Will the GOP's "Hate Hillary" work out better than their "Hate Obama" campaign?

You RW assholes ought to quit acting so shocked, your acting president Cheney successfully avoided disclosing any of his e-mails by using the RNC servers and having them very well deleted. It does not excuse Clinton's actions but it does make you all look like flaming hypocrites when you gladly excused millions of e-mails being disappeared.

i see leftard; the ol republicans did it too decades ago so it's cool if hillary does it now thingy?
I specifically said it does not excuse her actions, learn to read.
So if Sanders kicks her butt is it sexist hate or is it because she is a loser?
Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I developed an active dislike for her in 2008 and she has done nothing to change my perception of her as a GWB style neocon tryiing desperately to pass herself off as a populist democrat. Her races have always been hers to lose because she simply cannot pull off the act standing next to the real thing.
In short YOU expect Sanders to kick her ass correct?
You RW assholes ought to quit acting so shocked, your acting president Cheney successfully avoided disclosing any of his e-mails by using the RNC servers and having them very well deleted. It does not excuse Clinton's actions but it does make you all look like flaming hypocrites when you gladly excused millions of e-mails being disappeared.

i see leftard; the ol republicans did it too decades ago so it's cool if hillary does it now thingy?
I specifically said it does not excuse her actions, learn to read.
So if Sanders kicks her butt is it sexist hate or is it because she is a loser?
Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I developed an active dislike for her in 2008 and she has done nothing to change my perception of her as a GWB style neocon tryiing desperately to pass herself off as a populist democrat. Her races have always been hers to lose because she simply cannot pull off the act standing next to the real thing.
In short YOU expect Sanders to kick her ass correct?
It's still way early to be making predictions like that, his message could easily beat her message but she has a money machine that will be very difficult to overcome.
i see leftard; the ol republicans did it too decades ago so it's cool if hillary does it now thingy?
I specifically said it does not excuse her actions, learn to read.
So if Sanders kicks her butt is it sexist hate or is it because she is a loser?
Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I developed an active dislike for her in 2008 and she has done nothing to change my perception of her as a GWB style neocon tryiing desperately to pass herself off as a populist democrat. Her races have always been hers to lose because she simply cannot pull off the act standing next to the real thing.
In short YOU expect Sanders to kick her ass correct?
It's still way early to be making predictions like that, his message could easily beat her message but she has a money machine that will be very difficult to overcome.
I heard him for the first time just the other day on a video. Man IS a remarkable speaker, great power in his voice when he gets riled. I don't support his stances but as a speaker he can wipe the floor with her anytime anywhere.
The Right are afraid of Clinton... If elected she will probably run an administration close to what her husband did...

This kills the Right because he was very successful... America would easily buy a Clinton administration over any Bush administration (there best chance). The others in the race on the GOP side have some serious defects which would be hard to come over...

You can always hop on an inner tube and head to Cuba
I specifically said it does not excuse her actions, learn to read.
So if Sanders kicks her butt is it sexist hate or is it because she is a loser?
Has Hillary Lost New Hampshire? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I developed an active dislike for her in 2008 and she has done nothing to change my perception of her as a GWB style neocon tryiing desperately to pass herself off as a populist democrat. Her races have always been hers to lose because she simply cannot pull off the act standing next to the real thing.
In short YOU expect Sanders to kick her ass correct?
It's still way early to be making predictions like that, his message could easily beat her message but she has a money machine that will be very difficult to overcome.
I heard him for the first time just the other day on a video. Man IS a remarkable speaker, great power in his voice when he gets riled. I don't support his stances but as a speaker he can wipe the floor with her anytime anywhere.
This is correct and it is remarkable that after all that time in office there is absolutely nothing for him to be ashamed of. It is also important to note that he is the clear choice of the internet generation who's social networking skills may negate her mountain of dirty corporate money.
The Right are afraid of Clinton... If elected she will probably run an administration close to what her husband did...

This kills the Right because he was very successful... America would easily buy a Clinton administration over any Bush administration (there best chance). The others in the race on the GOP side have some serious defects which would be hard to come over...

