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Will The Real Edward Snowden Please Drop Dead


Sep 23, 2010
Nothing surprised me more than John Kerry commenting on Edward Snowden. I would have sworn he would keep his mouth shut. I completely underestimated his feelings of guilt while overestimating his intelligence. There is little doubt that Barack Taqiyya wants the Snowden Affair to disappear. Kerry adding to the media coverage surely displeased White House spin doctors. Any hint of a treason trial has them climbing the walls:

Sen. Feinstein calls Snowden's NSA leaks an 'act of treason'
By Jeremy Herb and Justin Sink - 06/10/13 06:19 PM ET

Sen. Feinstein calls Snowden's NSA leaks an 'act of treason' - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

Thank you DI Fi. You just threw a net over John Kerry.

If you watch this video notice that John Kerry is laying down a preemptive strike by invoking Daniel Ellsberg:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ory-nPQL5AQ]Kerry: Lives May be Lost Due to Snowden's Betrayal - YouTube[/ame]​

Lives may or may not be lost because of Edward Snowden’s political idiocy, but lives were definitely lost when John Kerry and the leaders of the anti-Vietnam War crowd committed treason. I can hear liberals moaning over that one; so let’s define treason:

Article 3

Section 3

1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

2: The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

Thousands of Americans lost their lives in Vietnam because American Traitors gave the enemy hope for a political victory. That’s aid and comfort. Kerry knows that his own treason is sure to come up somewhere along the line; so he had to imply that his actions were noble by bringing up Daniel Ellsberg.

NOTE: Kerry looks the bigger fool because Daniel Ellsberg says Snowden was right.

Kerry topped all of the Vietnam War traitors, including Jane Fonda, when he, a private citizen at the time, sat down with the enemy in Paris in 1970. I guess that’s where he got the idea for his 2004 presidential campaign slogan “Respected in the world.” I’d like to ask Kerry how that’s been working out? In my opinion, Putin holds Kerry in contempt because he betrayed his own country. If I’m correct about Putin, he can’t have much respect for a country that honors people like Kerry, Biden, the Clintons, and the rest of those Vietnam War era leftovers.

Kerry’s treason was not confined to getting Americans killed in Vietnam. He has worked tirelessly to hand the US military, and America’s sovereignty, to the United Nations. Kerry has long-personified liberalism’s foreign policy: Americans must fight and die for the United Nations. You’ll find four brief articles showing Kerry for what he is combined in this one link:

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Vietnam-Era Kerry Saw a Military Led by U.N.

Kerry called for strong U.N. role in 1970


Kerry and the rest of the traitors gave aid and comfort to the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan just as they did in Vietnam, and for the same reason.

Sadly, most Americans will not see that vicious Democrats will do every thing they can get away with to bring defeat to their own country whenever the UN is NOT in charge. The original UN-traitors were venomous in their own right. It has gotten worse with every dollar, and every day, fanatic UN-loving traitors invested in the UN since 1945.

Finally, after Pearl Harbor FDR put loyal Japanese-Americans into internment camps. Should a world war come again Americans better put every top Democrat, every Democrat judge, every Democrat bureaucrat, every press baron, every military officer more loyal to the UN than to the US, into internment camps for the duration of the war. Let them stay in place and they will work from within to defeat this country until the UN is in charge. The UN in charge is defeat for America. If outright defeat is not possible Democrats will revert to preventing a complete victory.
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Sarah Palin is correct:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ex4W8DP5lUY]Palin floats idea of leaving Republican Party... - YouTube[/ame]​

The media is mostly responsible for Republicans and Democrats bringing the country to where it is at today. To be fair to press barons, conservatives share the blame because they went along in election after election &#8220;rather than vote for a Democrat.&#8221; If the Republican party continues to sell out to Democrats there is no justification for conservatives to stay put.

Americans who pay attention know that the Affordable Care Act must be repealed, the income tax abolished, government spying on law-abiding Americans ended, the Second Amendment strengthened and ENFORCED, amnesty for illegals denied, and so on through all of the domestic abuses congressional Democrats protect irrespective of who lives in the White House.

At the same time Democrats are attacking the country on every domestic front they are mounting sneak attacks in partnership with the United Nations:

Senate Democrats will try to resurrect a United Nations treaty on rights for the disabled that was rejected last year over GOP concerns it would imperil home-schooling.

