Will there be civil unrest/riots if Trump is found guilty?

Will there be civil unrest?

  • Yes, cities torched, violence galore!

  • Maybe some loud protests, but nothing really violent

  • Just a social media meltdown, but nothing more

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They killed people during the summer riots of 2020 as did the BLM and antifa.

Our city commissioner for police made it clear to his CofP that the cops were to run to the sound of the gun, this after Uvalde.

Six cops quit. Good riddance.
These probably were mostly Dims trying to spark violence:

Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict​

No, but you shouldn't be surprised.

Here's the thing, if you burn down the walmart, Wal Mart is going to make damned sure the police clean up their act.

Shouldn't be that way. But it is. White people only care about justice when their stuff is threatened.

I'm old enough to have lived through three major civil unrests... the race riots of 1968, the Rodney King Riots, and the BLM riots.

We shouldn't constantly be relearning the same lesson.

It sure sounds a lot like you are justifying the actions of those who committed the violence in
2020…just saying.

Here's the thing, if you burn down the walmart, Wal Mart is going to make damned sure the police clean up their act.

Wal mart shouldn’t have to lose a store because some people are pissed at the police. It’s not wal marts responsibility to be the example for police reform.

How about we put the blame on the people responsible for the destruction, instead of trying to rationalize it away.
Most people don't have Truth Social Accounts.

Truth Social's entire subscriber base is media accounts reporting on "Look at the Crazy Shit Trump Said Today!"
Right, but the point is, I don’t think they ever proved they were Trump supporters, just that they viewed news from both sides.
Innuendo and evidence. And testimony.

Which is what I clearly said.

You're act has gotten old. You are a bad faith poster. This is clearly tied to having no good or honest points to make.

Innuendo and evidence. And testimony.

Well, “allegation” is the word you need. Innuendo,
I don’t think, works in this case.

But yeah, allegation AND evidence. My point still stands, you can’t convict on innuendo or allegation alone.

You're act has gotten old. You are a bad faith poster. This is clearly tied to having no good or honest points to make.

I’m not a bad faith poster, you just don’t like my remarks. That’s fine. But…if you’re tired of my comments, why do you follow me around and respond. Nobody is twisting your arm here.

And you call me a troll lol, yet you are the one that pops up in all my comments with heaps of snark

Innuendo was YOUR word, to which I was responding. Post #498

Not my word…yours.
It was indeed.your word, in your question.

You sure do like saying dumb shit for attention.
Can you convict someone on innuendo? Or is proof required?
When you're not trying to slither out from under an answer to your question, you're bitching that people don't answer your questions.

As I said... you're a bad faith poster.
It was indeed.your word, in your question.

You sure do like saying dumb shit for attention.

When you're not trying to slither out from under an answer to your question, you're bitching that people don't answer your questions.

As I said... you're a bad faith poster.

Yes, when convenient. I know.

Like a lawyer does. Good for you.

Criminals have been talking in innuendo since forever. Juries aren't stupid. You know very well that any prosecutor would easily draw the straight line between trump and his mob, for a jury.

Trump knows this, too. As do his allies. You think the election is important to YOU? If Trump loses, watch how many go state's evidence within a week.

That’s YOUR comment from post 498
I quoted your question, time wasting troll.

Your sealion questioned got answered.

Threw you for a loop, haha
Go back and read the preceding posts, nowhere did the word innuendo come out of my…fingertips. That part of the conversation started on page 16, then picks up several pages later.

You were taking about trumps comments at the ellipse that day, and admitted Trump said “peacefully and patriotically”, I pointed that out, then you made a comment about them being dense, I made a comment about dems only hearing what they want to hear, then you made a comment about innuendo…

Really, you should go back and read it.

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