Will trump try to raise money off the back of this fake shooting ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
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Surely not. Surely he is above that crass tactic.

Or is he ?

It would certainly lessen my repect for this great man.
I don't know who this guy is or how Republicans conned him into going into those bushes with an automatic weapon. Are we ever going to get to interview this guy before the election?

Hopefully the FBI will get to the bottom of this but then Republicans won't believe a word they say.
The guy voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Tulsi and he thought Nikki/Vivek would make a great team. DUDE! Republican.

He's a Dick Chaney or Chris Christie Republican. Mitt Romney or McCain Republican.
I don't know who this guy is or how Republicans conned him into going into those bushes with an automatic weapon. Are we ever going to get to interview this guy before the election?

Hopefully the FBI will get to the bottom of this but then Republicans won't believe a word they say.
The guy voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Tulsi and he thought Nikki/Vivek would make a great team. DUDE! Republican.

He's a Dick Chaney or Chris Christie Republican. Mitt Romney or McCain Republican.
Another GOP gunman ?
I don't know who this guy is or how Republicans conned him into going into those bushes with an automatic weapon. Are we ever going to get to interview this guy before the election?

Hopefully the FBI will get to the bottom of this but then Republicans won't believe a word they say.
The guy voted for Trump in 2016, voted for Tulsi and he thought Nikki/Vivek would make a great team. DUDE! Republican.

He's a Dick Chaney or Chris Christie Republican. Mitt Romney or McCain Republican.
Do you mean that man who was radicalized by the media in the hopes of saving Democracy from the existential threat that is Donald Trump?

I'im sure that when it all comes out in the wash, unless Harris win, in which case it will be buried forever, that we will find that this is a guy who was slightly unhinged but followed the media and their attempts to save Democracy from Hitler.
Surely not. Surely he is above that crass tactic.

Or is he ?

It would certainly lessen my repect for this great man.

grifters gonna grift............

Trump fundraises, blames Biden and Harris without evidence in aftermath of second assassination attempt​

But in the wake of Sunday's apparent attempt on his life, Trump put particular blame on Biden and Harris' allegations that Trump's reelection bid represents threat to democracy.

The former president's comments surfaced shortly after he posted a fundraising solicitation that said, "there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us." He also assured donors and supporters that "I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God!"
Trump fundraises, blames Biden and Harris without evidence in aftermath of second assassination attempt
Do you mean that man who was radicalized by the media in the hopes of saving Democracy from the existential threat that is Donald Trump?

I'im sure that when it all comes out in the wash, unless Harris win, in which case it will be buried forever, that we will find that this is a guy who was slightly unhinged but followed the media and their attempts to save Democracy from Hitler.
First he was duped by Trump, then let down. He wasn't radicalized by the media. We said shooters have no business in our democracy.

If he listened to us he would have just told friends to vote.
grifters gonna grift............

Trump fundraises, blames Biden and Harris without evidence in aftermath of second assassination attempt​

But in the wake of Sunday's apparent attempt on his life, Trump put particular blame on Biden and Harris' allegations that Trump's reelection bid represents threat to democracy.

The former president's comments surfaced shortly after he posted a fundraising solicitation that said, "there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us." He also assured donors and supporters that "I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God!"
Trump fundraises, blames Biden and Harris without evidence in aftermath of second assassination attempt
Many thanks. Say it aint so. I wonder if unkind folk might try and twist this story into another trump slur.
Maybe he set it up to make money.
First he was duped by Trump, then let down. He wasn't radicalized by the media. We said shooters have no business in our democracy.

If he listened to us he would have just told friends to vote.
Duped by Trump?

You are making things up to cover your racializations?

Yet, some of you on the left in the alt media claim it was just a 'missed opportunity'.

Then there is no outcry at the botched investigation, no cries for firing of the person responsible for the shoddy protection and now, we see that resources continue to be withheld from the man.

How many attempts will he have to survive before the Biden admin gets serious about protecting political candidates?
But in the wake of Sunday's apparent attempt on his life, Trump put particular blame on Biden and Harris' allegations that Trump's reelection bid represents threat to democracy.
The did keep pushing that angle. And Routh is on social media repeating their lies. Like you, he's TDS afflicted moron, and actually believed their ridiculous lies.

It's safe to say that Routh was inspired by Biden and Harris. And it's ironic, since it's the democrats who are attacking democracy.

Harris got a grand total of 0 votes in the primary, yet she is the nominee. There is nothing democratic about that. The title ''Democtatic party" is a misnomer.
Duped by Trump?

You are making things up to cover your racializations?

Yet, some of you on the left in the alt media claim it was just a 'missed opportunity'.

Then there is no outcry at the botched investigation, no cries for firing of the person responsible for the shoddy protection and now, we see that resources continue to be withheld from the man.

How many attempts will he have to survive before the Biden admin gets serious about protecting political candidates?

Biden offered Trump thousands of troops but Trump rejected the offer.

Donald Trump was given multiple chances to express regret for the way he handled January 6 during the first presidential debate. Instead, he took the opportunity to blame the entire would-be coup on Nancy Pelosi.

All of the stormers of the U.S. Capitol in 2021 were Trump supporters who had come to Washington, D.C. to attend a rally centered around the false claim that the election was being stolen from the former president. Still, Trump laid the blame for their eventual riot squarely on the shoulders of the ex-Speaker of the House, saying he asked his supporters to act “peacefully and patriotically."