Senate Dems to resurrect United Nations treaty opposed by home schoolers
By Julian Pecquet - 06/30/13 06:00 AM ET

Senate Dems to resurrect United Nations treaty opposed by home schoolers - The Hill's Global Affairs


. . . what is the point for the USA and other fully democratic nations -- who have already achieved essentially complete population coverage for improved water sources and sanitation facilities -- to constitutionalize a UN sponsored right to water and sanitation that could subsequently be used as a Trojan Horse for diminishing other human rights? All risk and no reward.

June 30, 2013
A Right to Water?
By Sierra Rayne

Articles: A Right to Water?

The US did not support the UN&#8217;s water scam. That means nothing. Whatever the UN wants the UN gets at some future date.

Bottom line: Ignore the scandals and corruption if you must but focus on this. Americans should automatically be against everything John Kerry is for. See the OP if you do not know where Kerry&#8217;s first loyalty lies.
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It is too late for the GOP, Flanders. It is dead in the water and has been for some time. I was wondering if any of them would ever state the obvious. I'm glad to see Sarah was the first one to step up to the plate and say so. Does it surprise me she was the first? Absolutely not! She's a woman!

- Jeri
Yes the GOP needs to die.

We do not have a two party system. We have a one party system. That one party does all it can to promote the power of the State, while enriching itself. The disputes between the Ds and Rs is merely a smoke screen to dupe the people...and this works rather well.

We need a party of the people, not the State. The Tea Party is truly a party of the people and look what the Rs, Ds, and the media have done to the TP. They have demonized and marginalized it...including preventing it from operating thanks to the tyrannical actions of the IRS and other statist governmental agencies. The TP threatens the hegemony of the one party system. It must be destroyed...say the statists.
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It is too late for the GOP, Flanders. It is dead in the water and has been for some time. I was wondering if any of them would ever state the obvious. I'm glad to see Sarah was the first one to step up to the plate and say so. Does it surprise me she was the first? Absolutely not! She's a woman!

- Jeri

To Jeri:

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. Margaret Thatcher

Before I fell in love with Sarah I said this in August of 2008:

I would root for John McCain right now were I convinced that Sarah Palin is another Margaret Thatcher. Caution tells me that it is way too soon to know. The Democrats have to first get in their licks. Not that I would believe anything Obama&#8217;s surrogates will throw at her.

John McCain is the top of the ticket and he scares the hell out of me when he uses phrases like &#8220;common good.&#8221; I cannot be sure if his definition is the same definition the Democrats have in mind when they invoke the common good.

To Democrats, common good always means more government control, more entitlements, more quotas, bigger federal bureaucracies, and more taxation to pay for it all. Every harmful socialist addiction is huddled under the common good umbrella.

Barack H. Obama makes no bones about extending the common good to the rest of the world. Specifically Africa by sending hundreds of billions of tax dollars to UN charity hustlers. Americans could defend their country in a hundred Iraqs for less money than Obama wants taxpayers to hand to the United Nations through his S.2433. Only the good Lord knows what else he has up his sleeve besides a hairy arm.

Also, McCain&#8217;s many sordid affairs with Democrats makes him very scary indeed. McCain&#8217;s biggest plus is that Obama and Biden are even more frightening.

It is too soon to get into a detailed analysis of Sarah for my own satisfaction. So far, this conservative likes what he hears about the lady. At this point, I will say that I like the cut of her jib.

There has been one interesting development since Sarah&#8217;s nomination: MSM punditry is already comparing her to Obama. In effect, they are burying McCain while the body is still twitching. The match up is, or should be, between Sexy Sarah and Joe Biden. In that bout the lady wins hands down because everyone knows what Biden stands for, and it ain&#8217;t good. When it comes to Sarah versus Biden, I do not subscribe to the old maxim &#8220;Better the devil you know than the one you don&#8217;t.&#8221;

NOTE: When Biden tries to lay his vaunted foreign policy experience on Sarah in a debate, all she has to ask is &#8220;What good is experience when it leads to the wrong decisions?&#8221;

Unless McCain checks out the day after he is inaugurated, the vice president&#8217;s commander in chief experience is a red herring easily dismissed by showing that Sarah is a quick study. Going from small town mayor to governor in a relatively brief time span indicates that she learns fast. If she has to takeover in a hurry she will have this country&#8217;s top military advisors accelerating her learning curve. In that scenario, Sarah&#8217;s core beliefs are just as important as experience, if not more so.

On the other side of the coin, Biden has been a senator since 1973 and he has not learned a thing the majority of average Americans deemed important.

Bottom line on experience: All of the experience in the world is meaningless if you happen to be an asshole.

Finally, Sarah&#8217;s position on global warming warms my heart. At least she has the good sense to know that global warming is not manmade. I can&#8217;t say where she goes from there, but it has to be better than the position held by McCain, Obama, and Biden.

