Will Tucker show bravery and quit to stand up to tyranny and creeping communism?

You are 180 degrees off the mark in your attempts to discredit me.

I had the distinct misfortune of stumbling over Democrat precinct chair persons across this land before most Americans owned computers. I was merely reading political posts and wasn't saying much, but this is what was going on sometime before the twenty first century began. My great uncle Neal was a justice of the peace in the city of Houston, and firm served former President George Herbert Walker Bush. They had a credo of valor and honor and friended the best of good men and women. One of the other partners in his firm had been a governor who took one of the bullets intended for President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a WWII PT boat heroes who died that fateful day of November 23, 1963. I was in our cheerleader sponsor's car on our way to our rival's pep ralley to lead cheers for our ballgame that was cancelled when the car radio announcer said President Kennedy had been shot in the Dallas/FortWorth area in his visit to our Lone Star State. All six of us were crying. Our sponsor told us we were not to announce anything we heard about the frightening event we had just heard, that we were to lead cheers and display good sportsmanship in every way and that it was our responsibility to act pleasantly if we encountered any poor sportsmanlike conduct from our rivals. So we smothered our frightened and broken hearts in the face one of the worst tragedies in American politics. Everybody loved Jack and Jacquie Kennedy. We had a job to do encouraging good sportsmanship between 2 very rivalrous schools, and we did it--showing cheerfulness when we were under a lot of stress of hoping and praying President Kennedy would recuperate, but hearing worse and worse news on the way back to our own alma mater that Aldine high school was.

We got through all that pain and it made every one of us better people who can take heartrending news and still hold our heads up and address our adversaries who knew nothing of what our feelings were. President Kennedy died before we got back. I can't even describe our shared heartbreak of losing that bit of Camelot we lost.

Yet years later, I ran into Democrats who had gaily munched on my liver for supporting George W. Bush the younger bragging on who voted (unconstitutionally) many timed to defeat "Dubya." That is a few rungs below good sportsmanship and even below unsportsmanlike conduct and into the realm of criminality and disembowelling the ten commandments as well as Jesus telling a young man who had kept all the commandments but couldn't let his personal wealth to go to people in need.

The Democrat Party has divorced itself from caring about this nation under God and is trying to convince weak people into trashing the family, God, and the truth in the unhealthy goal of oppressing the taxpaying, God fearing citizens with lies, cheating at the polls, framing innocent opponents with lies, obstruction, lies, the justice department, lies, mass media, lies, calumny, and last but not least lies.
I'm not sure what any of that has to do with your claim that Democratic chairmen somehow changed the vote. Conspiracy theories have fried your brain.

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