Will The Democrats Finally Admit They Are a Socialist Party?

hmmm, no society has it because government trolls like you always take over by deluding people into believing they need to be ruled.
Tell us, how does one pay for those protecting the border in your ideal society?
Mises Daily Mises Institute
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.

So paying for that road you drive your pick-up on is utopian??? lol haha

No, that's a criminal enterprise.
There was no such thing as democracy until 200 years ago.
Wrong, of course.


Greece, Roman republic, etc. ;) Of course, democracy as we know it wasn't like it is today but government did use tax dollars to build roads, fund militaries and regulate.
That was 2500 years ago, and Rome did not have a democracy. so if you looked around 250 years ago you would see that there was no such thing as democracy.
hmmm, no society has it because government trolls like you always take over by deluding people into believing they need to be ruled.
Tell us, how does one pay for those protecting the border in your ideal society?
Mises Daily Mises Institute
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
No utopia is valid, including yours.

Then why do you liberals keep pushing there utopia?
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
No utopia is valid, including yours.

Then why do you liberals keep pushing there utopia?
Liberals don't, but morons like you do...

Of course they do. They have this theory that humanity can be perfected by passing the right laws. Of course, all they're doing is creating a tyranny.
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
No utopia is valid, including yours.

Then why do you liberals keep pushing there utopia?
Liberals don't, but morons like you do...

Of course they do. They have this theory that humanity can be perfected by passing the right laws. Of course, all they're doing is creating a tyranny.
No liberal believes in a utopia, and yours is as foolish as all the rest. Humans, of course, are why utopias cannot work...
That was 2500 years ago, and Rome did not have a democracy. so if you looked around 250 years ago you would see that there was no such thing as democracy.
Wrong, again: The Six Nations Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
I don't see any evidence that the Iriqouis actually had something you could properly call a "government." Did they have police? Did they have formal laws? What were they? Your reference is mum on these subjects.
That was 2500 years ago, and Rome did not have a democracy. so if you looked around 250 years ago you would see that there was no such thing as democracy.
Wrong, again: The Six Nations Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
I don't see any evidence that the Iroquois actually had something you could properly call a "government." Did they have police? Did they have formal laws? What were they? Your reference is mum on these subjects.
The point is that under your ideology the thugs quickly gain control and include the drug addicts and most unethical and criminal individuals in society.

No they don't. Every place where thugs are in control started out with a formal government. Most government are little more than an organized gang of thugs.
Militia's, warlords and terrorist groups don't start out as governments. ISIS was never a government is one example. They started as a terrorist militia of thugs and became a government of the type you are enthralled with. ISIS is operating an anarchist capitalist society.

Isis is running an anarchist capitalist society? ROFL! An anarchist society isn't "run" by anyone. Every government started as a gang of thugs. Every last one of them.
Quit while you are behind. There is no such thing as a text book anarchist society. The baddest dudes organize and exert control. Always. It is human and animal nature. Your society is a fantasy. Never existed on this planet and never will.
Thugs are criminals with no morals or ethics. When you exclude the crimes related to rebellion, there are many governments that have been formed without thuggery, including our own.

There was no such thing as democracy until 200 years ago. Government didn't exist until about 5000 years ago. Society is at least 10,000 years old, so there were anarchist societies for 5000 years before the advent of the state. Somehow people managed to protect themselves against criminals for 5000 years without the state. What they haven't been able to do is protect themselves against the criminals who call themselves "government."
You are wrong about the age of democracies. You are, as usual, using your own narrow made up definition of what a democracy can be.
You are also wrong about anarchy. The earliest tribes, going back to when people lived in caves, had chiefs, councils, priest and a warrior/hunter class that constituted an enforcement arm for the chief or council. The idea that a warrior lodge or clan would allow an individual to come into or be part of a community and behave like an anarchist is another one of your fantasies. The bully or trouble maker would quickly be terminated or banished. The only option would be for the trouble maker to organize with others and replace the authoritative group, making themselves the new authority group. The anarchist quickly become the authority or "government" and by doing so end the very temporary anarchy.
No liberal believes in a utopia,..

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did. A liberal believes in rapid change toward utopia. Conservatives hold that rapid change will more likely be deadly change toward hell based on both history and the limited intelligence of mankind.

In short, liberals are stupid, conservatives are smart.
No liberal believes in a utopia,..

Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did. A liberal believes in rapid change toward utopia. Conservatives hold that rapid change will more likely be deadly change toward hell based on both history and the limited intelligence of mankind.

In short, liberals are stupid, conservatives are smart.
All three hated liberals, same as you...
All three hated liberals, same as you...

Dear, if HItler and Stalin hated liberals they would not have been able to get our liberals spy for them and give Stalin the bomb!!

Do you understand now??
You have been classically brainwashed into believing that liberals have the same beliefs as communist. It has been continuously repeated even to this very day on this very site. Communist were and are hated and feared by Americans so conservative propagandist pointed the finger at liberals just like you are doing. The spies who spied for the communist were either communist themselves, or just doing it for personal enrichment.
Liber is Latin for free. Do you think people whose ideology is based on personal individual freedom would support totalitarianism as dictated by communism?

Do you understand now??
Why would The Democrat Party "admit" to being Socialist when they're rejecting Bernie Sanders candidacy because he's too much of a rightwinger?
That was 2500 years ago, and Rome did not have a democracy. so if you looked around 250 years ago you would see that there was no such thing as democracy.
Wrong, again: The Six Nations Oldest Living Participatory Democracy on Earth
I don't see any evidence that the Iroquois actually had something you could properly call a "government." Did they have police? Did they have formal laws? What were they? Your reference is mum on these subjects.
All three hated liberals, same as you...

Dear, if HItler and Stalin hated liberals they would not have been able to get our liberals spy for them and give Stalin the bomb!!

Do you understand now??
Sweetcheeks, anyone who spied for them was a tool, not a liberal. As for the liberals in their nations, they mostly wanted them dead, if they didn't actually make that true while in power...
All three hated liberals, same as you...

Dear, if HItler and Stalin hated liberals they would not have been able to get our liberals spy for them and give Stalin the bomb!!

Do you understand now??
Sweetcheeks, anyone who spied for them was a tool, not a liberal. As for the liberals in their nations, they mostly wanted them dead, if they didn't actually make that true while in power...

Who do you think you're fooling? To this day, self-described liberals still defend Alger Hiss and all the the commie spies McCarthy and the HUAC hearings unmasked.
anyone who spied for them was a tool, not a liberal....

100% stupid to this day The Nation and 10,000 liberals like them still defend the Soviet Union as did Bernie Sanders. Obama had 3 parents who were open communists. And now thanks to Sanders everyone sees that liberals are communists.

Paint is a tool fool like any typical liberal

Norman Thomas quotes:

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
Sweetcheeks, anyone who spied for them was a tool, not a liberal..

I guess Obama and Sanders are not tools since they very consciously still want bigger govt with no end in sight even though liberal govt is now far bigger than ever!!

Why not read "Never Enough" to help you understand what liberalism is?

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