Will the Democrats Rename Themselves to 'National Socialist Democrats'?

What new name should the Democrats use after Bernie supporters take over Democratic Party?

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Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well, it would be more honest and they really should fit the descriptor 'Socialist' in there somewhere after Bernie and his activist takes over.

After winning Iowa tonight, Bernie will sweep New Hampshire, then roll through Nevada, and maybe South Carolina too. After he builds that kind of momentum, he will be hard to stop, especially since the anti-Bernie voters will have two big rival splitting their base (Biden and Bloomberg) during Super Tuesday.

I am not engaging in alarmism here, folks, as I like Bernie. He is certainly an honest man, and he has never hidden his socialism, and has always denounced Marxism and Totalitarianism. I just think the Democrats should lead with their strengths, and Bernie is apparently a strength for them. He's just the Democrat version of Ron Paul but from the other side of the scale of Reason and Americana.

We should have descriptive words, and since 'Democrat' is such a strong part of their past, we keep that, right? That ties then with their history of slavery, KKK, rebellion and Jim Crow, of which they pose for photos.

The words Socialist should be added, since that is accurate and reflects the majority of their voters, so that should go in, right?

And what about Nationalist? I mean, they cant leave patriotism to the Republicans, so they need to balance out the Socialist with Nationalism just to remind everyone that they are patriots too, am I right?

And what about workers? They are accused of having abandoned the working class base of their party, so Worker should go in their somewhere to signal to the nation that they will not abandon the workers of America to Trump and his Populism, so Worker has to go in as well, right?

So what should the name of the Democratic Party be after Bernienauts take over?
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They are globalist socialist. They could be the globalist socialist workers party. Or GAZI party for short.
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They are globalist socialist. They could be the globalist socialist workers party. Or GAZI party for short.
Well not all of them are globalists, but all of them to some degree are Socialist, Nationalist, Democrats, and in favor of supporting Workers, or at least they say they are.
If they end up nominating Sanders I don’t know how they could deny it anymore
If they end up nominating Sanders I don’t know how they could deny it anymore
Well, if someone uses a derogatory word for you, you have to embrace it and take pride in it to take the sting off it, like we did with the phrase 'Yankee Doodle'.

Go for it Democrats and embrace your inner Socialist!

But to be completely honest, I consider myself a1968 democratic socialist lite, along the lines of Senator Patric Daniel Moynahan, so I am mostly just teasing.
Well, it would be more honest and they really should fit the descriptor 'Socialist' in there somewhere after Bernie and his activist takes over.

After winning Iowa tonight, Bernie will sweep New Hampshire, then roll through Nevada, and maybe South Carolina too. After he builds that kind of momentum, he will be hard to stop, especially since the anti-Bernie voters will have two big rival splitting their base (Biden and Bloomberg) during Super Tuesday.

I am not engaging in alarmism here, folks, as I like Bernie. He is certainly an honest man, and he has never hidden his socialism, and has always denounced Marxism and Totalitarianism. I just think the Democrats should lead with their strengths, and Bernie is apparently a strength for them. He's just the Democrat version of Ron Paul but from the other side of the scale of Reason and Americana.

We should have descriptive words, and since 'Democrat' is such a strong part of their past, we keep that, right? That ties then with their history of slavery, KKK, rebellion and Jim Crow, of which they pose for photos.

The words Socialist should be added, since that is accurate and reflects the majority of their voters, so that should go in, right?

And what about Nationalist? I mean, they cant leave patriotism to the Republicans, so they need to balance out the Socialist with Nationalism just to remind everyone that they are patriots too, am I right?

And what about workers? They are accused of having abandoned the working class base of their party, so Worker should go in their somewhere to signal to the nation that they will not abandon the workers of America to Trump and his Populism, so Worker has to go in as well, right?

So what should the name of the Democratic Party be after Bernienauts take over?

No, they are globalist socialists.

After the communists Russia was still Russian. After the national socialists Germany was still German...

After the globalist democrats, America will absolutely no longer be American.
Crazy Bernie and his followers really do not deserve any particular title since he and they are literally retarded, illiterate idiots. You could argue Crazy Bernie is a bizarre, drooling Neo-Bolshevick, theoretically.
When the dems quit pretending they weren't socialists, Hillary breathed a huge sigh of relief. She went from the hideous pant suits straight to the Chairman Mao Smocks.
Well, it would be more honest and they really should fit the descriptor 'Socialist' in there somewhere after Bernie and his activist takes over.

