Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
His followers do not care what he does. The worse he is, the better they like it.
There is no "getting away with it". The subject will be brought up until he releases them...and when he does he will have to and we'll find out what he has been hiding.
Trump exposed himself again, saying Britain seceding from the EU is great...the world stock markets plunge.....global recession makes money for Trump. Scum rises to the top.

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