Will we EVER have another Republican president????

Romney did not lose the election. The ultra radical right with its hatred lost the election for Romney because of its lying and screaming. You people scared off those five million votes we needed to elect Romney.

No, I know you need to believe that.. But as much as I have little use for the Whacky Right Wing, they did what they were supposed to do. They worked hard and they showed up to get this guy they neither liked nor trusted elected.

Romney lost because of Romney. Saying shit like '47% are moochers' and "I like to be able to fire people" and "Hispanics are going to Self-Deport".

While the far whacky right is a problem for the GOP on a macro level, Romney's biggest problem at the end of the day was Romney. Obama picked up the same playbook Ted Kennedy used against him in 1994 and beat the snot out of him with it.
I don't know you and am not familiar with your whining so I can't say. I specified the whiners I was referring to.

Okay. So take THAT off the table, and address the rest of what I said.
The rest makes little sense in the context Republican presidential electability. I can't imagine anyone considering Romney as radical unless they themselves are radical.

Romney went along with every radical thing that the RW stuffed into the platform, including banning abortion for rape victims.

But the biggest problem with Romney was that he was "The Guy Who Laid off Your Dad", as Mike Huckabee once called him. He was the poster boy for the GOP's war on the Middle Class for the last 30 years. You have to work three low paying jobs to keep this guy in Dressage Ponies and Mansions...
They just keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The election was laid out on a silver platter for them, and the right wing couldnt even reach for it, much less take it. How in the Holy Hell did they blow it THAT badly?

And they KEEP doing it? They are digging into their foxholes, and holding on to the ideology that cost them the election. And thats a good thing. Thats who they are, so it would be wrong to pretend to be anything else. They should be applauded for that.

So I wonder....if Republicans stay true to who they are, will they EVER have another Republican in the White House? Because the country is slowly drifting away from them, and that gap is only gonna get bigger with time. They severely underestimated how big of an affect it would have to piss off every subgroup of society....one at a time. All the people the right wing turned away from them- blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, teachers, cops, firemen, women, union workers. Really, the only people the GOP embraced are rich people, white Christians, and the military. They calculated that those three groups would be enough to win the election. They were wrong, and keep getting wronger!

the dumb-fuck GOP was able to win several presidential elections after they'd been written off following the resignation of Nixon... all due to the mind-numbing dumb-fuck incompetence of the Dems...

it'll happen again... enough folks will at some point recognize the Dems for what they are... charlatans using smoke and mirrors to run the government into the ground as they point to the GOP and say it's their fault the shit is hitting the fan...

the Dems' ruse will eventually catch up to them...

it'll happen again... the GOP will rise again...
[]Do you honestly think that Hispanics want to make America the third world form whence they came? Hispanics will flock to the Republicans eventually because enough of them have a work-ethic and want to improve their lives beyond government handouts.

Claiming victory in perpetuity after eking out an incumbent's victory is about as simple-minded as you can get - well, maybe not you, but for most.

That works on the assumption that Hispanics equate a "work ethic' with greed and being a douchebag, like you do.

The GOP is really blowing it with Hispanics the way they blew it with blacks 50 years ago when Crazy Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No one sane really still supports Goldwater's position, but blacks remember it clearly.

So when Mittens got out there and said, "Well, we'll get get them to self-deport", he really blew it for a couple generations.
[]Do you honestly think that Hispanics want to make America the third world form whence they came? Hispanics will flock to the Republicans eventually because enough of them have a work-ethic and want to improve their lives beyond government handouts.

Claiming victory in perpetuity after eking out an incumbent's victory is about as simple-minded as you can get - well, maybe not you, but for most.

That works on the assumption that Hispanics equate a "work ethic' with greed and being a douchebag, like you do.

The GOP is really blowing it with Hispanics the way they blew it with blacks 50 years ago when Crazy Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No one sane really still supports Goldwater's position, but blacks remember it clearly.

So when Mittens got out there and said, "Well, we'll get get them to self-deport", he really blew it for a couple generations.

Hispanics are by nature, conservative. Family oriented, religious, fiscally conservative. Natural Republicans

But as a group they want one thing.....Respect

They don't get that from Republicans with their pandering to the white, christian male constituency. Every "English as the official language" " Stop hispanics and demand their papers" "Hispanics are looking for handouts" bill and statement from the right is looked at as an insult
The rest makes little sense in the context Republican presidential electability. I can't imagine anyone considering Romney as radical unless they themselves are radical.

