Will Trump get away with not releasing his tax returns?

You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
The reality is under the law no one is required to release their tax returns the rest of your idiocy is not worthy of a response.

presidents aren't required to release birth certificates or school records either ... must be why the Right is STILL carping about Obama's huh?

Tax returns Donnie, Tax returns !!!!!!!!!
And the left has been corning for years that there is nothing they are hiding by not releasing Obama's school records and now the same with Hillary's speeches. It has been blatantly obvious to the rest of us that clearly there are facts in there that they are hiding.

Now, suddenly, when a Republican refuses to release something it is obvious that they are hiding something. Partisan hackery.
Releasing tax returns not a requirement and I hope the Donald gives a big :fu:to those who expect him too; as those who expect him too are Hill-Beast-bots anyways..............
BWAH HA HA! Like he hasn't given enough reasons to vote against him. I hope he tells the voters to go fuck themselves too.

Why should he do that?........he has already set Repub turnout records in the primarys' so far........and still has what?........eight more to go.
Get a life on this planet.........obviously, you don't reside here........or, your front door, is indeed, a rock.......you is :lame2:........
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
I don't recall the terrorists asking Bush if the could perpwtrate 9/11/01. Unlike 9/11/12, 9/11/01 happened without any warning.
So many comments.

So many insincere comments.

Every one of them that cry out for Trump to make public his tax returns yet failing to attach copies of their own.

Did Obama spew out an Executive Order mandating hypocrisy?
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!
WHY are his tax returns any of your fucking business?
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
No answer retard?
Romney said it disqualifies Trump from being the GOP nominee. Can the party make that a rule at the convention? Will they make Trump release his taxes before the convention?

If he doesn't, will the democrats be able to force him to release them before the election? Can the IRS prevent Trump from running, by exposing fraud and tax evasion in his casinos?

Can a criminal really be elected POTUS?

What's worse, Clinton being prevented by the FBI for emails....or Trump being prevented by the IRS for tax cheating?

What an election! What a country! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!! U.S.A.!!!

What is there to get away with, he's not required to release them.
So many comments.

So many insincere comments.

Every one of them that cry out for Trump to make public his tax returns yet failing to attach copies of their own.

Did Obama spew out an Executive Order mandating hypocrisy?
But isn't Trump being hypocritical when he says Jeff Bezos is paying too little taxes but will not make public his tax returns so the public can see if Trump is doing the same thing as Bezos?

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."
WHY are his tax returns any of your fucking business?
The same reason Jeff Bezos' are Trump's business, Trump made how much Bezos and Amazon pay in taxes a campaign issue.

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.

Go back to sleep sweetcheeks.
Log cabin con.^^^^
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...

Every presidential candidate releases their tax returns. What reason does he have not to?
Trump is being audited.
An IRS spokesperson, no doubt at the behest of the White House, issued statement in which the content cannot be controverted, that any person undergoing an audit can release their tax statements to the public. No confirming statement has been issued to back up this claim.
Therefore the IRS statement must be viewed as politically motivated.
Obviously con logic...but here's a clue....cons are not even close to a majority of the voters. When the voters see an asshole trying to hide something, they're not going to vote for him. Strike three, cons lose again.

So, what's the official diagnosis? Bi-polar? Retardation? Chronic drug abuse?

Three moronic posts in a row.^^^
Holy Crap...ANOTHER thread about this from another liberal obsessed with other people's money.

Again, had liberals been this concerned with the tax returns of those in their own party Obama would STILL be tying to gill his FIRST Cabinet, and Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel would be in jail.

Just because you CLAIM tax evasion doesn't make it so, unlike how in great numbers such fraud / criminal activity has been proven among liberals.

Libs, please explain / show where in the Constitution or in what law does it say an American citizen must release their tax returns for you wealth-envy, hypocritical, FOIA NON-compliant liberals to see what is in them ... (not that liberals during Obama's Presidency have shown they have any respect for the Constitution of the Rule of law).