If elected she will probably run an administration close to what her husband did...

Yeah, I'm sure she'd have another Internet Bubble during her term. LOL!
The Right are afraid of Clinton... If elected she will probably run an administration close to what her husband did...

This kills the Right because he was very successful... America would easily buy a Clinton administration over any Bush administration (there best chance). The others in the race on the GOP side have some serious defects which would be hard to come over...

you have 4 rich old and White failed progressives trying to outpander each other

why dont left-wing nutjobs worry about their own candidates?
It's all in the republican playbook

Trump up Clinton conspiracy theories. Claim they hate America. Invent statistics
It's all in the republican playbook

Trump up Clinton conspiracy theories. Claim they hate America. Invent statistics
There are a lot of conspiracy theories about Clinton but there seems to be more than enough real dirt to seriously hurt her chances. She is a deeply flawed candidate, the risk is too great that that there will be something that will totally knock her out of the race after she has somehow won the nomination.
"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) – Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

5 Things You Should Know About Hillary Clinton

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It's all in the republican playbook

Trump up Clinton conspiracy theories. Claim they hate America. Invent statistics
I don't think you will be able to cover for Hillary. The same you did for Obama. The media is starting to see what a loser Hillary is.
You have been playing your get Hillary game for twenty five years. Why do you keep playing the same losing hand?
You RW assholes ought to quit acting so shocked, your acting president Cheney successfully avoided disclosing any of his e-mails by using the RNC servers and having them very well deleted. It does not excuse Clinton's actions but it does make you all look like flaming hypocrites when you gladly excused millions of e-mails being disappeared.

So what you're saying is that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic equivalent to Dick Cheney? Sure you want to go with that, Occupied? Just saying...:dig::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:
You RW assholes ought to quit acting so shocked, your acting president Cheney successfully avoided disclosing any of his e-mails by using the RNC servers and having them very well deleted. It does not excuse Clinton's actions but it does make you all look like flaming hypocrites when you gladly excused millions of e-mails being disappeared.

So what you're saying is that Hillary Clinton is the Democratic equivalent to Dick Cheney? Sure you want to go with that, Occupied? Just saying...:dig::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:
Yes, I am saying pretty much that but you are apparently mistaking me for someone who would vote for her. I do not support her candidacy or the idea that she would serve the interests of working class America as president.
It's all in the republican playbook

Trump up Clinton conspiracy theories. Claim they hate America. Invent statistics
I don't think you will be able to cover for Hillary. The same you did for Obama. The media is starting to see what a loser Hillary is.
You have been playing your get Hillary game for twenty five years. Why do you keep playing the same losing hand?
She has always been able to work her way out of it. This time the American people aren't buying it. I think this one will stick. 57% of Americans think she is a liar and not trustworthy.
If you don't have policies that anyone wants to hear, you run on hate the other side. Republicans were so sure "Hate Obama" was enough, they just couldn't believe that it wasn't, in a landslide. It won't be enough for Hillary either.

Where have you been??

Lots of those working with Hilbat can't stand her. In fact she's not well liked by those who work with and for her and those folks are democrats.

She's not well liked at all. No one has to hate her. She's pretty much fucked herself, all by herself.

You need to get out more pal. LOL
It's like the scene is Star Wars where the Emperor (Obama) is killing Luke (Hillary) and the Hillary supporters and just sitting with their thumb in their ass.

Biden is Obama's Third term, not Hillary. He's going to destroy her
well tell us. How did your Dems. Hate Bush work out for ya? then we'll think about your WHINE. boohoo, they hate Obama, they hate Hillary. :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:
Yea, let's take a look at that. Trillions in debt. Million of jobs moved to China. Tens of thousands of factories closed. Tens of thousands of of young Americans dead or maimed for life(something Trump is running on in the GOP), a ruined economy, who knows how many Americans lost their life savings under Bush.

And tards call it a "whine". They truly hate America. What else could explain it?

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