Will there be civil unrest/riots if Trump is found guilty?

Will there be civil unrest?

  • Yes, cities torched, violence galore!

  • Maybe some loud protests, but nothing really violent

  • Just a social media meltdown, but nothing more

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Was there ever a link to them claiming they were trump supporters? They claimed to have viewed some information from truth social but not have an account.

Most people don't have Truth Social Accounts.

Truth Social's entire subscriber base is media accounts reporting on "Look at the Crazy Shit Trump Said Today!"
How would they have known the ethnicity of the people who’s buildings and businesses they burned?

But, your answer proves my point. They targeted civilians, people who had nothing to do with Floyd’s death. You are condoning mass violence against people because they “look like the guy who killed Floyd”. You think that’s right? You think that’s legal?
I don't think it's right or legal.

But you can't keep screwing a people and hoping they'll keep putting up with it. Eventually, they get fed up.

It's happened three times in my lifetime.

Let's fix it before it happens again.
It was against the law to hide Jews once.
It was against the law to hide runaway slaves once.

Morons like you think law equals morality.

Are you saying its moral to hide hush money payments to your hooker so voters don't find out? Thats certainly interesting.
Right wing media, including FOX, broadcasted a lie about the judge's instructions to the jury yesterday.

The judge is already receiving death threats.
I'm glad there haven't been any terrorist attacks in the first 20 hours.

They may back off the threats to take effect if he loses in November.

Then they'll find another excuse to back off at that point.

Nah, nobody was really going to overthrow the government. People acted like idiots and it got out of hand, with some apparent prodding by agitators in the crowd, but I don’t believe it fits the idea of “insurrection”
There was no stated intention ever by anyone, of overthrowing the government.

Craponus is a total fucking liar.
Stryders sounds goofy. Good Americans will accept the verdict. Bad Americans won't. And we will go from there.
REAL Americans will start by dumping tea into the harbor.

Then they'll start tarring and feathering tax collectors

Eventually if there's a genuine need they'll jump out from behind trees and slit redcoat throats.

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