Will the Republicans try to defund Obamacare?

Bill Angel

Gold Member
Aug 20, 2010
Baltimore Maryland
If Republicans do get control of the Senate, while retaining control of the House, I don't think that they will try to remove Obama from office via the impeachment process, but they might try to end Obamacare. They might try to defund it by passing a government budget appropriations bill that Obama would be very reluctant to veto which provides no money to sustain its operation.
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It has been passed more than 50 times at the cost of millions but yes, I've read that they do plan to waste more time and millions trying to take health care insurance away from millions of Americans.

I don't think we can expect them to suddenly start working for the benefit of their constituents. They're stated purpose is to keep people poor, destroy jobs and kill the middle class. That's not going to change.
If Republicans do get control of the Senate, while retaining control of the House, I don't think that they will try to remove Obama from office via the impeachment process, but they might try to end Obamacare. They might try to defund it by passing a government budget appropriations bill that Obama would be very reluctant to veto which provides no money to sustain its operation.
Sure. Because a government shutdown worked out so well for the Republicans the last time they tried to defund ObamaCare.
BEHOLD! The Republican begins to drool on his bib overalls when asked for his comprehensive health care reform package.
Dammit, Mitch. We can't write a comprehensive health care reform package. Someone might criticize it! We're too chickenshit for that.

Plus, also, it might run into the hundreds of pages! We can't have that. Our base has the attention span of goldfish.
If Republicans do get control of the Senate, while retaining control of the House, I don't think that they will try to remove Obama from office via the impeachment process, but they might try to end Obamacare. They might try to defund it by passing a government budget appropriations bill that Obama would be very reluctant to veto which provides no money to sustain its operation.

Now that would be a brilliant move, as most people can't afford not only their premiums but could never meet their deductibles. Good news today.....women are leaning towards the GOP.

In last month's AP-GfK poll, 47 percent of female likely voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to capture control. In the new poll, the two parties are about even among women, 44 percent prefer the Republicans, 42 percent the Democrats.

AP-GfK Poll Most expect GOP victory in November - Yahoo News
Repeal/Defund ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!!??!!
Have all the left wingnuts on USMB run for office because they know everything under the sun. Except how to get a photo ID.
In other words, there is no plan. Exactly my point.

And that is why the GOP is getting its ass kicked on that issue.

As for Voter ID, please see any Voter ID topic to see the proponents of that idiotic plan also getting their ass kicked.
More deregulation so the finance industry can scam(skin) us alive again..

Regulation is how they skin us.
certain regulations, yes, but not all. Some are decent and well meaning. But yes this administration along with Bush's seem to have taken the path to increased administrative legislation and overreach of authority..which filtered down to state and local level.
Repeal/Defund ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!!??!!
Have all the left wingnuts on USMB run for office because they know everything under the sun. Except how to get a photo ID.
In other words, there is no plan. Exactly my point.

And that is why the GOP is getting its ass kicked on that issue.

As for Voter ID, please see any Voter ID topic to see the proponents of that idiotic plan also getting their ass kicked.
Can you explain why every country in the world except the US requires citizens to have identity cards, passports or proof of citizenship? And how do you know the GOP doesn't have a plan? How about we wait till after the election to to see who's holding the winning hand.

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