After winning Iowa tonight, Bernie will sweep New Hampshire, then roll through Nevada, and maybe South Carolina too. After he builds that kind of momentum, he will be hard to stop, especially since the anti-Bernie voters will have two big rival splitting their base (Biden and Bloomberg) during Super Tuesday.

I am not engaging in alarmism here, folks, as I like Bernie. He is certainly an honest man, and he has never hidden his socialism, and has always denounced Marxism and Totalitarianism. I just think the Democrats should lead with their strengths, and Bernie is apparently a strength for them. He's just the Democrat version of Ron Paul but from the other side of the scale of Reason and Americana.

We should have descriptive words, and since 'Democrat' is such a strong part of their past, we keep that, right? That ties then with their history of slavery, KKK, rebellion and Jim Crow, of which they pose for photos.

The words Socialist should be added, since that is accurate and reflects the majority of their voters, so that should go in, right?

And what about Nationalist? I mean, they cant leave patriotism to the Republicans, so they need to balance out the Socialist with Nationalism just to remind everyone that they are patriots too, am I right?

And what about workers? They are accused of having abandoned the working class base of their party, so Worker should go in their somewhere to signal to the nation that they will not abandon the workers of America to Trump and his Populism, so Worker has to go in as well, right?

So what should the name of the Democratic Party be after Bernienauts take over?
Why don't we just make Bernie tell the truth?
I voted Democratic Socialist Party. - because that's what they are.

Only instead of Democratic I would say Democrat or DemocRat.
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Well, it would be more honest and they really should fit the descriptor 'Socialist' in there somewhere after Bernie and his activist takes over.

After winning Iowa tonight, Bernie will sweep New Hampshire, then roll through Nevada, and maybe South Carolina too. After he builds that kind of momentum, he will be hard to stop, especially since the anti-Bernie voters will have two big rival splitting their base (Biden and Bloomberg) during Super Tuesday.

I am not engaging in alarmism here, folks, as I like Bernie. He is certainly an honest man, and he has never hidden his socialism, and has always denounced Marxism and Totalitarianism. I just think the Democrats should lead with their strengths, and Bernie is apparently a strength for them. He's just the Democrat version of Ron Paul but from the other side of the scale of Reason and Americana.

We should have descriptive words, and since 'Democrat' is such a strong part of their past, we keep that, right? That ties then with their history of slavery, KKK, rebellion and Jim Crow, of which they pose for photos.

The words Socialist should be added, since that is accurate and reflects the majority of their voters, so that should go in, right?

And what about Nationalist? I mean, they cant leave patriotism to the Republicans, so they need to balance out the Socialist with Nationalism just to remind everyone that they are patriots too, am I right?

And what about workers? They are accused of having abandoned the working class base of their party, so Worker should go in their somewhere to signal to the nation that they will not abandon the workers of America to Trump and his Populism, so Worker has to go in as well, right?

So what should the name of the Democratic Party be after Bernienauts take over?
They are all commies and should be so labeled.

Kill a commie for mommy!!

I cant believe no one has voted for 'Free Beer'.

Whats wrong with you guys?

Well, it would be more honest and they really should fit the descriptor 'Socialist' in there somewhere after Bernie and his activist takes over.

After winning Iowa tonight, Bernie will sweep New Hampshire, then roll through Nevada, and maybe South Carolina too. After he builds that kind of momentum, he will be hard to stop, especially since the anti-Bernie voters will have two big rival splitting their base (Biden and Bloomberg) during Super Tuesday.

I am not engaging in alarmism here, folks, as I like Bernie. He is certainly an honest man, and he has never hidden his socialism, and has always denounced Marxism and Totalitarianism. I just think the Democrats should lead with their strengths, and Bernie is apparently a strength for them. He's just the Democrat version of Ron Paul but from the other side of the scale of Reason and Americana.

We should have descriptive words, and since 'Democrat' is such a strong part of their past, we keep that, right? That ties then with their history of slavery, KKK, rebellion and Jim Crow, of which they pose for photos.

The words Socialist should be added, since that is accurate and reflects the majority of their voters, so that should go in, right?

And what about Nationalist? I mean, they cant leave patriotism to the Republicans, so they need to balance out the Socialist with Nationalism just to remind everyone that they are patriots too, am I right?

And what about workers? They are accused of having abandoned the working class base of their party, so Worker should go in their somewhere to signal to the nation that they will not abandon the workers of America to Trump and his Populism, so Worker has to go in as well, right?

So what should the name of the Democratic Party be after Bernienauts take over?
They are all commies and should be so labeled.

Kill a commie for mommy!!

We don't have to kill 'em, Bootney. They're already lame from so many shooting themselves in the foot, and then trying to hide the foot by putting it in their mouths. /snicker

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