"I had nothing to do with that, other than they asked me to make a speech," Trump said. "It wasn't done by me, it was done by others."

Trump repeated the debunked claim that he offered thousands of troops ahead of Jan. 6 and was rejected by Pelosi. He went on to claim that Pelosi's daughter, Alexandra, has a tape where Pelosi admits that the Jan. 6 riots were her fault.

“Her daughter has a tape of her saying she is fully responsible for what happened," Trump said. "It would have never happened if Nancy Pelosi and the mayor…did their jobs.”

There is no such clip in the documentary that Alexandra filmed around her mother.
Is water wet?
No it's not. Something gets wet when water comes in contact with it.

Water is not wet because wetness arises from the interaction between a liquid and a solid surface. In other words, wetness is a property that occurs when water or another liquid comes into contact with a solid object.

Biden offered Trump thousands of troops but Trump rejected the offer.

Donald Trump was given multiple chances to express regret for the way he handled January 6 during the first presidential debate. Instead, he took the opportunity to blame the entire would-be coup on Nancy Pelosi.

All of the stormers of the U.S. Capitol in 2021 were Trump supporters who had come to Washington, D.C. to attend a rally centered around the false claim that the election was being stolen from the former president. Still, Trump laid the blame for their eventual riot squarely on the shoulders of the ex-Speaker of the House, saying he asked his supporters to act “peacefully and patriotically."

"I had nothing to do with that, other than they asked me to make a speech," Trump said. "It wasn't done by me, it was done by others."

Trump repeated the debunked claim that he offered thousands of troops ahead of Jan. 6 and was rejected by Pelosi. He went on to claim that Pelosi's daughter, Alexandra, has a tape where Pelosi admits that the Jan. 6 riots were her fault.

“Her daughter has a tape of her saying she is fully responsible for what happened," Trump said. "It would have never happened if Nancy Pelosi and the mayor…did their jobs.”

There is no such clip in the documentary that Alexandra filmed around her mother.
1. Biden did not.

2. So, Trump and no one else should express regret over what they say, or are they fair game for assassination?

3. Why do you clowns always leave off that Trump said to peacefully protest? Yet, the media continue to incite violent reactions against Trump with their unapologetic rhetoric?

4. The claim was not debunked, as Pelsoi herself said she refused the offer. IT it not on tape held be her daughter. But its laughable that you would make such an argument. If there was a tape the showed Trump doing wrong but his daughter said there was no tape, you would believer her, right?

Lets explore the near decade of Media incitement with the use of rhetoric that paints Donald Trump as an existential threat to Democracy (you can find examples by watching the televised mental institute named MSNBC or more appropriately MSDNC.
1. Biden did not.

2. So, Trump and no one else should express regret over what they say, or are they fair game for assassination?

3. Why do you clowns always leave off that Trump said to peacefully protest? Yet, the media continue to incite violent reactions against Trump with their unapologetic rhetoric?

4. The claim was not debunked, as Pelsoi herself said she refused the offer. IT it not on tape held be her daughter. But its laughable that you would make such an argument. If there was a tape the showed Trump doing wrong but his daughter said there was no tape, you would believer her, right?

Lets explore the near decade of Media incitement with the use of rhetoric that paints Donald Trump as an existential threat to Democracy (you can find examples by watching the televised mental institute named MSNBC or more appropriately MSDNC.
OMG, he slipped in once, at the very end, after riling up that crowd, he slipped in PEACEFULLY to cover his ass.

Sorry we're not as stupid as you are to fall for this or buy this. He's responsible for the insurrection. Sorry. And we know what he wanted to happen. He wanted Pence to stop the official process and have the Supreme Court decide. He basically wanted to throw out all our votes and have the right wing supreme's decide.

I'm ashamed of you for going along. Darkwind. I'll have to remember Darkwind is a nazi.
Many thanks. Say it aint so. I wonder if unkind folk might try and twist this story into another trump slur.
Maybe he set it up to make money.

i'm not sure, & would like to think not ... but anything's possible with that orange bag of trans fat.
1. Biden did not.

2. So, Trump and no one else should express regret over what they say, or are they fair game for assassination?

3. Why do you clowns always leave off that Trump said to peacefully protest? Yet, the media continue to incite violent reactions against Trump with their unapologetic rhetoric?

4. The claim was not debunked, as Pelsoi herself said she refused the offer. IT it not on tape held be her daughter. But its laughable that you would make such an argument. If there was a tape the showed Trump doing wrong but his daughter said there was no tape, you would believer her, right?

Lets explore the near decade of Media incitement with the use of rhetoric that paints Donald Trump as an existential threat to Democracy (you can find examples by watching the televised mental institute named MSNBC or more appropriately MSDNC.

Even Republicans who defend Trump aren't buying your bullshit

‘Practically and morally responsible': McConnell scorches Trump — but votes to acquit​

The Kentucky Republican maintained he would have “carefully considered” convicting Trump had he been in office.

What pisses me off is if Trump was convicted, he wouldn't be running right now. Mitch thought he'd just go away after losing.

And since he wasn't president anymore, we charged Trump for the insurrection. If he was president we couldn't charge him says the Supreme Court but Mitch says Trump was no longer president when he stared the riot.
Many thanks. Say it aint so. I wonder if unkind folk might try and twist this story into another trump slur.
Maybe he set it up to make money.
It's all we are talking about today. It's better than how Kamala handed him his ass at the debate. This story finally stopped that story. And Taylor Swift's endorsement.

This was a desperate move

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