Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

Libs, we got it. You want his tax returns released. He has no legal obligation to do so. Just because you want something doesn't mean you always get it.

According to your logic that not releasing your taxes means you are hiding something or guilty of something, that also means Barry has obviously been hiding somethi g because he sealed all of his personal records....like he applied for a foreign student scholarship, that he identified his religion as Muslim / Islam, or that he listed his sex as transgender / female.

(2 can play this game...)

Hillary refusing to release her speech transcripts could mean, for all we know, that she admitted to sacrificing 4 Americans needlessly, that she talked about how she invested the $6 billion that went missing from the State Dept while she was Sect of State, or jow she bragged about jeopardizing our natl secuirity.

Much like libs are ttying to do with Trump, if you don't know what's inside the records you really have no right to gave access to, you just make shit up and throw it out there.

Funny how libs are demonizing Trump for exercising his rights by not releasing his info (to people who have no right to it) simply because someone refuses to give them what they want but are not entitled to...

Yeah, libs are all about individual rights, freedom, etc... :p
All you folks who want Trump's tax returns on display please demonstrate your sincerity by attaching a copy of YOURS to your reply to this.
Libs, we got it. You want his tax returns released. He has no legal obligation to do so. Just because you want something doesn't mean you always get it.

According to your logic that not releasing your taxes means you are hiding something or guilty of something, that also means Barry has obviously been hiding somethi g because he sealed all of his personal records....like he applied for a foreign student scholarship, that he identified his religion as Muslim / Islam, or that he listed his sex as transgender / female.

(2 can play this game...)

Hillary refusing to release her speech transcripts could mean, for all we know, that she admitted to sacrificing 4 Americans needlessly, that she talked about how she invested the $6 billion that went missing from the State Dept while she was Sect of State, or jow she bragged about jeopardizing our natl secuirity.

Much like libs are ttying to do with Trump, if you don't know what's inside the records you really have no right to gave access to, you just make shit up and throw it out there.

Funny how libs are demonizing Trump for exercising his rights by not releasing his info (to people who have no right to it) simply because someone refuses to give them what they want but are not entitled to...

Yeah, libs are all about individual rights, freedom, etc... :p
If he doesn't release them, he's hiding something. That's politics.
Obama still refuses to release all private files he sealed in / prior to the 2008 election - HIDING SOMETHING

Hillary still refuses to release transcrips of GS speeches - HIDING SOMETHING

While libs demand Trump releases his tax returns and insists he must be hiding something, Obama administration found to be most criminally secret administration in US history, 70% ctiminally non-compliant by refusing to relesse FOIA info / documents as per the law.... (Obama and his administration - to include Hillary broke the law by refusing to obey FOIA requests 70% of the time...)

But ignorant, partisan libs give all that a pass while demonizing Trump for something he is not even legally requored to do.

I recommend they put the desire for Trump's records in one hand and sh!t in another, put 'em together, and see what you got.

Hold Obama criminally responsible for refusing to release FOIA docs as required by the law, get him to unseal all of his documents/files, and get Hillary to release her transcripts.

Once you get YOUR house in order, which means get Obama to stop breaking the law and to follow the FOIA and get him to relesse his sealed files then you get Hillary to release her transcripts, then come back and ASK NICELY and Trump might consider complying with your request.
If the beast can get away with all the slime she is getting away with, then the answer to the OP's question is absofreakinglutely.
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
No. Her records are out. His are not.

Don't confuse apples with oranges.
No, this is apples and apples. She refuses to release her speeches. Obama refused to release his school transcripts. For years the right has been pointing out how he is hiding something and that it was obvious as he refused to release them. For years the left has been demanding that is bullshit.

Now, suddenly it is different.

Of course they are hiding things - the only reason such things stay under wraps is because they have no value in for their campaign but have value to the opposing campaign.

I doubt it is the rate - him paying a lower rate would actually work for his campaign. I agree with the net value point though - him having a lower net value than he has been leading on would tarnish his image (and likely goad him as well).
Tax returns are A. The rest are B.

You, and Trump, lose.

You accept secrecy and excuses when they come from your chosen source.

I refuse to. It is massively hypocritical.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Ok did anyone actually care? Anyone actually go through them? I remember back early in the primary when this came up Jeb Bush released 33 years of them never a word said about them I have noticed people love to go on and on about candidates releasing taxes and as soon as they do all interest in them is lost.
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
"Get away"?....Please explain?...
Trump is once again in the middle of an IRS audit. He has been audited so many times it borders on harassment.
Trump has stated many times that once the audit is completed his financial records will be released.
Why is this such a big deal with you people? Perhaps another opportunity for a "gotcha moment"?
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Ok did anyone actually care? Anyone actually go through them? I remember back early in the primary when this came up Jeb Bush released 33 years of them never a word said about them I have noticed people love to go on and on about candidates releasing taxes and as soon as they do all interest in them is lost.
Yes they went through them.

Sanders was very short lived as he does not make anything extra. Clinton's are not much more interesting but that has a lot to do with the fact that they have been out there already for the most part. What is more interesting is the Clinton foundation's monetary dealings.
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
"Get away"?....Please explain?...
Trump is once again in the middle of an IRS audit. He has been audited so many times it borders on harassment.
Trump has stated many times that once the audit is completed his financial records will be released.
Why is this such a big deal with you people? Perhaps another opportunity for a "gotcha moment"?
What does an audit have to do with releasing the taxes?
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
No. Her records are out. His are not.

Don't confuse apples with oranges.
No, this is apples and apples. She refuses to release her speeches. Obama refused to release his school transcripts. For years the right has been pointing out how he is hiding something and that it was obvious as he refused to release them. For years the left has been demanding that is bullshit.

Now, suddenly it is different.

Of course they are hiding things - the only reason such things stay under wraps is because they have no value in for their campaign but have value to the opposing campaign.

I doubt it is the rate - him paying a lower rate would actually work for his campaign. I agree with the net value point though - him having a lower net value than he has been leading on would tarnish his image (and likely goad him as well).
Tax returns are A. The rest are B.

You, and Trump, lose.

You accept secrecy and excuses when they come from your chosen source.

I refuse to. It is massively hypocritical.
If he won't release, he loses.

He's hiding something.
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
"Get away"?....Please explain?...
Trump is once again in the middle of an IRS audit. He has been audited so many times it borders on harassment.
Trump has stated many times that once the audit is completed his financial records will be released.
Why is this such a big deal with you people? Perhaps another opportunity for a "gotcha moment"?
What does an audit have to do with releasing the taxes?

He's a crook.
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family trafition by getting elected...

Someone's obsessed all right. With “liberals”, jeez.
Hey genius.....What's good for the goose...
What's good for the goose?

Obama was required by law to release info under the FOIA...he didn't. He broke the law. Trump is not required by law to release his tax returns. He doesn't have to. If he chooses not to that still means OBAMA is the only one who will have broken the law.

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