Will They Ever Ask Harris Where All Of These Millions Of New Doctors Will Come From?

Can you imagine, by some Miracle, a host or reporter asks Spamala where all of these new Doctors are going to come from to provide free medical care for everyone when we already have a major doctor shortage as it is?
How would she answer?

So we should let poor people die because there aren't enough doctors? This is what you are arguing?

Once those doctors find out they'll be living on a Medicare pay schedule they'll be leaving in droves.

Then we can replace them with doctors who are doctors for the right reasons. If you became a doctor to get rich, you are a doctor for the wrong reason.
hahahahahaha.....how long do you think THAT will last once there's a blistering doctor shortage, really? If and when you all get your "Medicare for all" and people are waiting in line four, five and six months to see a doctor, you think those licensing tests won't ease up the same way they're basically pulling people in off the streets via "emergency teacher licenses" in schools??

Wow, you really do think Utopia's going to happen.

That's how we get Venezuela

Um, okay. The UK has had single payer for 60 years. They have better medical metrics than we do- life expectencies, infant mortality rates, etc.

The real problem is that medicine is a really complex subject.

You really, really don't need a master's degree to teach a first grader letters and numbers.
some one needs to ask spamela if she can name at least one doctor who will work for 50,000 a year
What makes you think they will get an 80% to 90% pay cut?

You think the average doctor makes $400,000 per year? LOL

She was not off by much for specialty doctors

i hope someone asks her,,,what if a few million doctors threaten to quit or retire if a democrat wins in 2020?

Not gonna happen. I have no doubt you can find some doctors who will go on TV to say they will quit, but only a few.
I have to agree. It's kind of like all those Liberals claiming they were going to move to Canada if Trump won. It's easy to talk the talk, but few walk the walk.

Once those doctors find out they'll be living on a Medicare pay schedule they'll be leaving in droves.

Like they do in other nations?

Post #5 is for you too.
i hope someone asks her,,,what if a few million doctors threaten to quit or retire if a democrat wins in 2020?

Not gonna happen. I have no doubt you can find some doctors who will go on TV to say they will quit, but only a few.
I have to agree. It's kind of like all those Liberals claiming they were going to move to Canada if Trump won. It's easy to talk the talk, but few walk the walk.

Once those doctors find out they'll be living on a Medicare pay schedule they'll be leaving in droves.

I didn't hear one Democratic candidate or any other Politician say! We will give up lifetime Health benefits and lifetime retirement benefits to help the poor un insured Americans , homeless or Veterans. But they will give our money to Illegal Immigrants. JMO
if the Libs had there way, they would cut costs by refusing medical care to anyone over 65,,,hey,,,u have lived a full life,,,just go already!
if the Libs had there way, they would cut costs by refusing medical care to anyone over 65,,,hey,,,u have lived a full life,,,just go already!

Lets look at that. In the 1960s, very few people lived to be 65. Then those evil liberals devised Medicare for those over 65, which gave them old people access to medical care that the insurance companies would have never given them.

DO you even think about these things?
hahahahahaha.....how long do you think THAT will last once there's a blistering doctor shortage, really? If and when you all get your "Medicare for all" and people are waiting in line four, five and six months to see a doctor, you think those licensing tests won't ease up the same way they're basically pulling people in off the streets via "emergency teacher licenses" in schools??

Wow, you really do think Utopia's going to happen.

That's how we get Venezuela

Um, okay. The UK has had single payer for 60 years. They have better medical metrics than we do- life expectencies, infant mortality rates, etc.

The real problem is that medicine is a really complex subject.

You really, really don't need a master's degree to teach a first grader letters and numbers.
Our schools are not teaching kids those things.

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