Will the GOP bifurcate formally? Should it?


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Gradually, we see GOP leaders attesting to their inability to forbear further the turpitude manifest in the current GOP president and other key figures in the party. That some -- Flake, McCain, Corker, and others -- have said "enough with the BS and depravity" is heartening to those of us for whom a public servant's character matters above all else.

Another member wrote:
I've never known politicians to be principled enough to fall on the sword "for the good of the country"...

Nobody alive today has seen such a thing actually happen, it has happened. Look back at the emergence of third parties in the country's past. They didn't endure, but they effected what needed to happen before they disappeared. That's about the situation in which we find ourselves now.

How viable do you think be the prospect of formal splitting of the GOP into two parties -- one comprised of Trump and his supporters and another comprised of moderate/centrist Republicans, perhaps supplemented with some Independents and conservative/progressive Democrats?

I know I could see myself (currently I'm an independent) potentially joining such a party if it espouses a mix of conservative and progressive ideas. What I know right now is that neither the GOP with Trump and his Trumpkins in it is unacceptable and I'm not liberal enough overall to be a Democrat. For me, however, it really comes down to character and integrity. I can put up with a pretty wide variety of policies, but I just cannot and will not willfully align myself with outright liars...of people like that, I don't care policies they want to advance...for me, such folk have no place in public life, least of all in high public office, elected or appointed.
~~~~~~~~Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes cause you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this blogger-but you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.
Whether the GOP splits or not, there are enough principled Republicans to guarantee that the Orange Klown will be unable to accomplish anything, which is a very good thing.

It never Ceases to amaze me how some, namely the left, will deliberately misinterpret facts in their favor.

The bifurcation you were saying is the leftist Republicans who are really Democrats are getting flushed from the party when the base is demanding that these assholes do what they ran on.

If The GOP is able to purge the worthless pieces of crap from that party, it might actually be a non-dog shit party again. As it stands, the Republican leadership is worthless, shitty, and Democrat-lite, only interested in getting elected.

To the dog shit establishment GOP, it’s fuck all you voters. Fuck American principles. Fuck righst. Fuck preservation of liberty.

They want to get elected And stay there forever doing jack shit.

Let us hope the purge is successful, and we have a real choice.
That sounds oh-so-noble except that you often confuse character and integrity with political correctness. Obama is the classic example of this. He was a born and bread anti-American who was a natural con man. He fooled all of you Liberals with his smooth delivery.

The swamp is full of smooth criminals who have loads of politically correct "character".
“Quite frankly, the Republican Party gave Bannon this opening when it abandoned its core principles and morality last June and clapped like trained seals as Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president of the United States.

That night in Cleveland, anger became the choice policy of the GOP.

Hate became the rallying cry of far too many conservatives.

Cowardice and fear swept through everyone else who quietly shook their heads but kept their mouths shut.

And now the Republican Party as we knew it is gone. It is a thing of the past. There is no going back. The silence of the majority has eroded the moral fabric of the Republican Party.”

Say goodbye to your Republican Party - CNN

The OP’s question is likely moot.

Anger, hate, cowardice, and fear all perfectly describe what has become of the GOP, and what motivates far too many conservatives.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

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Last edited:
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of

You mean the majority that voted for Clinton?
My hope is that enough Republican senators walk away to make a difference, and that the crazy Bannon wing of the party puts up insane candidates like Judge Roy Moore and the people actually say NAW GUESS NOT and elect the democrat, turning the senate democrats again into the majority.
I don't expect that to happen, but it's still my wild and crazy dream.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of

You mean the majority that voted for Clinton?

I'm assuming you are referencing the majority as being California.
She won California by 4.5 million votes, and the election by 2.8
million votes. She was down 1.7 million to the Donald in the other
49 states.

States, for your future knowledge, is how we decide elections in this
country...since it's founding. The state scoreboard read 30-20 DJT.
Electoral College read 304-227.

You couldn't even relocate enough of them to get a win.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of

You mean the majority that voted for Clinton?

I'm assuming you are referencing the majority as being California.
She won California by 4.5 million votes, and the election by 2.8
million votes. She was down 1.7 million to the Donald in the other
49 states.

States, for your future knowledge, is how we decide elections in this
country...since it's founding. The state scoreboard read 30-20 DJT.
Electoral College read 304-227.

You couldn't even relocate enough of them to get a win.

A number of those states were won by razor thin margins, with the majority voting for left wing candidates.

Your assumption is that the majority of voters are conservative and that would be false.
~~~~~~~~Republican Party~~~~~~~~

Let this be a warning in spades, Trump is dragging your party through the pig farm slug pit. Please hold your nose, don’t breathe or open your eyes cause you be in the disgusted land of ooze.

If you don’t save your party from this blogger-but you will not only lose what integrity you have but every seat in Congress.
too funny. you know nothing. head in the sand like Corker and Flake.
After Clinton and her cronies are all locked up and all 435 seats of the
House belong to the GOP along with 60 Senate seats...

The sun will shine once more on America.

In other words a banner republican dictatorship . Tell us how much you love and respect America and theConstitution

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ya Buddy.

It's about time the Majority leads this country again...instead of

You mean the majority that voted for Clinton?

I'm assuming you are referencing the majority as being California.
She won California by 4.5 million votes, and the election by 2.8
million votes. She was down 1.7 million to the Donald in the other
49 states.

States, for your future knowledge, is how we decide elections in this
country...since it's founding. The state scoreboard read 30-20 DJT.
Electoral College read 304-227.

You couldn't even relocate enough of them to get a win.

A number of those states were won by razor thin margins, with the majority voting for left wing candidates.

Your assumption is that the majority of voters are conservative and that would be false.
accept what?

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