Will Trump's Indictment in Georgia cost us the state in 2024? I’m concerned

You are not a conservative republican. You are not fooling anybody with an IQ above 100.

The only posters you are fooling are democrats.
I can’t believe he’s fooling anyone. It’s a direct play on the name, much like Rightwinger is a far-leftist.
Costing one state? Don't make me laugh. The GOP is completely finished in US politics.
Let us hope so. But I would say that ought to apply specifically to “Trump’s GOP” or “the Trump Party.”

If the GOP did explode, fracture, with Trump losing badly and MAGA secessionists trying and failing to secede in some states, or just fading away, then the Dems would become a liberal centrist ruling party for another eight or twelve years.

But the Dems would likely split eventually, since the problems of U.S. and world capitalism are unlikely to be solved quickly and these problems will inevitably create a new electoral opposition, even if the Dems renew themselves with new and more far-sighted leaders.

If the Trump Party somehow conquers, on the other hand, all bets are off. I doubt liberal democracy could survive such a catastrophe.
quit being an idiot,
the indictments are all bullshit
we already lost georgia,
call it stealing the election
call it the popularity of biden by the idiots
it is already gone

take your crocodile tears elsewhere, Georgia is gone, the only way for us to get Georgia back is for you to start supporting Trump

The first way to leave a cult is to acknowledge the cult.
Let us hope so. But I would say that ought to apply specifically to “Trump’s GOP” or “the Trump Party.”

If the GOP did explode, fracture, with Trump losing badly and MAGA secessionists trying and failing to secede in some states, or just fading away, then the Dems would become a liberal centrist ruling party for another eight or twelve years.

But the Dems would likely split eventually, since the problems of U.S. and world capitalism are unlikely to be solved quickly and these problems will inevitably create a new electoral opposition, even if the Dems renew themselves with new and more far-sighted leaders.

If the Trump Party somehow conquers, on the other hand, all bets are off. I doubt liberal democracy could survive such a catastrophe.
And in those years, the US would cease to exist because of zero Conservative opposition to say NO!
As a conservative Republican, I am deeply concerned about Trump's indictment in Georgia. This is a major blow to our party and a threat to our chances of winning elections in the future.

Trump's repeated lies about the 2020 election have alienated many voters, and his indictment will only further damage his reputation. This makes it more difficult for us to win over independents and moderate Republicans who are looking for a candidate who they can trust to uphold the rule of law and respect the results of elections.

And let’s not forget the fact that he pressured the governor to cheat and make him the winner in Georgia.

We need to move on from Trump and focus on finding a candidate who can unite our party and win elections in 2024. Trump's behavior is a liability to our party, and we cannot afford to have him on the ballot.

I urge all Republicans to join me in rejecting Trump and his behavior. We need to unite our party and focus on finding a candidate who can win elections in 2024. We cannot afford to have Trump on the ballot.

Whatever, RINO.

Being a republican and a conservative in this age is all about loyalty and obedience to a man that has none to you.
As an inveterate liar, you claim to be a conservative and a Republican. Clearly, however, you’re not. The balance of your post is this meaningless bullshit from a typical libturd asshole.
The balance of his post is quite correct.

The former 1-term fuckup has dragged down the whole party into silly stupid ignorance. Some republic party voters just don't want to be the party of hillbillies from Deliverance.
And in those years, the US would cease to exist because of zero Conservative opposition to say NO!
Did the U.S. “cease to exist” after the almost four term reign of FDR?*

FDR was far more “left” than the present DNC, and he actually was the most successful president in the twentieth century, uniting the country and setting the stage for U.S. prosperity, preserving freedom in Western Europe, etc.

Of course I’m not comparing then and now, or Biden and FDR, but if todays Republicans commit suicide … the country will go on very well without them.

* Actually it was 20 years of Democratic rule — 12 under FDR and 8 under Truman.
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I prefer the left on top, but not as the only. Push/pull is a requirement of a reasonably good government.
I agree. But the organized “Trump Party” is poison. The country would be much better off if they are destroyed, either by Republicans themselves, or in the elections. The country would be infinitely better off without this nihilist and authoritarian one-man cult.

The Democrats would also be a better party without having to deal with this dangerous demagogue. Without the pressure to “unite to stop Trump,” both within & outside the Democratic Party coalitions fighting for more pro-working-class “left” policies would emerge — movements demanding tax and economic fairness. Every issue, including immigration, would be discussed in a healthier way.

For example, Trump says “Build a Wall and Make Mexico Pay for It!” and Dems feel obliged to respond “No Wall!” — though they support “fences” and funding increases for high tech barriers, more border hiring, airport security, etc.

Most Dems (like liberals in the Nordic countries) now increasingly question the faddish culture nonsense over “pronouns,” “transitioning” for kids and gov’t spending to allow sex-change surgery — but listening to screaming accusatory Neanderthal Republicans, these folks find it difficult to add their voices to conservative voices on the subject.

In many ways, Trump and the apocalyptic, largely racist authoritarian backlash movement he leads is just dividing the country unnecessarily and holding back reasonable solutions to problems the nation faces.
As a conservative Republican, I am deeply concerned about Trump's indictment in Georgia. This is a major blow to our party and a threat to our chances of winning elections in the future.

Trump's repeated lies about the 2020 election have alienated many voters, and his indictment will only further damage his reputation. This makes it more difficult for us to win over independents and moderate Republicans who are looking for a candidate who they can trust to uphold the rule of law and respect the results of elections.

And let’s not forget the fact that he pressured the governor to cheat and make him the winner in Georgia.

We need to move on from Trump and focus on finding a candidate who can unite our party and win elections in 2024. Trump's behavior is a liability to our party, and we cannot afford to have him on the ballot.

I urge all Republicans to join me in rejecting Trump and his behavior. We need to unite our party and focus on finding a candidate who can win elections in 2024. We cannot afford to have Trump on the ballot.
An indictment is a formal accusation made by a grand jury or a prosecutor that charges an individual with a crime. It is the first step in the criminal justice process and signifies that there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial.

Essentially, an indictment is a decision to bring formal charges against someone. A verdict is the decision reached at the end of a trial by a judge or jury. It states whether the accused is guilty or not guilty of the charges presented.

A verdict is the final determination of the court regarding the accused's culpability or innocence. In summary, an indictment is the charging process, while a verdict is the final decision on guilt or innocence made by the court.

So,Trump is still innocent. No guilt yet. He should not be treated like an inmate. He just needs an effective legal team! :)

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