Will Trump's Indictment in Georgia cost us the state in 2024? I’m concerned

all the lousy lying democrats can do is send us to a google link that states, "the democrats are right, listen to the democrats"

I guarantee, without looking, whatever link was provided, does not name the factories
you dont know shit, you are a filthy liar

you claimed factories are being built because of democrats giving away money but you can not name one

of all the low life lies.

I went to the trouble of sending you a link to objective economic data provided by the treasury department, analyzed by one of the countries best independent analysts. You obviously didn’t bother to read the whole link or examine the data presented in its graphs or follow the subsequent explanatory remarks and comments. You probably don’t ever watch or follow economic reports or even Bloomberg TV, which with the WSJ has covered this widely commented-on phenomenon extensively. Here is a short excerpt, which is not even a central part of this objective economic data. The analysis is not partisan or political:

“Adjusted for inflation based on construction costs, ‘real’ spending on the construction of plants for computer, electronics, and electrical manufacturing has nearly quadrupled, according to the Treasury Department analysis last month.

“The boom in manufacturing construction spending started in early 2021, likely in response to the pandemic era supply-chain chaos and transportation nightmares that wreaked havoc on globalized supply strategies and led to previously unimaginable shortages.

“While the boom in manufacturing construction started over a year before the CHIPS Act was passed in August 2022, it is likely that the CHIPS Act has since then further accelerated the construction of manufacturing plants for tech products.

“In its analysis, the Treasury Department said that the surge in construction of manufacturing plants appears to be a US phenomenon, when compared to other advanced economies:”

Construction Spending on US Manufacturing Plants Soars, to De-Globalize Supply Chains? | Wolf Street

I will be sure not to waste any more of my precious time on you in the future.
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I went to the trouble of sending you a link to objective economic data provided by the treasury department, analyzed by one of the countries best independent analysts
You went to the trouble to do a google search and copy and paste???

Well, bless your heart.

You claimed factories are being built, I asked for you to name one, you could not, and offered up a link that also does not name one.

That makes you a filthy liar. Why be such a low life scum. You made the claim, I really thought you were being honest. I had no idea that you are not man enough to just to tell the truth.

No factories are being built. No ground is being broke. No factories we lost to China are coming back.

The above articles have PICTURES of factories being built, you moron.

They name factories and their locations, you ignorant creep.

Go fuck yourself, fool!
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THEY name factories and locations, crepe.

Go fuck yourself, fool.
I asked you, asshole, because you made the claim that you knew factories are being built. Now you are backtracking with google searches, and you still have not posted a name of a factory, just more links. You are still lying

Your google search is behind a pay-wall, you even suck at searching your opinion.

Not one of your posts shows you are telling the truth, and that is after I called you a liar. You suck at proving yourself.
Personally I don’t know if the indictment or trials in Georgia will lead to convictions, or if Trump personally will be found guilty. RICO cases are complex and Georgia — even the county area from which jurors are to be drawn — is fully integrated. That is good, but even only one juror holding out for Trump can prevent any conviction.

What I do know is that ignoramuses like elektra demonstrate the total inability of many Trump fanatics to recognize and deal with simple reality.

:th_Back_2_Topic_2: :abgg2q.jpg:
Personally I don’t know if the indictment or trials in Georgia will lead to convictions, or if Trump personally will be found guilty. RICO cases are complex and Georgia — even the county area from which jurors are to be drawn — is fully integrated.

What I do know is that ignoramuses like elektra demonstrate the total inability of Trump fanatics to recognize and deal with simple reality.
yet, you are the cowardly liar, that made a claim about factories, yet you can not name one! You did claim there were more than one, right.

So tell us about these factories.

such sour grapes from a filthy liar, making claims you can not support with a google search

What factory!
yet, you are the cowardly liar, that made a claim about factories, yet you can not name one! You did claim there were more than one, right.