Romney tried to reinvent himself to appease to the far right. That needs to stop. You can't tell me there's nobody in the Republican party who can do better than he did, and remain true to their core beliefs, which won't alienate more than half the country.

Obama has alienated half the country and still got re-elected.:confused:

The ultra right and libertarian radicals have alienated more than half the country, and the demography against their positions will only continue to grow.
Romney did not lose the election. The ultra radical right with its hatred lost the election for Romney because of its lying and screaming. You people scared off those five million votes we needed to elect Romney.

No, I know you need to believe that.. But as much as I have little use for the Whacky Right Wing, they did what they were supposed to do. They worked hard and they showed up to get this guy they neither liked nor trusted elected.

Romney lost because of Romney. Saying shit like '47% are moochers' and "I like to be able to fire people" and "Hispanics are going to Self-Deport".

While the far whacky right is a problem for the GOP on a macro level, Romney's biggest problem at the end of the day was Romney. Obama picked up the same playbook Ted Kennedy used against him in 1994 and beat the snot out of him with it.

We have already disproved that, JoeB. You have to let that delusion go.
Romney did not lose the election. The ultra radical right with its hatred lost the election for Romney because of its lying and screaming. You people scared off those five million votes we needed to elect Romney.

Jake and Reality, parallel tracks that never meet
Lots of combinations doom the GOP.

Lots of people who, like you said, like the government safety net. They'll trade off....they get a safety net, but forfeit any chance of every being filthy rich. The coming generation was raised on a sense of community sharing far more than individual greed.

The GOP outraged about 15,000,000 middle class folks when they attacked cops, firemen and teachers. Those groups are probably around 3,000,000 or so, and they all have families, kids, spouses, parents, friends, who love them and know how underpaid they are for their hard jobs. The GOP going on a crusade against them lost a LOT of support and votes for that party.

Pure demographics. Our country is becoming less white by the decade, which is bad for the GOP.

Again bucs you're full of shit...you claim it was your local mayor hosing cops, now you're saying nationwide? Are you in full retard or did you just finally come out of the closet?
[]Do you honestly think that Hispanics want to make America the third world form whence they came? Hispanics will flock to the Republicans eventually because enough of them have a work-ethic and want to improve their lives beyond government handouts.

Claiming victory in perpetuity after eking out an incumbent's victory is about as simple-minded as you can get - well, maybe not you, but for most.

That works on the assumption that Hispanics equate a "work ethic' with greed and being a douchebag, like you do.

The GOP is really blowing it with Hispanics the way they blew it with blacks 50 years ago when Crazy Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No one sane really still supports Goldwater's position, but blacks remember it clearly.

So when Mittens got out there and said, "Well, we'll get get them to self-deport", he really blew it for a couple generations.

Hispanics are by nature, conservative. Family oriented, religious, fiscally conservative. Natural Republicans

But as a group they want one thing.....Respect

They don't get that from Republicans with their pandering to the white, christian male constituency. Every "English as the official language" " Stop hispanics and demand their papers" "Hispanics are looking for handouts" bill and statement from the right is looked at as an insult

I agree. But I also don't think the GOP have lost Hispanics in the same way they lost blacks, ie for generations. Blacks have a brutal history of suppression in this country whereas Hispanics do not.
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Romney tried to reinvent himself to appease to the far right. That needs to stop. You can't tell me there's nobody in the Republican party who can do better than he did, and remain true to their core beliefs, which won't alienate more than half the country.

Obama has alienated half the country and still got re-elected.:confused:

The ultra right and libertarian radicals have alienated more than half the country, and the demography against their positions will only continue to grow.
We heard this ad-nauseum in 2008 and the 2010 rolled around. Accordingly, when 2012 came the landslide that would have been part and parcel of this model turned out to be a squeaker - go figure.
It seems the best bet now for Republicans is to continue trying to change the voting laws. If by changing a few simple state and local laws they can exclude millions from voting, and with their gerrymandering Republicans will have a much better chance.
That works on the assumption that Hispanics equate a "work ethic' with greed and being a douchebag, like you do.

