Will Trump's Indictment in Georgia cost us the state in 2024? I’m concerned

Did the U.S. “cease to exist” after the almost four term reign of FDR?*

FDR was far more “left” than the present DNC, and he actually was the most successful president in the twentieth century, uniting the country and setting the stage for U.S. prosperity, preserving freedom in Western Europe, etc.

Of course I’m not comparing then and now, or Biden and FDR, but if todays Republicans commit suicide … the country will go on very well without them.

* Actually it was 20 years of Democratic rule — 12 under FDR and 8 under Truman.
Eat shit and die, fucking Communist. FDR fucking prolonged the Depression and expanded the government beyond its mandates.
Trump exposed himself as an incompetent bully with a big mouth.
yet, our country was really doing great with Trump as the president,

and who can fight against the rich and the powerful, it takes a bully

Who can fight against the mouths on TV, a bigger mouth.

Everything you think is bad about Trump is that which makes him the only one that can clean up the swamp
yet, our country was really doing great with Trump as the president,

and who can fight against the rich and the powerful, it takes a bully

Who can fight against the mouths on TV, a bigger mouth.

Everything you think is bad about Trump is that which makes him the only one that can clean up the swamp
Like he did for the soybean farmers?

Trump got very little done. He needed six hours a day of executive time to do his hair and makeup.
As a conservative Republican, I am deeply concerned about Trump's indictment in Georgia. This is a major blow to our party and a threat to our chances of winning elections in the future.

Trump's repeated lies about the 2020 election have alienated many voters, and his indictment will only further damage his reputation. This makes it more difficult for us to win over independents and moderate Republicans who are looking for a candidate who they can trust to uphold the rule of law and respect the results of elections.

And let’s not forget the fact that he pressured the governor to cheat and make him the winner in Georgia.

We need to move on from Trump and focus on finding a candidate who can unite our party and win elections in 2024. Trump's behavior is a liability to our party, and we cannot afford to have him on the ballot.

I urge all Republicans to join me in rejecting Trump and his behavior. We need to unite our party and focus on finding a candidate who can win elections in 2024. We cannot afford to have Trump on the ballot.
WE've already established that you're a prog douchebag, not a conservative Republican. Trump's indictment will cost you every state in the Union.
Like he did for the soybean farmers?

Trump got very little done. He needed six hours a day of executive time to do his hair and makeup.
Is that not what we want in a politician, someone not endlessly fucking us over?

Soybeans, fighting against China. A shame Trump was not able to continue that fight. If China wants to fuck with us, we should end all trade with china and those that supply china with anything. They will fold in a second.

Democrats, they sold us out to China, from giving them missile and rocket technology to disassembling factories and moving them to China.

What Trump did not do was only because the Swamp was a huge obstacle.
Is that not what we want in a politician, someone not endlessly fucking us over?

Soybeans, fighting against China. A shame Trump was not able to continue that fight. If China wants to fuck with us, we should end all trade with china and those that supply china with anything. They will fold in a second.

Democrats, they sold us out to China, from giving them missile and rocket technology to disassembling factories and moving them to China.

What Trump did not do was only because the Swamp was a huge obstacle.

China is buying all their soybeans from Brazil. Trump also screwed up the TPP.
Is that not what we want in a politician, someone not endlessly fucking us over?

Soybeans, fighting against China. A shame Trump was not able to continue that fight. If China wants to fuck with us, we should end all trade with china and those that supply china with anything. They will fold in a second.

Democrats, they sold us out to China, from giving them missile and rocket technology to disassembling factories and moving them to China.

What Trump did not do was only because the Swamp was a huge obstacle.
Hilarious wanker
Is that not what we want in a politician, someone not endlessly fucking us over?

Soybeans, fighting against China. A shame Trump was not able to continue that fight. If China wants to fuck with us, we should end all trade with china and those that supply china with anything. They will fold in a second.

Democrats, they sold us out to China, from giving them missile and rocket technology to disassembling factories and moving them to China.

What Trump did not do was only because the Swamp was a huge obstacle.
Truly absurd.

The dramatic increase this year and last in factories being built in this country has much to do precisely with the Biden Administration’s legislation providing financial incentives as well as re-shoring from China of high tech production of strategic industry. What did Trump’s policies ever accomplish? He couldn’t even keep Harley Davison motorcycle production here!

The Trumpsters like to lie about how the Biden Administration is controlled by or bribed into subservience by Communist China. Actually nothing can be further from the truth, as Biden’s policies have led to the greatest sanctioning of Chinese high tech & defense related companies ever.

Anyone at all aware of what is happening knows that partly because of this pressure and partly because of growing overall tensions in Chinese-U.S. relations, American companies looking to expand overseas production or seeking to securitize overseas trade relations now refer to “ABC” — “anywhere but China.”

Of course there is still and hopefully will continue to be solid and mutually advantageous trade with China in areas that are not strategic or defense related — but defining this area sometimes requires careful and competent expertise, not the sort of blowhard posturing Trump was — and many other Republicans are — so famous for.

And now — back to the topic!
Truly absurd.

The dramatic increase this year and last in factories being built in this country has much to do precisely with the Biden Administration’s legislation providing financial incentives as well as re-shoring from China of high tech production of strategic industry. What did Trump’s policies ever accomplish? He couldn’t even keep Harley Davison motorcycle production here!
what factories, specifically
Truly absurd.

The dramatic increase this year and last in factories being built in this country has much to do precisely with the Biden Administration’s legislation providing financial incentives as well as re-shoring from China of high tech production of strategic industry.

And now — back to the topic!
Yes, very absurd.

There is not one new factory being built because of Biden or the Democrats trillion dollar spending.

Yes, existing factories are willing to take free government money. How amazing, the government says I will give you millions of dollars, and an already rich millionaire says thank you!

Biden says the lie, his followers believe.

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