So tell us about these factories.

such sour grapes from a filthy liar, making claims you can not support with a google search

What factory!
Jesus Christ, just look at the pictures, read the captions in the links I provided! You can read, can’t you?
Jesus Christ, just look at the pictures, read the captions in the links I provided! You can read, can’t you?
your links are behind pay-walls

like I said, you are a parrot, nothing more, and I asked, for the name of a factory, I did not demand links, I asked for a name and you could not do that, because you lied.

It dont matter if you unwittingly repeated a lie, but that is what you did, you lied.
ah, mr pain has to put the funny smiling face on my post, talk about a loser

a dozen chances to name a factory, do we see the name, nope, pain is simply a liar

hey, laugh at this post, loser
Georgia is the one state where Trump actually has video of 3 polling worker illegally opening up boxes of ballots and doing things with them, while no observers were present.

So it is the other way around.
Georgia is the one state Trump has proof on, so should be contrite.
Instead they are attacking.
And that is indefensible.
Georgia needs to have everyone involved with these indictments, investigated.
Back in 21 Trump** filed suit against Raffensburger supposedly with irrefutable evidence of fraud in Georgia.
Then he voluntary withdrew. No explanation

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Stop with your insults and stupidity, elektra . You are only making a fool of yourself. I am not holding your hand or playing games here. If you need names …

US Factory Building at Record High Delivers Big Boost to Growth

Factory Boom Sweeps US With Construction at Record $190 Billion

US Leaves Global Peers in the Dust With Factory-Building Boom, Treasury Says

The above links have plenty of names and can be read easily if you bother to register (for free). They also corroborate all I wrote. Even if you don’t register they also name factories … even in the introductions. Oh, and if you can’t register and can’t read, they have MORE PICTURES !!!
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Stop with your insults and stupidity, elektra . You are only making a fool of yourself. I am not holding your hand or playing games here. If you need names …

US Factory Building at Record High Delivers Big Boost to Growth

Factory Boom Sweeps US With Construction at Record $190 Billion

US Leaves Global Peers in the Dust With Factory-Building Boom, Treasury Says

The above links have plenty of names and can be read easily if you bother to register (for free). They also corroborate all I wrote. Even if you don’t register they also name factories … even in the introductions. Oh, and if you can’t register and can’t read, they have MORE PICTURES !!!
Like I said, you are a liar. I followed your previous links, no names or pay walls.

Now this is the 3rd time you have said you will not respond to my posts. And the 6th or 7th time you could not tell us about the factory.

Whatever reputation you think you have, you soiled like a bum pissing his pants.

Next time, at least figure out what you are saying has a shred of truth.

Done with me? Bullshit, snobs always have to have the last word. I am sure you will attempt a face saving post.
Ha, like I said, pain has to get the last word in so he gave my post a smiling face!

A fucking liar, 3 times pain said he/she was done yet here is pain, still trying for a win after lying about leaving.

PPP, piss poor pain
Personally I don’t know if the indictment or trials in Georgia will lead to convictions, or if Trump personally will be found guilty. RICO cases are complex and Georgia — even the county area from which jurors are to be drawn — is fully integrated. That is good, but even only one juror holding out for Trump can prevent any conviction.

What I do know is that ignoramuses like elektra demonstrate the total inability of many Trump fanatics to recognize and deal with simple reality.

:th_Back_2_Topic_2: :abgg2q.jpg:
The "simple" reality here, Commie scum, is that you {ADMITTED that you want a permanent far Left ONE PARTY rule in the US and for Conservatives like us to be killed.
Yes, very absurd.

There is not one new factory being built because of Biden or the Democrats trillion dollar spending.

Yes, existing factories are willing to take free government money. How amazing, the government says I will give you millions of dollars, and an already rich millionaire says thank you!

Biden says the lie, his followers believe.
Factories are be built. Check today's news.
You are a lunatic and a liar. I dare you to try to prove this ridiculous slander.
What slander? You OPENLY admitted you wanted Conservatives eliminated, fucking far Left Communist. Go live in North Korea now, you don't belong here. Unpatriotic scum.

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