Can a criminal really be elected as President? Slick Willy, Mr. Career sexual assaulter, sexual adulteter, & rapist was....we'll see if Hillary can uphold the family tradition by getting elected...
Relax, will ya? Releasing tax returns is just a TRADITION after it was found that Nixon paid less than 1%. Perot didn't release his, either, and he was allowed to run. Anyway, back to the point, it is only a tradition and if he doesn't release them it will just give Hillary something to yap about until the election is over. While he yaps about her Goldman Sachs speeches. I'm no lawyer, but forcing a candidate to do that smacks of .... something illegal or unconstitutional.
To be fair, who cares? Trump has already very openly admitted he pays AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Most of us would do the same if we could hire fancy accountants like he does.
Almost as fun as watching libs do the same ... times 10. :p
Okay, I'll give ten con crimes, then you have to give 100 lib crimes....
Reagan- Iran/Contra lies to congress
Reagan-selling cocaine with Noriega to get money for the Contras.
Reagan- selling chemical weapons to Iraq
Reagan- selling missiles to Iran
Reagan-giving a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban
Gingrich- cheating on his dying wife, while prosecuting Clinton for a B.J.
Bush 43- allowing 9/11 to happen
Bush 43- lying about Iraq having yellow cake as an excuse to invade.
Speaker of the House Denise Hastert- paying hush money for being a pedophile.

Don't try to make excuses, just come up with your hundred.
Bush ALLOWING 9/11 to happen?

Were you born retarded or just have tinfoil implants?
I love it when cons show how stupid they are. Living in denial is not a river in Egypt...but it's your permanent residence.
You do realize tax returns are private and under the law no one is required to release them right? Which FYI includes people running for President also I don't believe Hillary or Bernie have released any tax returns yet either and like Trump they don't have to.
What you don't believe, and reality are as different as night and day. Refusing to release his tax returns, is like admitting he's guilty of tax cheating. It's also admitting he's been lying about his charitable contributions and how many billions he's really worth.
The reality is under the law no one is required to release their tax returns the rest of your idiocy is not worthy of a response.

presidents aren't required to release birth certificates or school records either ... must be why the Right is STILL carping about Obama's huh?

Tax returns Donnie, Tax returns !!!!!!!!!
And the left has been corning for years that there is nothing they are hiding by not releasing Obama's school records and now the same with Hillary's speeches. It has been blatantly obvious to the rest of us that clearly there are facts in there that they are hiding.

Now, suddenly, when a Republican refuses to release something it is obvious that they are hiding something. Partisan hackery.
Partisan hack pointing.^^^^^^
Releasing tax returns not a requirement and I hope the Donald gives a big :fu:to those who expect him too; as those who expect him too are Hill-Beast-bots anyways..............
BWAH HA HA! Like he hasn't given enough reasons to vote against him. I hope he tells the voters to go fuck themselves too.

Why should he do that?........he has already set Repub turnout records in the primarys' so far........and still has what?........eight more to go.
Get a life on this planet.........obviously, you don't reside here........or, your front door, is indeed, a rock.......you is :lame2:........
"Why should he do that?" Really Kidd...grow up! If you can't figure that out, you need to go back to the sandbox.
Trump said he could murder someone on 5th avenue, and not lose any supporters.

I'd like tho thank all the Trump cons for showing that they will support him no matter how big his tax cheating crimes are. You guys have proved that you're as stupid as Trump said you are.
WHY are his tax returns any of your fucking business?
The same reason Jeff Bezos' are Trump's business, Trump made how much Bezos and Amazon pay in taxes a campaign issue.

"Every hour we're getting calls from reporters from The Washington Post asking ridiculous questions," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "And I will tell you, this is owned as a toy by Jeff Bezos ... Amazon is getting away with murder, tax-wise. He's using The Washington Post for power so that the politicians in Washington don't tax Amazon like they should be taxed."
How so? He's getting calls from the post asking the questions that their owner isn't providing himself. Duh!

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