Will the GOP impeach Biden?

We get a steady diet from both parties saying evidence is soooo overwhelmingly commending, showing the other side guilty of all kinds of stuff, only to do nothing about anything.

Just tired of the same old crap is all.

Both parties have basically proven to me that they all need to be in jail, but how can those running the show be held accountable for anything?

They can't, that is why it is a dysfunctional and broken system. It's just a poo slinging circus now.
Who knows what the evidence will say....I never said it was overwhelming in my post.....I know there is some smoke, and we will see if there is a fire
Read the very first sentence and get back to me. Moron.

It reads...

The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3). The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment.

... Translating that from English to conservative means while the Senate does not impeach, they are involved in impeachment as they try all impeachments. Whereas, you laughably posted...

The Senate isn't involved in impeachment.
Yes, the Senate shall try all impeachments. Are they impeached when their case goes to the Senate or not?

Of course they are -- which is why the Senate is involved in impeachments. If they weren't impeached by the House, then the Senate would not be involved in impeachment.

Had you said the Senate is not involved in impeaching, you would have been right and not laughed at. Regrettably, that's not what you said.
They are only involved in removal or non removal
And they won't vote to remove Biden. And if they did, we'd be stuck with Kamel-Toe as president. And if Kamel-Toe was impeached, minorities would hold it against Republicans for decades.
And they won't vote to remove Biden. And if they did, we'd be stuck with Kamel-Toe as president. And if Kamel-Toe was impeached, minorities would hold it against Republicans for decades.
They can get the dirt out though. Lots of it. Joe is an under the radar career average politician who changes his views as needed and is corrupted to the bone.
They'll go as far as they can, with MTG, Gaetz and Boebert leading the way.

The interesting dynamic here is McCarthy, the weakest Speaker in history, who is completely at their mercy. Dare he say anything?
If they go down that route it will be because McCarthy has very publicly lost...

Might make MTG & Co look strong(ish) but it will make the GOP look very weak and unable to govern.

This would look very bad... They don't have a laptop, they have a very corrupted hard drive, one technical expert on the hard drive will state (if like the other experts) that the hard drive has been interfered with and that the sequencing numbers are off.. This gives the value of this evidence in an actual court of law as zero... So its only use in media circus with no legal basis in law...

Then it will be shown that what was done to this hard drive was deliberate and took actual skills... This would suggest a foreign actor...

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