Will the left lose their collective minds?

Goodness sakes, hate to break up the nice circle jerk you folks have going here, but the pols seem to indicate that on 21Jan17, we will have as President, Hillary Clinton. If Beckel is calling for the assassination of someone, then he is dead wrong. But, as has been pointed out, he is not a Candidate for President, as is Donald Trump. And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton.

"And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton."

That is a bald faced lie, and you are an idiot.
The 'Conservatives' here are trying their best to defuse Trump's obviously inflammatory remarks concerning what to do about President Hillary Clinton when she gets the opportunity to appoint Supreme Court Justices. His remarks cannot be interpreted as talking about votes, since candidates for the Presidency do not get to make SC appointments. Try as they might, most Americans understand exactly what Trump meant.

Are you on drugs? The Senate votes to confirm or not to confirm Supreme Court Justices' and they would be inundated with calls and letters if an anti-gun nut was nominated. And that goes for a Trump nomination as well.
Most Americans understand that the NRA has never advocated shooting anyone. Only LWNJ'S like you do that.
Like they did over Trump's remarks? Beckel doesn't even try to hide it. He even says it would be "illegal".

“Illegally Shoot the Son of a Bitch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV
DCC: Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel appeared on on Fox calling for the assassination of Julian Assange — a blatant urge for violence against the Wikileaks founder in direct contradiction of every possible natural and government law.

Wikileaks, of course, has published several damning caches of documents showing Clinton in none-too-favorable light — including emails from her controversially-employed private server as well ascommunications from the DNC which proved her campaign colluded with mainstream media.

“I mean, a dead man can’t leak stuff,” Beckel chillingly noted of Assange. “The guy’s a traitor, a treasonist, and … and he has broken every law in the United States. The guy ought to be — and I’m not for the death penalty — so, if I’m not for the death penalty,there’s only one way to do it, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.”


“Illegally Shoot the Son of a Bitch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV

That is horrible

If Beckel runs for president, I am not going to vote for him
Goodness sakes, hate to break up the nice circle jerk you folks have going here, but the pols seem to indicate that on 21Jan17, we will have as President, Hillary Clinton. If Beckel is calling for the assassination of someone, then he is dead wrong. But, as has been pointed out, he is not a Candidate for President, as is Donald Trump. And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton.

"And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton."

That is a bald faced lie, and you are an idiot.

I think you are being purposefully naive or stupid.

He made a joke and it had no real thrust behind it whatsoever. It was an obvious joke. And not even one for anyone to think for a second "oh, my, what did he just say?!!"

To put it another way, the leftists in this nation are the most shameful, duplicitous, double standard, two-faced, dishonest cabal of destroyers of American life an society. Your media and your government have been poison for 20 years or more.

The republicans are cowards and kind of phony, but the democrats are a pox on this nation. Grow up and realize dishonesty is a sin.
Like they did over Trump's remarks? Beckel doesn't even try to hide it. He even says it would be "illegal".
So, you agree that Trump was making a threat.

Oh and the quote from Beckel was from 2010, when he was a Fox News pundit.


You fail, FakeIrishSkank. You fail in a major way

Like they did over Trump's remarks? Beckel doesn't even try to hide it. He even says it would be "illegal".

“Illegally Shoot the Son of a Bitch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV
DCC: Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel appeared on on Fox calling for the assassination of Julian Assange — a blatant urge for violence against the Wikileaks founder in direct contradiction of every possible natural and government law.

Wikileaks, of course, has published several damning caches of documents showing Clinton in none-too-favorable light — including emails from her controversially-employed private server as well ascommunications from the DNC which proved her campaign colluded with mainstream media.

“I mean, a dead man can’t leak stuff,” Beckel chillingly noted of Assange. “The guy’s a traitor, a treasonist, and … and he has broken every law in the United States. The guy ought to be — and I’m not for the death penalty — so, if I’m not for the death penalty,there’s only one way to do it, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.”


“Illegally Shoot the Son of a Bitch”: Bob Beckel Calls for Assassination of Julian Assange on TV

who is bob becker? is he running for president and asking for the assassination of his opponent?

no? didn't think so.


It's Beckel, moron.

Maybe it's Beckistan.

So, to sum it all up:

SassyIrishLass thinks that a quote by a Fox News pundit from a segment that aired in 2010, in which he called for the assassination of a hacker who leaks classified state documents, is comparable to the current Republican presidential nominee suggesting that American citizens take up arms against his opponent if she wins the election
Goodness sakes, hate to break up the nice circle jerk you folks have going here, but the pols seem to indicate that on 21Jan17, we will have as President, Hillary Clinton. If Beckel is calling for the assassination of someone, then he is dead wrong. But, as has been pointed out, he is not a Candidate for President, as is Donald Trump. And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton.

"And Trump definately did call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton."

That is a bald faced lie, and you are an idiot.

only to rightwingnuthacks
Where are you at, SkankyIrishHag? You seem to have abandoned your failed thread

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