Will They Debate Shit At Tonight's Democrat Debate?

The Republican debates for 2016 were a lot more interesting, with Sen. Rubio bringing up the topic of Mr. Trump's hand size
"What we saw tonight from the Democrats was predictable: Higher taxes, more regulation, more government, open borders. They are so far outside the mainstream. There’s enough of them to field 2 baseball teams. The problem is, they all want to play far left field." - Rowdy Rick Scott
So far...
The good: Dulaney
The bad: Castro
The ugly: The control room

I actually like Castro this debate.
He repped himself well. I’m liberal but he is pinned pretty far left of me: open borders, free college, nationalized health care, are all unworkable. I liked the rational approach of Delaney. Based on twitter the left hates him because he’s centrist.
So far...
The good: Dulaney
The bad: Castro
The ugly: The control room

I actually like Castro this debate.
He repped himself well. I’m liberal but he is pinned pretty far left of me: open borders, free college, nationalized health care, are all unworkable. I liked the rational approach of Delaney. Based on twitter the left hates him because he’s centrist.

Yea I can agree with that. I think a more moderate candidate would be ideal for the general election, but I did like the way he presented himself.

I think Castro may have just knocked Beto out of this race. As I'm listening to it now, they're saying that it was strategic considering that both are from Texas and both are aiming to get the Hispanic vote.
So far...
The good: Dulaney
The bad: Castro
The ugly: The control room

I actually like Castro this debate.
He repped himself well. I’m liberal but he is pinned pretty far left of me: open borders, free college, nationalized health care, are all unworkable. I liked the rational approach of Delaney. Based on twitter the left hates him because he’s centrist.

Mr. Delaney is hardly a "centrist", as he is rabidly anti-life as well as a huge advocate of Gay Marriage.
So far...
The good: Dulaney
The bad: Castro
The ugly: The control room

I actually like Castro this debate.
He repped himself well. I’m liberal but he is pinned pretty far left of me: open borders, free college, nationalized health care, are all unworkable. I liked the rational approach of Delaney. Based on twitter the left hates him because he’s centrist.

Mr. Delaney is hardly a "centrist", as he is rabidly anti-life as well as a huge advocate of Gay Marriage.
Center left. He’s not for creating a real world Handmaidens Tale where women are breeders. That’s center. Large majority of people support choices of marriage and abortion.
I thought Maryland guy Delaney t and Gabbart stood out .
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"One thing you know about Elizabeth Warren is that she has no interest in enriching herself. She is out to make the wealthy pay for the wreckage they’ve caused. And she refuses to be pitted against Bernie. Tonight she praised him." - Marvelous Michael Moore
I thought Maryland guy on far right and lady from Hawaii stood out.

The Hawaiian babe has a good voice, she definitely won it among folks who listened to the debate on the radio. Pocahontas is unlistenable. Her husband must be deaf.
Fuck, was that tonight? Any replay vids I need a good laugh?

No tonight was the consolation prize debate for the losers who didn't poll high enough to be invited to the real debate tomorrow with Biden and Sanders. I'll summarize for you.

1. One candidate made the point that Medicare for all would bankrupt every Hospital in the country. The rest gleefully support Medicare for all. One idiot demanded doctors and nurses rush to the border to give free care to illegals.

2. They promised to punish all their enemies by MAKING THEM PAY. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, insurance companies, pharma, the 'rich', Wall Street, Banks, the usual list. None admitted they have their own wealth invested in the very corporations they claim to hate.

3. They all seem to want to be president of Mexico and proposed various schemes for flooding the country with illegals, gifting amnesty and the right to vote. There's a shocker.

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