the presidential election and then to compromise the unwished-for outcome of that election. It will not be long before we hear the still familiar words, in reference to President Obama: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Day of Reckoning Is Now Dawning For Democrats
...Impeachment is just an investigation and trial...
Impeachment is a CONGRESSIONAL POWER. The illegal spying by te Biden/Obama Administration had nothing to do with "impeachment", Trump wasn't even an office holder.
...papadopolus bragging to an australian diplomat about russia ties
To get a FISA warrant on a US citizen the corrupt Biden/Obama Administration would have to swear to the Court that they had verified evidence that showed that they were knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of a foreign government.

What predicated Biden/Obama spying on the Trump Campaign is what Barr has pledged to get to the bottom of.
... the warrants were signed by fucking judges...
In our system EVERY warrant requires the entity requesting the warrant to swear an oath the information provided is accurate, trustworthy and complete. When you LIE to the Court, the spying that results is illegal. Lies are not suddenly laundered into truth because you tricked a Judge by lying to them and withholding information.
... Republican employees decided they saw probable cause to investigate...
The Party affiliation of the Biden/Obama Administration members that illegally spied on Trump is beside the point. You think a lie is suddenly "truth" if a Republican utters it? How Silly!
... secured warrants from Republican-appointed judges...
Who cares who appointed them? You can no more lie to a Judge selected by Roberts than you can a Judge selected by anyone else.
... Orwellian reframing of legal due process in an attempt to undermine the role of the judicial system in providing the critical oversight necessary to maintaining a free and just democracy....
Lying to the Court doesn't preserve a Free and Just Democracy. They lied because if they had told the truth, they wouldn't have gotten the warrants they wanted to exploit the vast spying capabilities we entrust to our Intelligence Community.
...Carter Page was under investigation since 2013. Why did Trump get involved with him.
Carter Page worked WITH the FBI in 2013. He was never convicted of any crimes, hell, he's never even been indicted, still hasn't! Next to Trump he's probably the cleanest guy in DC. A FISA warrant is renewed every 90 days. His 2013 assistance to the FBI had no bearing on his fitness to work in the Trump Campaign.

The Biden/Obama Administration wanted to spy on Trump, they knew Page and used him as pretext to throw a surveillance blanket over the campaign at a time when they believed Hillary would be elected and that no one would even find out the warrant had even been issued.

And also Zorro, is it not TRUE that---------------->the 1st FISA warrant they tried to obtain was denied! So in actuality, they were attempting to SPY on the Trump campaign earlier.

As far as UNLUCKYDUCKS assertions, 1/2 of them have been proven false! One of the most obvious is his linkage to the discussion had with Alexander Downer, where they BOTH have said that----------->what was claimed to be discussed, NEVER HAPPENED!

Maybe Quack-Quack should also address all of the unmaskings from the protected data-base, and the fact that 3 HIRED CONTRACTORS had access to that data base under the Obama Administration. Was one of the Fusion GPS? We will soon know, and that would explain a whole-helluva-lot! A large amount of the unmaskings were supposedly authorized by the UN Ambassador. She insists it wasn't her, and somebody must have used her name to authorize it!

So what is the point you say?

ANSWER------------->While I can NOT confirm it...……..YET...……...it seems that 95% of these unmaskings, along with the inquiry that followed into these people, WERE PEOPLE WORKING ON THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY CANDIDATES CAMPAIGNS, not just Trumps-) Oh, my! Seems whomever was in control of this, had a plan for whomever won the nomination on the Republican side, now doesn't it! And it probably would have worked, if Admiral Rogers hadn't blown the whistle to the FISA court, which FORCED the cabal to LEGALLY get a FISA warrant, which it could NOT the 1st time around! And so, enter the dossier, and walla, they can now legally spy, even IF the evidence they used, was false!

Problem for them is----------->they had to SWEAR to the court that the evidence was vetted, and found to be true. They LIED!

And how do we know this?

Because Carter Paige is not only walking around, he has a MASSIVE suit against the Feds, which legal experts from both sides of the aisle claim he will WIN, so they will no doubt settle out of court with a gag order to be included.

Anyway, the point is--------------->it was NOT just Trump, it was all/most of the Republican candidates people being unmasked. Trump was just the winner, so it is focused on what happened to him. The Left says worse than Watergate!

Yes it was, and you will soon find out!
Cater Page already lost that suit. And refiled that same suit he already lost.

Chris Wallace sets record straight on Russia probe:
The Trump investigation did not start with the FISA warrant and Carter Page and even the dossier. It started in June and July of 2016 when George Papadopoulos had spoken to a Russian agent and spoke to an Australian diplomat and said he had heard they had information on –– dirt on Hillary Clinton. That’s when the investigation started.

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