Will the US ever again find prosperity?

How does the fact that your example was from a time over 110 years ago and our society and ALL of soceity is completely different now bare on implementation of your plans?

you asked a question: i answered.

Could it be that they had it right back then? Work hard and enjoy the fruits of YOUR OWN LABOR?

If you don't like the answers the simple thing is. Stop asking questions.

So you contend that the reason this period you picked was great was mainly a great economy because we had no income taxes?

have we not had any prosperity since their inception?
So you contend that the reason this period you picked was great was mainly a great economy because we had no income taxes?

have we not had any prosperity since their inception?

Try and keep up with your own questions TM. You may want to stick to one thread at a time as you cant seem to be able to keep up

Do you know American history well enough to tell us what were the GOOD years in the US?

I TOLD you what were good years.

Yeah its about things you know nothing about, like history


No quote, so I assume your wacko sheep ass aint talkin to me.

Dude, as I'm sure is OBVIOUS to you from your laughable, utter lack of rep and thanks, you're a joke here, no one takes you seriously.

You brought this title on yourself, by parroting retarded DNC socialist talking points, conspiracy theories, slander, etc.

I for one can't lower myself in talkin to someone as dense as you. Post some credible sources for once, stop tryna radically revise history, AND MAYBE you'll be worthy of REAL debate with me as I've already pwned lefties WHO ACTUALLY TRIED TO DEBATE, and that's clearly beyond your scope.:lol::cuckoo:

You aint even good enough for my pwned belt.:lol:

How I wish the right would stop avoiding this question

Ill just start the new year off right for you.

Jump TM

Yeah its about things you know nothing about, like history


No quote, so I assume your wacko sheep ass aint talkin to me.

Dude, as I'm sure is OBVIOUS to you from your laughable, utter lack of rep and thanks, you're a joke here, no one takes you seriously.

You brought this title on yourself, by parroting retarded DNC socialist talking points, conspiracy theories, slander, etc.

I for one can't lower myself in talkin to someone as dense as you. Post some credible sources for once, stop tryna radically revise history, AND MAYBE you'll be worthy of REAL debate with me as I've already pwned lefties WHO ACTUALLY TRIED TO DEBATE, and that's clearly beyond your scope.:lol::cuckoo:

You aint even good enough for my pwned belt.:lol:


Which is why i tried to help her out right off.
As long as the fucking government eats up nearly 50% of GDP we'll not be seeing any prosperity.

they don't eat it up, they just recycle it back into the general economy. If the government hoarded money instead of sequestering and spending it you would have a point.
Will the US ever again find prosperity?

the answer to that kinda depends on your definition of prosperity.

Is living well above your means and owing money for almost everything you have prosperity?
Is living within your means and having a good loving family prosperity?
Is chasing the dream of wealth to the extent of losinig what is truely important prosperity?
Is converting other nations at the point of a gun to our way of life around the globe prosperity?

I think we will have to learn to be satisfied with less in the future, however we can still be very properous in the things that really matter.
Is it more important to be always running to soccer practice, etc or to take an active participation in your childs educational parts that really matter for their future life and happiness? And to SHOW them you love them thru actions vs buying them stuff? It is not easy being a good parent and there is no way someone else can do it for you.

We had much less in the post WW2 years but I think we were happier and more prosperous.

I have much less income than I once had, however I have much more material things than I need. I have plenty of food a comfortable warm home, etc.
I have Many great friends whom I trust, and have made amends with my once troubled relationship with my son and his family. He has finally come to realize what is important as well.

I even have several on here whom I consider friends. And I think they do me as well.

Many of the above lessions I learned the hard way, I just wish everyone does not have to do it that way.

In summary I feel very prosperous.
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States are on the verge of going bankrupt and the national debt is at 13 triillion dollars. This nation is done for unless you believe in miracles.
Define prosperity.

Without knowing how one defines it, one cannot answer the question.

I'm not being evasive, I'm simply asking you people to THINK more deeply about these issues than most of you seem willing to do.

Is the nation prosperous if its GNP is up, but the quality of life for most of the population is going down, even though they're working harder and smarter than previous generations?

That was the so called properity of the CLINTON decade.
Will the US ever again find prosperity?

the answer to that kinda depends on your definition of prosperity.

Is living well above your means and owing money for almost everything you have prosperity?
Is living within your means and having a good loving family prosperity?
Is chasing the dream of wealth to the extent of losinig what is truely important prosperity?
Is converting other nations at the point of a gun to our way of life around the globe prosperity?

I think we will have to learn to be satisfied with less in the future, however we can still be very properous in the things that really matter.
Is it more important to be always running to soccer practice, etc or to take an active participation in your childs educational parts that really matter for their future life and happiness? And to SHOW them you love them thru actions vs buying them stuff? It is not easy being a good parent and there is no way someone else can do it for you.

We had much less in the post WW2 years but I think we were happier and more prosperous.

I have much less income than I once had, however I have much more material things than I need. I have plenty of food a comfortable warm home, etc.
I have Many great friends whom I trust, and have made amends with my once troubled relationship with my son and his family. He has finally come to realize what is important as well.

I even have several on here whom I consider friends. And I think they do me as well.

Many of the above lessions I learned the hard way, I just wish everyone does not have to do it that way.

In summary I feel very prosperous.

That is to me the opportunity our current time presents.

Prosperity can not be gained for this country without a realignment of our consummerism mindset.

The wealthy in this country need to stop fighting paying their fair share and allow enough to settle at the bottom end that allows all people at a chance of more than just scraping by.

This country was a great place to live for the vast majority of Americans for decades.

The ONLY way to be great again is to go back to being a great place for the vast majority of Americans to live.

The wealthy need to stop being assholes and start paying their fair share again.
Will the US ever again find prosperity?

the answer to that kinda depends on your definition of prosperity.

Is living well above your means and owing money for almost everything you have prosperity?
Is living within your means and having a good loving family prosperity?
Is chasing the dream of wealth to the extent of losinig what is truely important prosperity?
Is converting other nations at the point of a gun to our way of life around the globe prosperity?

I think we will have to learn to be satisfied with less in the future, however we can still be very properous in the things that really matter.
Is it more important to be always running to soccer practice, etc or to take an active participation in your childs educational parts that really matter for their future life and happiness? And to SHOW them you love them thru actions vs buying them stuff? It is not easy being a good parent and there is no way someone else can do it for you.

We had much less in the post WW2 years but I think we were happier and more prosperous.

I have much less income than I once had, however I have much more material things than I need. I have plenty of food a comfortable warm home, etc.
I have Many great friends whom I trust, and have made amends with my once troubled relationship with my son and his family. He has finally come to realize what is important as well.

I even have several on here whom I consider friends. And I think they do me as well.

Many of the above lessions I learned the hard way, I just wish everyone does not have to do it that way.

In summary I feel very prosperous.

That is to me the opportunity our current time presents.

Prosperity can not be gained for this country without a realignment of our consummerism mindset.

The wealthy in this country need to stop fighting paying their fair share and allow enough to settle at the bottom end that allows all people at a chance of more than just scraping by.

This country was a great place to live for the vast majority of Americans for decades.

The ONLY way to be great again is to go back to being a great place for the vast majority of Americans to live.

The wealthy need to stop being assholes and start paying their fair share again.

How about the almost 50% of fucking freeloaders who pay no income tax start paying their fair share as they benefit from the fucking government more than the wealthy.
dear idiot , any country that taxes people who are just scraping by will have to start putting people in debtors prison.

Why are you people so very fucking heartless?

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