Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.

Go back to sleep sweetcheeks.
You lefties are hilarious... tell us, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Every presidential candidate releases their tax returns. What reason does he have not to?
Trump is being audited.
An IRS spokesperson, no doubt at the behest of the White House, issued statement in which the content cannot be controverted, that any person undergoing an audit can release their tax statements to the public. No confirming statement has been issued to back up this claim.
Therefore the IRS statement must be viewed as politically motivated.
Obviously con logic...but here's a clue....cons are not even close to a majority of the voters. When the voters see an asshole trying to hide something, they're not going to vote for him. Strike three, cons lose again.

So, what's the official diagnosis? Bi-polar? Retardation? Chronic drug abuse?

You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
The reality is under the law no one is required to release their tax returns the rest of your idiocy is not worthy of a response.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
The reality is under the law no one is required to release their tax returns the rest of your idiocy is not worthy of a response.

presidents aren't required to release birth certificates or school records either ... must be why the Right is STILL carping about Obama's huh?

Tax returns Donnie, Tax returns !!!!!!!!!
Let's Play 'Who Broke The Law / Who Doesn't Pay Taxes?'

President Obama was recently named THE most criminal legally non-compliant President in US history, his administration illegally refusing to comply with 70% of ALL FOIA requests. Considering how he sealed all of his own personal records it is obvious he has made more of an effort to hide things than Trump ever has / could.

Trump, so far, has refused to release his tax returns, which he is NOT legally required to do.


When Obama was 1st elected he promised to have the smoothest transition into office ever...and then proceeded to select as Cabinet nominees a vast number of liberals who had not paid their taxes...which completely bogged down his transition. He even picked lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner as his SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY!

Notable Liberals who have not only refused to pay their taxes but also engaged in tax fraud and attempted to hide money from the IRS include the 'Rev' Al 'Shady' Sharpton and D-Rep Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel, who despite being on the committee that WRITES the tax code was caught TWICE trying to defraud the govt through tax evasion.

While running for re-election Obama (the man who sealed all of his own personal records) demanded to see Romney's tax records and criticized Romney for not paying enough (which last I checked was not a crime, as long as you paid what you owe, which Romney did). Romney released his tax records...which showed not only did Romney pay his taxes but that he also gave more to charity than Obama and Biden COMBINED.

During that election Harry Reid abused his power by attacking a citizen from the floor of the Senate, admittedly lying about Romney's tax record in the process. Romney lost the election - afterwards Reid was asked why he would admittedly lie about Romney's tax record. The criminal partisan f*ing little troll replied, "It worked didn't it?!" He was never held accountable.

Trump has paid his taxes and has not, unlike Democrats, been found guilty of tax evasion, tax fraud, or refused to pay his taxes.


Again, OBVIOUS ANSWER: Liberals

Based on past recorded history AND THE LAW, Trump isn't required to release his taxes if he chooses not to and doesn't owe the criminal liberals anything.

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You lefties are hilarious... tell us, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?

unlike you, billionaires tax returns arent that simple.

Wow, great answer. So, wanna try again, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?

It reveals how he made his living. Has he abided by the law? Has he done business with shady characters? Is he as wealthy as he says he is?

Politicians who don't reveal their tax returns usually do it for a reason that doesn't flatter them.
Let's Play 'Who Broke The Law / Who Doesn't Pay Taxes?'

President Obama was recently named THE most criminal legally non-compliant President in US history, his admonistration illegally tefusing to comply with 70% of ALL FOIA requests.

Trump, so far, has refused to release his tax returns, which he is NOT legally required to do.


When Obama was 1st elected he promised to have the smoothest transition into offic ever...and then proceeded to select as Cabinet nominees a vast number of liberals who had not paid their taxes...which completely bogged down his transition. He even picked lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner as his SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY!

Notable Liberals who have not only refused to pay their taxes but also engaged in tax fraud and attempted to hide money from the IRS include the 'Rev' Al 'Shady' Sharpton and D-Rep Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel, who despite being on the committee thate WRITES the tax code was caught TWICE trying to defraud the govt through tax evasion.

While tunning for re-election Obama (the man who sealed all of his own personal records) demanded to see Romney's tax records and criticized Romney for not paying enough (which last I checked was not a crime, as long as you paid what you owe, which Romney did). Romney released his tax records...which showed Romney gave more to charity than Obama and Biden combined.

During that election Harry Reid abused his power by attacking a citizen from the floor of the Denate, admittedly lying about Romney's tax record in the process. Romney lost the election - afterwards Reid was asked why he would admittedly lie about Romney's tax record. The criminal partisan f*ing little troll replied, "It worked didn't it?!"

Trump has paid his taces and has not, ynlike Democrats, been found guilty of tax evasion, tax fraud, or regused to pay his taxes.


