Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

The Washington Post admits that it has 20 full time "investigative reporters" (about 75k per year + benefits) going through every aspect of Trump's life. Isn't that good enough until the IRS finishes it's freaking audit? You almost gotta laugh that nobody wanted to see Barry Hussein's tax reports because he probably used the short form.
Obama releases all his sealed documents...
Hillary releases the transcripts of her speeches...

Then we'll talk about Trump's tax records.
The Washington Post admits that it has 20 full time "investigative reporters" (about 75k per year + benefits) going through every aspect of Trump's life. Isn't that good enough until the IRS finishes it's freaking audit?
Trump's life, and his 'morals', can be destroyed with a Google search.
Obama releases all his sealed documents...
Hillary releases the transcripts of her speeches...

Then we'll talk about Trump's tax records.
Tax returns have been released for decades, Trump is hiding something.

What are you hiding, Donald?
Releasing tax returns not a requirement and I hope the Donald gives a big :fu:to those who expect him too; as those who expect him too are Hill-Beast-bots anyways..............
The Democrats hope he gives people big FU as well. If he does, they win.
No they don't 'win'. They will claim they won but since FREEDOM / THE LAW says he doesn't have to release shit THEY LOSE.
Releasing tax returns not a requirement and I hope the Donald gives a big :fu:to those who expect him too; as those who expect him too are Hill-Beast-bots anyways..............
The Democrats hope he gives people big FU as well. If he does, they win.
No they don't 'win'. They will claim they won but since FREEDOM / THE LAW says he doesn't have to release shit THEY LOSE.
Unlike you, I count wins as who actually wins. The Donald cannot win.
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
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Hypocrite Trump won't release his taxes because he pays little to none while he attacks Jeff Bezos for not paying enough in taxes even though he pays more than Trump!

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
No. Her records are out. His are not.

Don't confuse apples with oranges.
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Every presidential candidate releases their tax returns. What reason does he have not to?
Because they will not help his campaign.

The answer is obvious.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
Yes they have. Both of them have released extensive tax returns and Hillary has released many years.
Nixon started the "tradition" of releasing tax returns in 1973 with the Watergate media hounds howling at him around the tree. If Trump decides to follow tradition good for him. If decides not to, good for him.
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
No. Her records are out. His are not.

Don't confuse apples with oranges.
No, this is apples and apples. She refuses to release her speeches. Obama refused to release his school transcripts. For years the right has been pointing out how he is hiding something and that it was obvious as he refused to release them. For years the left has been demanding that is bullshit.

Now, suddenly it is different.

Of course they are hiding things - the only reason such things stay under wraps is because they have no value in for their campaign but have value to the opposing campaign.

I doubt it is the rate - him paying a lower rate would actually work for his campaign. I agree with the net value point though - him having a lower net value than he has been leading on would tarnish his image (and likely goad him as well).
Mr. Trump is helping the Democrats with his changing answers and obfuscation. In January the candidate said “I have everything all approved and very beautiful” and he hoped to release his returns “over the next three, four months.” He later said he couldn’t release his returns until the IRS finished auditing him, though the IRS says an audit is no barrier to public disclosure.

Asked this week by the Associated Press when that day would come, Mr. Trump said he didn’t plan to release them after all. After Mrs. Clinton and Mitt Romney criticized that statement, Mr. Trump fell back on the IRS audit excuse. Then on Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Mr. Trump said he didn’t think voters had any right to see his tax returns and that his tax rate is “none of your business.”

Mr. Trump added: “But I do say this. I will really gladly give them—not going to learn anything but it’s under routine audit. When the audit ends I’m gonna present them. That should be before the election. I hope it’s before the election.”

Keep in mind that it has been common practice since the 1970s for the presidential nominees of both parties to release their tax returns. Tax returns provide insight into a candidate’s income, charitable giving and tax-avoidance strategies. Mr. Trump says he thinks voters don’t care, but that’s a decision for the voters to make.​

. . . And Donald Trump’s Taxes
Maybe he'll trade Shrillary during the run-up to the General... I'll show you my Returns, if you show me transcripts of your Wall Street Speeches...

That would make Crazy Old Uncle Bernie happy, fer shure...
Her returns are public. He is hiding his. This will be mentioned day in, and day out.
Trump is hiding something... Shrillary is hiding something... merely different sides of the same sick coin...
No. Her records are out. His are not.

Don't confuse apples with oranges.
No, this is apples and apples. She refuses to release her speeches. Obama refused to release his school transcripts. For years the right has been pointing out how he is hiding something and that it was obvious as he refused to release them. For years the left has been demanding that is bullshit.

Now, suddenly it is different.

Of course they are hiding things - the only reason such things stay under wraps is because they have no value in for their campaign but have value to the opposing campaign.

I doubt it is the rate - him paying a lower rate would actually work for his campaign. I agree with the net value point though - him having a lower net value than he has been leading on would tarnish his image (and likely goad him as well).
Tax returns are A. The rest are B.

You, and Trump, lose.

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