Here&#8217;s an excerpt from a brief article that should please the hard-eyed realists among us:

ABC News&#8217; Rick Klein Reports: Among the issues Sen. John McCain will have to smooth over with his new running mate: global warming.

In an interview for the September issue of the conservative magazine Newsmax, Gov. Sarah Palin, R-Alaska, said she does not believe climate change is caused by human behavior.

&#8220;A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being man-made,&#8221; Palin said in the interview, which was posted online Friday.

McCain, R-Ariz., by contrast, has broken with his party&#8217;s dogma by supporting a mandatory program to cap carbon emissions -- a point of pride for McCain as he burnishes his independent reputation.

Palin: Global Warming Not Man-Made
August 29, 2008 8:21 PM

Palin: Global Warming Not Man-Made - ABC News

I am happy to report that Sarah turned out to be very much like Mrs. Thatcher:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ-M0KEFm9I&feature=player_embedded]Margaret Thatcher 'the Lady's not for turning' - YouTube[/ame]​

Yes the GOP needs to die.

We do not have a two party system. We have a one party system. That one party does all it can to promote the power of the State, while enriching itself. The disputes between the Ds and Rs is merely a smoke screen to dupe the people...and this works rather well.

We need a party of the people, not the State. The Tea Party is truly a party of the people and look what the Rs, Ds, and the media have done to the TP. They have demonized and marginalized it...including preventing it from operating thanks to the tyrannical actions of the IRS and other statist governmental agencies. The TP threatens the hegemony of the one party system. It must be destroyed...say the statists.

To gipper: Right on.

Incidentally, a true second party faces one formidable obstacle. The money behind the Republican and Democrat parties will combine their considerable resources on the day a serious threat arises. No matter which banner conservatives fly they must not fall into the trap of putting all of their energy into winning the presidency à la Ross Perot. Win one or both Houses of Congress first. That will serve two ends. It will stop Democrats and Republicans in their tracks, and, in time, it will give their first president the muscle he or she needs to dismantle big government. Basically, it&#8217;s a two-stage strategy: Stop & Dismantle.
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To gipper: Right on.

Incidentally, a true second party faces one formidable obstacle. The money behind the Republican and Democrat parties will combine their considerable resources on the day a serious threat arises. No matter which banner conservatives fly they must not fall into the trap of putting all of their energy into winning the presidency à la Ross Perot. Win one or both Houses of Congress first. That will serve two ends. It will stop Democrats and Republicans in their tracks, and, in time, it will give their first president the muscle he or she needs to dismantle big government. Basically, it’s a two-stage strategy: Stop & Dismantle.

The Rs are doing a very good job of destroying themselves. They are so ignorant of what the American people want that they can't help but screw up. If they push through immigration reform (really amnesty for millions of D voters) they will dig their own grave.

I say good riddance.
Yes the GOP needs to die.

We do not have a two party system. We have a one party system. That one party does all it can to promote the power of the State, while enriching itself. The disputes between the Ds and Rs is merely a smoke screen to dupe the people...and this works rather well.

We need a party of the people, not the State. The Tea Party is truly a party of the people and look what the Rs, Ds, and the media have done to the TP. They have demonized and marginalized it...including preventing it from operating thanks to the tyrannical actions of the IRS and other statist governmental agencies. The TP threatens the hegemony of the one party system. It must be destroyed...say the statists.

Great post. You are correct, there is no difference between the two parties. We are being told that the GOP is finished but if there were a true difference between the two than there is something very obvious the GOP could do right now to win back the white house in 2016. I do not see a serious move by the GOP to get this done, so they are exposed as one and the same entity.

It would be a win/win scenario for the GOP if they started the impeachment process against Obama. The Watergate scandal pales in comparison to the impeachable offenses of our pretender and chief. This is not being done and will never be done because both parties are one and the same. The lack of the GOP to make this move is the only evidence one needs to see the writing on the wall.
Nothing surprised me more than John Kerry commenting on Edward Snowden. I would have sworn he would keep his mouth shut.
Feb 11 2017, 10:09 am ET
Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to ‘Curry Favor’ With Trump: Official
by Cynthia McFadden and William Arkin

Russia eyes sending Snowden to U.S. as 'gift' to Trump, official says

Snowden might not be holding a winning hand but he has:

. . . one thing going for him if he is charged with treason. All he has do is ask why all of those elected officials and federal bureaucrats who commit treason for the United Nations every day are not in the dock alongside him.​

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