Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

For me Trump's taxes fall into the partisan politics category along with Hillary's conversations with Chelsea concerning Benghazi.
The only problem is, one is traditionally released and one isn't. Trump is a hypocrite.
The ridiculous right coming to the defense of a bizarre scumbag and bigot such as Trump for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee – someone most on the right would otherwise disparage and reject.

The blind, partisan right, indeed.

Too funny.
But isn't Trump being hypocritical when he says Jeff Bezos is paying too little taxes but will not make public his tax returns so the public can see if Trump is doing the same thing as Bezos?

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."

That might have been a really good response had it been sincere.

But, since NOT accompanied by an attachment of Little Eddie's own tax return - well, just another insincere rant.

Pity, that.
The only problem is, one is traditionally released and one isn't. Trump is a hypocrite.

What is Trump calling for Hillary to release that makes him a hypocrite? That's not a rhetoric question, if he has been calling for Hillary to release a transcript of her speeches to the bankers as Bernie has, I'll agree with you.
The ridiculous right coming to the defense of a bizarre scumbag and bigot such as Trump for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee – someone most on the right would otherwise disparage and reject.

The blind, partisan right, indeed.

Too funny.
It says more about the loyalty to party politics than it says about the candidate. I had really hoped this Trump phenom would cause a third party to emerge, where he could do his thing without soiling the conservatives' party. I don't always agree with them, but they offer something of value and offer a brake on some of the more headstrong progressives. Trump? What he offers is a populist message that deserves its own party.
It says more about the loyalty to party politics than it says about the candidate. I had really hoped this Trump phenom would cause a third party to emerge, where he could do his thing without soiling the conservatives' party. I don't always agree with them, but they offer something of value and offer a brake on some of the more headstrong progressives. Trump? What he offers is a populist message that deserves its own party.
Third parties can't win, that's why Ron Paul ran as a Republican. There is no conservative party, they do have influence (too little) in the GOP and it's time to go the non-establishment route. It will be good for the party and country. Hillary is for the status quo so it will be down to wanting a change or keep the course. I don't think we are going in the right direction and many millions share the view.
It says more about the loyalty to party politics than it says about the candidate. I had really hoped this Trump phenom would cause a third party to emerge, where he could do his thing without soiling the conservatives' party. I don't always agree with them, but they offer something of value and offer a brake on some of the more headstrong progressives. Trump? What he offers is a populist message that deserves its own party.
Third parties can't win, that's why Ron Paul ran as a Republican. There is no conservative party, they do have influence (too little) in the GOP and it's time to go the non-establishment route. It will be good for the party and country. Hillary is for the status quo so it will be down to wanting a change or keep the course. I don't think we are going in the right direction and many millions share the view.
I am very disappointed that Trump and Clinton will be my choices. While I agree I don't want 4 years of Hillary, I don't see 4 years of Trump as being "good for the country." At all, at all.
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
"Get away"?....Please explain?...
Trump is once again in the middle of an IRS audit. He has been audited so many times it borders on harassment.
Trump has stated many times that once the audit is completed his financial records will be released.
Why is this such a big deal with you people? Perhaps another opportunity for a "gotcha moment"?

So the audit is covering every year of his life?

The IRS said he can release during the audit... They can easily continue...
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
I love it when cons show how stupid they are. Living in denial is not a river in Egypt...but it's your permanent residence.
Retarded it is
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
"Get away"?....Please explain?...
Trump is once again in the middle of an IRS audit. He has been audited so many times it borders on harassment.
Trump has stated many times that once the audit is completed his financial records will be released.
Why is this such a big deal with you people? Perhaps another opportunity for a "gotcha moment"?

So the audit is covering every year of his life?

The IRS said he can release during the audit... They can easily continue...
The IRS is only allowed to go back seven years into anyone's taxes.
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
I love it when cons show how stupid they are. Living in denial is not a river in Egypt...but it's your permanent residence.
Retarded it is
Poor mentally challenged grampa playing in the sandbox on the playground. The caretakers from your nursing home are on the way.
Trump said he could murder someone on 5th avenue, and not lose any supporters.

I'd like tho thank all the Trump cons for showing that they will support him no matter how big his tax cheating crimes are. You guys have proved that you're as stupid as Trump said you are.
Wow...You really have a hard on for anyone who refuses to kowtow to the liberal ideology.
Eh...Such is life.
Your drive by posts do not even rise to the level of vapid.
But.....you'll keep on voting democrat hoping one day they will somehow be able to steal from the producers to give to greedy parasitic assholes like you.
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulterer, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Hmm, how many treads did we have with Trump demanding to see Obama's Birth Certificate? Reagan-Bush sr-Bush jr, Career sexual assaulting, rapists, adulterers, murders, liars, were all elected. Lets see if Trumps whore wife, porn star, prostitute can show the white house family values while Trump the pornographer diddles kiddies at 10,000 feet.
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Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

Will he? There is no "will he"...he didn't. The voters have noticed that he is hiding something.

The damage is done. Look for the left to remind voters that Drumpf hasn't come clean.

It especially hurts Drumpf because the further we go in this process, the more he looks just like every other politician (Governor Romney did the same thing in 2012 by the way). He can no longer seriously claim he is self funding--not that he ever was. Now the cornerstones of his campaigns...the wall, Muslims being barred from entry, and your gun rights are "negotiable" since everything is "negotiable".

I cannot wait to see what else gets thrown overboard by this joke of a candidate.
Oh, poor Candy. Apparently without sufficient earnings to even need to file a tax return. What other explanation could there be for not having attached one to the above in a display of non-hypocrisy?
Another day and still no sincere demands that Mr. Trump release his tax returns. To be considered sincere such a demand MUST be accompanied by a .pdf file fo the requester's own completed and filed tax returns.

Or does nobody demanding have sufficient income to be required to file?

That's seeming more likely to be the case!
Another day and still no sincere demands that Mr. Trump release his tax returns. To be considered sincere such a demand MUST be accompanied by a .pdf file fo the requester's own completed and filed tax returns.

Or does nobody demanding have sufficient income to be required to file?

That's seeming more likely to be the case!
No, it really does not as no one else is running for office and voters have the right to withhold their vote/vote for another candidate for any reason that they so choose - including not releasing documents that they want to see.

This WILL hurt Trump - that is a given. The question is weather or not Trump thinks it will hurt less than actually releasing them.

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