Will Trayvon Martin killing give Florida to Obama?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
It may sound far fetched, but the energy and outrage that is being seen in Florida may be felt at the ballot box. And the longer these "officials" allow the man responsible to walk free, the entire country is feeling the effects.

Whether it is warranted or not, the prospects of institutional racism, in this case, could explode into a national incident.
Where are Hispanics in all this? I mean, they're a huge block in Fla. One of their own shot this kid. But "Hispanic" is no issue here...
Of course you think all of this is
a made up issue.

But is it not going to die out, like you would like to see it do. The outrage will grow and the longer that Zimmerman walks free, the issue will become more of a national debate.

Meet George Zimmerman, The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin

At the center of the furor is George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old community watch man who has admitted to chasing Martin down and shooting him twice. Zimmerman has not been arrested by local authorities, on the grounds that he was acting in self-defense.

He chased down and shot an unarmed man. I see, at the very least, voluntary manslaughter in this case. The longer the authorities hold out, the more it will become a national issue. If the Dems ever needed anything to energize them, this could be it.
I don't get it? The republicans have to saddle themselves with this killing? Is that what I'm hearing? :cuckoo:

The Governor is a Republican...I gather THIS is what the dilluded OP might be alluding to...

Oh....They really have to stretch this tragedy to make it a political issue in Florida.
Where are Hispanics in all this? I mean, they're a huge block in Fla. One of their own shot this kid. But "Hispanic" is no issue here...

Sure it is

Politically, this could only help Papa Obama's black base
which is no real gain for him
and irritate his Hispanic base
which is a loss
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I don't get it? The republicans have to saddle themselves with this killing? Is that what I'm hearing? :cuckoo:

The Governor is a Republican...I gather THIS is what the dilluded OP might be alluding to...

Oh....They really have to stretch this tragedy to make it a political issue in Florida.

As I see the circus unfolding? They'll try...and fail. (Just like the false "War On Women"...) :eusa_whistle:
Living in Florida, I don't think it will have much effect.

Unless Obama continues to open is pathetic yap and if Zimmerman is exonerated of all charges. Even then the people who will vote for Obama will do so no matter what happens.

You not only can't fix stupid, you can't reason with stupid either.
The child is dead. And that is a tragedy. No question. His family is grieving. Another part of the tragedy.

The President has chosen to exploit the tragedy for political purposes.

The partisan hack author of the original post is simply showing his solidarity with the politicization of the tragedy -- as expressed by his fearful leader.

Nothing he says should be mistaken for rational, reasonable or fair-minded, however.
Of course you think all of this is
a made up issue.

But is it not going to die out, like you would like to see it do. The outrage will grow and the longer that Zimmerman walks free, the issue will become more of a national debate.

Meet George Zimmerman, The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin

At the center of the furor is George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old community watch man who has admitted to chasing Martin down and shooting him twice. Zimmerman has not been arrested by local authorities, on the grounds that he was acting in self-defense.

He chased down and shot an unarmed man. I see, at the very least, voluntary manslaughter in this case. The longer the authorities hold out, the more it will become a national issue. If the Dems ever needed anything to energize them, this could be it.

Dude.....it's not like the DA is walking away from this. They just want to process all the evidence, get all their ducks in a row and then arrest him. It's the way it's done in America...and just so you can sleep at night, rest assured that there are detectives following him where ever he goes. By the time the election is on, everything will be in order and this incident will be a non issue at the ballot box.
It may sound far fetched, but the energy and outrage that is being seen in Florida may be felt at the ballot box. And the longer these "officials" allow the man responsible to walk free, the entire country is feeling the effects.

Whether it is warranted or not, the prospects of institutional racism, in this case, could explode into a national incident.

HINT JimH52; A GRAND JURY will convene on April 10.
Of course you think all of this is
a made up issue.

But is it not going to die out, like you would like to see it do. The outrage will grow and the longer that Zimmerman walks free, the issue will become more of a national debate.

Meet George Zimmerman, The Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin

At the center of the furor is George Zimmerman, the 28-year-old community watch man who has admitted to chasing Martin down and shooting him twice. Zimmerman has not been arrested by local authorities, on the grounds that he was acting in self-defense.

He chased down and shot an unarmed man. I see, at the very least, voluntary manslaughter in this case. The longer the authorities hold out, the more it will become a national issue. If the Dems ever needed anything to energize them, this could be it.

And as per-usual? The left jumps the gun (and pronouncing judgement in too many unknowns) as the State (whom is investigating the incident), will plod on and look like racist fools.

Really Jim, This is what you really think of Americans? Seek therapy...you really need it.

I don't get it? The republicans have to saddle themselves with this killing? Is that what I'm hearing? :cuckoo:

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It seems that way. I guess it is another badge of honor?


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People have grown very weary of all the racial division...the more Sharpton and the libs fuel this issue in such a manner, the more they will alienate the undecided voters. So, it's possible that this incident will lose Florida for Obama.
It may sound far fetched, but the energy and outrage that is being seen in Florida may be felt at the ballot box. And the longer these "officials" allow the man responsible to walk free, the entire country is feeling the effects.

Whether it is warranted or not, the prospects of institutional racism, in this case, could explode into a national incident.

I don't know why it would.
The people have a short memory.
I can't see this going on around election day.
Also why would it give a boost to Obama?
If anything a case could be made to say it happened
on his watch and it took him a long time to say anything about it.
Unless the formula that if it was Bush as President he was responsible
and since it's Obama he's not is in play.

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