Again, OBVIOUS ANSWER: Liberals

Based on past recorded history AND THE LAW, Trump isn't required to release his taxes if he chooses not to and doesn't owe the criminal liberals anything.


How do you know he's paid taxes? Have you seen them?
You lefties are hilarious... tell us, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?
If he wasn't hiding things he wouldn't be hiding his returns. People who want to win release them. He hasn't and maybe that should tell you something?
You lefties are hilarious... tell us, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?

unlike you, billionaires tax returns arent that simple.

Wow, great answer. So, wanna try again, what do you think a tax return will reveal that is so salacious?

Tax history would kill further speculation ... considering the right lives for speculation one would think they would be front runners on the issue.
Let's Play 'Who Broke The Law / Who Doesn't Pay Taxes?'

President Obama was recently named THE most criminal legally non-compliant President in US history, his admonistration illegally tefusing to comply with 70% of ALL FOIA requests.

Trump, so far, has refused to release his tax returns, which he is NOT legally required to do.


When Obama was 1st elected he promised to have the smoothest transition into offic ever...and then proceeded to select as Cabinet nominees a vast number of liberals who had not paid their taxes...which completely bogged down his transition. He even picked lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner as his SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY!

Notable Liberals who have not only refused to pay their taxes but also engaged in tax fraud and attempted to hide money from the IRS include the 'Rev' Al 'Shady' Sharpton and D-Rep Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel, who despite being on the committee thate WRITES the tax code was caught TWICE trying to defraud the govt through tax evasion.

While tunning for re-election Obama (the man who sealed all of his own personal records) demanded to see Romney's tax records and criticized Romney for not paying enough (which last I checked was not a crime, as long as you paid what you owe, which Romney did). Romney released his tax records...which showed Romney gave more to charity than Obama and Biden combined.

During that election Harry Reid abused his power by attacking a citizen from the floor of the Denate, admittedly lying about Romney's tax record in the process. Romney lost the election - afterwards Reid was asked why he would admittedly lie about Romney's tax record. The criminal partisan f*ing little troll replied, "It worked didn't it?!"

Trump has paid his taces and has not, ynlike Democrats, been found guilty of tax evasion, tax fraud, or regused to pay his taxes.


Again, OBVIOUS ANSWER: Liberals

Based on past recorded history AND THE LAW, Trump isn't required to release his taxes if he chooses not to and doesn't owe the criminal liberals anything.


How do you know he's paid taxes? Have you seen them?
If he had not paid his taxes it would have been reported by now, as Sharpton & Rangel were reported. If Trump had not paid his taxes libs and the media would be flooding the news with it. Also, in this country people are still innocent until PROVEN guilty. Think he hasn't paid his taxes? PROVE IT, libtard.
"Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?"

Trump alone is responsible for making what should be a non-issue into an issue.

Will Trump 'get away' with folliwing the law and exercising his rights'? That's what you libtards are really asking while trying to make it SOUND like he's doing something wrong, which he isn'T.

There is no issue There is no legal requirement for him to release his records. Liberals believe they are ENTITLED to them so they are making it an issue F* You, libs! In this case you are entitled to NOTHING!
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Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
The reality is under the law no one is required to release their tax returns the rest of your idiocy is not worthy of a response.

presidents aren't required to release birth certificates or school records either ... must be why the Right is STILL carping about Obama's huh?

Tax returns Donnie, Tax returns !!!!!!!!!
I cant speak to what every person on the right calls for I have never called for Obama to release either nor did I call for his tax returns to be released I also made no calls for Hillary or Bernies tax returns to be released. If there are segments of both the right and left who want to continue to try and out stupid each nothing I can do about that.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Ok did anyone actually care? Anyone actually go through them? I remember back early in the primary when this came up Jeb Bush released 33 years of them never a word said about them I have noticed people love to go on and on about candidates releasing taxes and as soon as they do all interest in them is lost.
Yes they went through them.

Sanders was very short lived as he does not make anything extra. Clinton's are not much more interesting but that has a lot to do with the fact that they have been out there already for the most part. What is more interesting is the Clinton foundation's monetary dealings.

Suffice it to say that the next president will be a slime ball. Some of you just waking up to how the system really works?
What does that have to do with my comment?
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Ok did anyone actually care? Anyone actually go through them? I remember back early in the primary when this came up Jeb Bush released 33 years of them never a word said about them I have noticed people love to go on and on about candidates releasing taxes and as soon as they do all interest in them is lost.
Yes they went through them.

Sanders was very short lived as he does not make anything extra. Clinton's are not much more interesting but that has a lot to do with the fact that they have been out there already for the most part. What is more interesting is the Clinton foundation's monetary dealings.

Suffice it to say that the next president will be a slime ball. Some of you just waking up to how the system really works?
What does that have to do with my comment?

Personalities aren't the problem/issue, it's the entire system.

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