The GOP is really blowing it with Hispanics the way they blew it with blacks 50 years ago when Crazy Barry Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. No one sane really still supports Goldwater's position, but blacks remember it clearly.

So when Mittens got out there and said, "Well, we'll get get them to self-deport", he really blew it for a couple generations.

Hispanics are by nature, conservative. Family oriented, religious, fiscally conservative. Natural Republicans

But as a group they want one thing.....Respect

They don't get that from Republicans with their pandering to the white, christian male constituency. Every "English as the official language" " Stop hispanics and demand their papers" "Hispanics are looking for handouts" bill and statement from the right is looked at as an insult

I agree. But I also don't think the GOP have lost Hispanics in the same way they lost blacks, ie for generations. Blacks have a brutal history of suppression in this country whereas Hispanics do not.

I agree that Republicans have lost the black vote for good

Hispanics could return to the party. But it will depend on Republicans giving them more than lip service. If Republicans continue with their current track, they will lose a generation of Hispanic voters
They just keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The election was laid out on a silver platter for them, and the right wing couldnt even reach for it, much less take it. How in the Holy Hell did they blow it THAT badly?

And they KEEP doing it? They are digging into their foxholes, and holding on to the ideology that cost them the election. And thats a good thing. Thats who they are, so it would be wrong to pretend to be anything else. They should be applauded for that.

So I wonder....if Republicans stay true to who they are, will they EVER have another Republican in the White House? Because the country is slowly drifting away from them, and that gap is only gonna get bigger with time. They severely underestimated how big of an affect it would have to piss off every subgroup of society....one at a time. All the people the right wing turned away from them- blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, teachers, cops, firemen, women, union workers. Really, the only people the GOP embraced are rich people, white Christians, and the military. They calculated that those three groups would be enough to win the election. They were wrong, and keep getting wronger!

The ideological purity test to which a Republican candidate is subjected during the primaries is such that no human can ever pass, and so they have to pretend they believe in everything the whackadoos want them to believe.

The candidates all go through the same ritual.

1. Turn to the West and bow toward Reagan's grave.

2. Swing a censer about and swear to protect babies created by rape and incest.

3. Demand Sarah Palin be given an honory PhD in Rhetoric.

4. Shoot a shotgun from the back of a galloping horse.

5. Eat some deep fried ice cream.

6. Slap a few Mexicans around, and condemn homosexuals to the fires of hell.

7. Promise to cut taxes and spending while increasing the size and scope of the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, and more cops.

8. Promise to end the wars begun by the incumbent and to start some new ones.

9. Promise to de-regulate everything, privatize the space program, and end food stamps.

10. Deny ever shaking hands with or speaking civilly to any liberal anywhere.

There's a few hundred more, and because there is, it is impossible not to be a hypocritical liar when jumping through all the hoops.

One cannot have principles and be a hypocritical liar at the same time.
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Hispanics are by nature, conservative. Family oriented, religious, fiscally conservative. Natural Republicans

But as a group they want one thing.....Respect

They don't get that from Republicans with their pandering to the white, christian male constituency. Every "English as the official language" " Stop hispanics and demand their papers" "Hispanics are looking for handouts" bill and statement from the right is looked at as an insult

I agree. But I also don't think the GOP have lost Hispanics in the same way they lost blacks, ie for generations. Blacks have a brutal history of suppression in this country whereas Hispanics do not.

I agree that Republicans have lost the black vote for good

Hispanics could return to the party. But it will depend on Republicans giving them more than lip service. If Republicans continue with their current track, they will lose a generation of Hispanic voters

The national GOP seems intent on replicating the California GOP.

Which is kind of ironic, given that the national Democratic Party seems intent on replicating the California budgetary mess.
Will we EVER have another Republican president????

We are seeing the party in its "Swan Song" until it reinvets itself in another form starting with severing its ties with The Tea Party.

A strong stand against gun reform might sell well with white males, but not with women, visible minorites and young people - a growing coalition that voted for the Democrats.
That really all depends on the Republicans.

They need to revamp some things if they want to attract the younger audience.

The younger crowd that leans conservative likes the libertarian or constitutional parties over the Republican party.

The reasons given vary, but if Republicans care they need to listen to it and adjust to it.

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