Will The Democrats Finally Admit They Are a Socialist Party?

libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

you want socialism? Move. The vast majority do not want it-ever.
YOU are not the vast majority, and WE already have socialism, its here! In our lands! Kick it out, no minimum wage! 2.00 an hour, let people starve! Record profits just aren't quite high enough! Moooooooooore!
according to Matthew the USA is the most socialist country in the world. Why? Because they have the most laws and regulations and restrictions on Businesses and corporations.
He said it's the most socialist country in the world huh? Didn't see that part. And what are we thinking? Dump whatever you want wherever you want corporations. Toxins in our food? Why would we stop that silly business. Worker safety laws? No, no I want to go back to sweat shop workers missing limbs and dying.

you don't think there are already thousands of these laws and regulations on the books?
I do! Those are socialist laws.
libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

This guy is a archaist that believes that the only thing that should work is a out of control corporation. He doesn't believe our ELECTED government should ever have the slightest bit of say in our economy no matter the wrongs brought down on our nation by treasonous corps. The guy is a loon.

Not even if we are forced to bring back slavery, pollute our rivers with nuclear fuel or be ruled by one massive corporation.
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libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

you want socialism? Move. The vast majority do not want it-ever.
YOU are not the vast majority, and WE already have socialism, its here! In our lands! Kick it out, no minimum wage! 2.00 an hour, let people starve! Record profits just aren't quite high enough! Moooooooooore!

the land of the FREE. YOU can be rich too- the American dream- ever heard of it? MILLIONS have DONE IT. Poor to wealthy! " YOU CAN DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT!".
libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

you want socialism? Move. The vast majority do not want it-ever.
YOU are not the vast majority, and WE already have socialism, its here! In our lands! Kick it out, no minimum wage! 2.00 an hour, let people starve! Record profits just aren't quite high enough! Moooooooooore!

the land of the FREE. YOU can be rich too- the American dream- ever heard of it? MILLIONS have DONE IT. Poor to wealthy! " YOU CAN DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT!".

Dude, I am not arguing against being rich! I love capalism!!! I am arguing for laws that protect our society against evil people that wish to do bad things. I am also arguing for people to pay taxes for the services provided like roads, police and the clean environment we have.
libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

you want socialism? Move. The vast majority do not want it-ever.
YOU are not the vast majority, and WE already have socialism, its here! In our lands! Kick it out, no minimum wage! 2.00 an hour, let people starve! Record profits just aren't quite high enough! Moooooooooore!

the land of the FREE. YOU can be rich too- the American dream- ever heard of it? MILLIONS have DONE IT. Poor to wealthy! " YOU CAN DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT!".
When did I say I can't be rich? Although social mobility in America IS lower than those socialist countries mentioned, probably because they make it easier for the poor to get ahead. Why does everyone assume to think socialist programs work you have to be poor? I pay taxes, I'm not on welfare or food stamps, and I think those programs are a good idea, when you give the poor a hand up, you male it easier for them to change their life. When you protect and empower workers you actually make it EASIER for them to be rich. Your assumption that socialism is the anti capitalism is how I know fox news is your primary information source (most misinformed viewers to!e and time again).
And just out of curiosity, why does no society on earth actually have that?

For those new to this:

"Anarcho-capitalism is a fringe political ideology that prioritizes the freedom of the individual from state coercion[3] and advocates market-based solutions to all social needs.[4] Anarcho-capitalists believe that compulsory taxation is a violation of individual liberty, and thus believe that law enforcement, courts, and all security services should be provided by voluntarily-funded competitors, such as mercenaries private defense agencies."
Anarcho-capitalism - RationalWiki

hmmm, no society has it because government trolls like you always take over by deluding people into believing they need to be ruled.
Tell us, how does one pay for those protecting the border in your ideal society?
Mises Daily Mises Institute
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
This is some funny chit. It's on par with the communist utopia. They both strive for a stateless society only this scheme is the wild wild west version. :lmao:
If I didn't understand liberalism, I wouldn't be a liberal, like the founding fathers.

100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!

"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
yes but if you are too stupid to understand how freedom works you must be a liberal.

The only solution is the one that Plato Aristotle and our Founders agreed with, namely, voter qualification tests. A voter needs to be qualified just like a doctor does.

Its only simple common sense, but still its way of the liberal's head.
hmmm, no society has it because government trolls like you always take over by deluding people into believing they need to be ruled.
Tell us, how does one pay for those protecting the border in your ideal society?
Mises Daily Mises Institute
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
This is some funny chit. It's on par with the communist utopia. They both strive for a stateless society only this scheme is the wild wild west version. :lmao:

Both archaist like the op and pure communism does stupid shit. I prefer to remain in sanity right here in the middle in social-democracy!
Tell us, how does one pay for those protecting the border in your ideal society?
Mises Daily Mises Institute
I enjoyed your utopianism, and that's what it is BTW.

It's no more utopian than the mindless schemes of liberals.
This is some funny chit. It's on par with the communist utopia. They both strive for a stateless society only this scheme is the wild wild west version. :lmao:

Both archaist like the op and pure communism does stupid shit. I prefer to remain in sanity right here in the middle in social-democracy!

What's an "archaist?"

There's nothing stupider than the stuff our government does.
libs are so stupid. Socialism has nor will ever work in any country.
Why? Because I know of countries where socialism works? And it's not total socialism, a mix of capitalism on socialism is how most countries work, even, *gasp* our country??
*twilight zone theme*

you want socialism? Move. The vast majority do not want it-ever.
YOU are not the vast majority, and WE already have socialism, its here! In our lands! Kick it out, no minimum wage! 2.00 an hour, let people starve! Record profits just aren't quite high enough! Moooooooooore!

the land of the FREE. YOU can be rich too- the American dream- ever heard of it? MILLIONS have DONE IT. Poor to wealthy! " YOU CAN DOOOOOOOO ITTTTTT!".

Dude, I am not arguing against being rich! I love capalism!!! I am arguing for laws that protect our society against evil people that wish to do bad things. I am also arguing for people to pay taxes for the services provided like roads, police and the clean environment we have.

No rich person comes as close to being as evil as your average politician. Want to see pure evil? Just watch Congress passing legislation.
If I didn't understand liberalism, I wouldn't be a liberal, like the founding fathers.

100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
Nope, but they were liberals, and real Americans, unlike you and your kind.
100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
If I didn't understand liberalism, I wouldn't be a liberal, like the founding fathers.

100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
Nope, but they were liberals, and real Americans, unlike you and your kind.
100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!

how will you learn if you are afraid to try???
100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
If I didn't understand liberalism, I wouldn't be a liberal, like the founding fathers.

100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
Nope, but they were liberals, and real Americans, unlike you and your kind.
100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!

how will you learn if you are afraid to try???
100% stupid, illiterate and typical liberal thinks Founders were for unlimited and ever growing govt!!
Even more spam, and projection.
The framers were liberal, did they suggest we go back with England or as super-conservative General MacArthur said: "For the frames were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their times has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
The framers were liberal, did they suggest we go back with England or as super-conservative General MacArthur said: "For the frames were the most liberal thinkers of all the ages and the charter they produced out of the liberal revolution of their times has never been and is not now surpassed in liberal thought."
118th Century liberal bore no resemblance to modern liberals. The were as different as oil and water.

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