Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Every presidential candidate releases their tax returns. What reason does he have not to?
Trump is being audited.
An IRS spokesperson, no doubt at the behest of the White House, issued statement in which the content cannot be controverted, that any person undergoing an audit can release their tax statements to the public. No confirming statement has been issued to back up this claim.
Therefore the IRS statement must be viewed as politically motivated.
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Nixon-Watergate..........Umm. Nixon may have had an (R) after his name, but he was about as conservative as and democrat.
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress.................No proof of that. No charges were filed, nor was their ever a criminal investigation
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras. No evidence of this. LIE....
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq.....Another bunch of conjecture.
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran.....Not a criminal offense. BTW, US based weapons manufacturers pretty much sell their wares to whomever they wish.
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban.....35 years ago, there was no Taliban. And FYI, we were selling arms to Aghan freedom fighters to battle the Russian invaders. So WHAT?
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.........Clinton was prosecuted for lying to Congress....Gingrich as a democrat would have been justified by you minions.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen.....LOL....That does not dignify a response.
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade. WTF do you think Hussein was using to kill hundreds of thousands of Kurds?
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile........HUH?.....Who gives a fuck about that rump wrangler? He is human waste.....
Look, you can spew bullshit all you like. And you have the God given right to post anything you wish. On the other hand we have the right to reject anything we deem to be bullshit.
100% of your juvenile rantings here are pure bullshit.
We know you are a dyed in the wool closed minded true believing liberal moon bat. Why do you bother posting?
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban.....35 years ago, there was no Taliban. And FYI, we were selling arms to Aghan freedom fighters to battle the Russian invaders. So WHAT?
This one I would like to comment on. The so what here is that this is a horrific policy as we have learned unless you do not mind paying for your enemies weapons before they kill you with them. This has proven time and time again to be a stupid idea.

The sad part is that Reagan, AFAIK, did NOT have the benefit of hindsight or the lessons we have learned in the last few decades. Bush and Obama DID have those lessons right in front of them. And guess what we are doing right now - arming extremists once again.

Funny that he left out the continuation of such policies.
Trump can withhold them, and lose.

Or he can withhold them and win. No one give a shit except you desperate libtardians who have the most corrupt politician in history as your candidate.
No one gives a shit? You couldn't be more wrong.

If no one gave a shit you wouldn't be polishing his tiny tool all day long.

What are you hiding, Donald?

Yes, no one but you desperate dems give a shit. You know that you have a very flawed candidate and are desperately looking for anything you can make up about Trump. We get it, the voters get it, no one is fooled by the Clinton bullshit machine.

Get used to it------------President Trump
Inmate-----------Hillary Clinton
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
Releasing tax returns not a requirement and I hope the Donald gives a big :fu:to those who expect him too; as those who expect him too are Hill-Beast-bots anyways..............
BWAH HA HA! Like he hasn't given enough reasons to vote against him. I hope he tells the voters to go fuck themselves too.
Obama still refuses to release all private files he sealed in / prior to the 2008 election - HIDING SOMETHING

Hillary still refuses to release transcrips of GS speeches - HIDING SOMETHING

While libs demand Trump releases his tax returns and insists he must be hiding something, Obama administration found to be most criminally secret administration in US history, 70% ctiminally non-compliant by refusing to relesse FOIA info / documents as per the law.... (Obama and his administration - to include Hillary broke the law by refusing to obey FOIA requests 70% of the time...)

But ignorant, partisan libs give all that a pass while demonizing Trump for something he is not even legally requored to do.

I recommend they put the desire for Trump's records in one hand and sh!t in another, put 'em together, and see what you got.

Hold Obama criminally responsible for refusing to release FOIA docs as required by the law, get him to unseal all of his documents/files, and get Hillary to release her transcripts.

Once you get YOUR house in order, which means get Obama to stop breaking the law and to follow the FOIA and get him to relesse his sealed files then you get Hillary to release her transcripts, then come back and ASK NICELY and Trump might consider complying with your request.
FYI, Obama is retired next year. On the government dole for the rest of his life...just like the Shrubs. But then there's Michele......Boo!
except one is law breaking and one is privacy,,,,,,
Do you have any idea how many crimes have been committed with casinos? And you'd think that if Shrillary have committed any crimes, any at all, the con congress would have indicted her by now. Try harder.
If the beast can get away with all the slime she is getting away with, then the answer to the OP's question is absofreakinglutely.

You sure have some dumb ass fucking cons running congress, don't you.
except one is law breaking and one is privacy,,,,,,
Do you have any idea how many crimes have been committed with casinos? And you'd think that if Shrillary have committed any crimes, any at all, the con congress would have indicted her by now. Try harder.
Talking lack of Sharpton prsecution vs lack of you geting to see someone elses tax return.....
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Every presidential candidate releases their tax returns. What reason does he have not to?
Trump is being audited.
An IRS spokesperson, no doubt at the behest of the White House, issued statement in which the content cannot be controverted, that any person undergoing an audit can release their tax statements to the public. No confirming statement has been issued to back up this claim.
Therefore the IRS statement must be viewed as politically motivated.
Obviously con logic...but here's a clue....cons are not even close to a majority of the voters. When the voters see an asshole trying to hide something, they're not going to vote for him. Strike three, cons lose again.
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family trafition by getting elected...

Someone's obsessed all right. With “liberals”, jeez.
Hey genius.....What's good for the goose...

Go see if you can find a post of mine sneering "conservatives" 5 times and saying nothing, really, other than "conservatives", blah, blah "conservatives" blah, blah, "conservatives" suck.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Ok did anyone actually care? Anyone actually go through them? I remember back early in the primary when this came up Jeb Bush released 33 years of them never a word said about them I have noticed people love to go on and on about candidates releasing taxes and as soon as they do all interest in them is lost.
Yes they went through them.

Sanders was very short lived as he does not make anything extra. Clinton's are not much more interesting but that has a lot to do with the fact that they have been out there already for the most part. What is more interesting is the Clinton foundation's monetary dealings.

Suffice it to say that the next president will be a slime ball. Some of you just waking up to how the system really works?
What are you hiding, Donald?

It's as simple as that. He wanted our attention, now he has it and for him, that is not actually a good thing since he is a bad guy.
Maybe Donnie is worried that his accountants are as weak as the private investigators he sent to Hawaii to uncover the truth about Obama's birth certificate.

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