Will we EVER have another Republican president????

"too lazy" "votes bought"
Lot of lame excuses
tsk tsk
Republicans lost moderates by a HUGE margin. That's why they lost (and will keep losing until they muzzle the radical right).
Romney lost right-wing voters because of the Paulbots not voting for him and in some extreme cases some nutjob Protestants didn't want a Mormon in the White House.

Also, many people in the GOP didn't like Romney's past liberal/moderate policies in liberal MA, so they stayed home like idiots allowing a real liberal to win the election.

Democraps will need to sell their bullshit without the 1/2 black the next election or maybe they will find another black or hispanic stiff to read the teleprompter and call the GOP racists.

Democraps will also have to sell higher taxes, less jobs and limited healthcare after obamacare starts making a mess....so they will need to find more and more free stuff to appease the idiot obamabots.

I predict many obamabots will skip the next election out of frustration of living in dead end lives and not having their black messiah to follow off a cliff.

The key is blocking the unions from using union money to buy the election like has been said this past election with a book that just came out.
403 Forbidden is a much better source for this information. The fact is that Obama won convincingly in 2012.

The fact remains as women and Hispanics and other minorities refuse to believe the GOP cares about their legitimate needs, the GOP will continue losing nationally.

The fact remains that if the GOP does address the problem, the election cycle of 2020 to 2024, as the Hispanic vote will take over several states in the south and southwest of the USA, Democratic ascendance nationally in DC will be assured.

Ultra right radical lies only help the Dems.
deaddogseye is a plant for the Democratic Soros disinformation group. This is exactly what it wants: ignore the demographic reality of what happened while continuing to believe "all is well, all is well."

think what you want but you couldnt be more wrong about me in that statement. my position also isnt all is well -- but it is that all is not as bad as the liberal media want you to think it is.

look -- every time a party loses a presidential election -- and that of course is every election these questions come up. What went wrong? how can the party redefine itself? Its coaltion must be defective (well sure, i guess that is a truism to the part that loses -- its coaltion wasnt good enough.) But the fatalism that the left is spewing -- not a chance its accurate.

BTW -- if your reference to demographic reality of the last election includes the conventional wisdom sermon that is being given on the need for immigration reform the party better tread very carefully there. I hear hear the arguments why the Republicans have to toe the line and give obama reform -- beofre you do just be damn sure that if you are given a path to citiczenshipo you aren flooding the electoral market with millions of voters who just MAY turn out to be slaves to the democratic party just like the black voters are -- after all they vote overwhelmingly democratic in all elections, not just this one (W did well with them and he lost 59% of their vote). If they turn out to be a good welfare loving block like the black votes then you may well never see another republican president.

Also -- if the key to future republican success was immigration reform do you really think Obama and hary Reid would be so in favor of it? Really?

But gotta go. Mr. Soros is calling
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#144 above

deaddogseye is a plant for the Democratic Soros disinformation group. This is exactly what it wants: ignore the demographic reality of what happened while continuing to believe "all is well, all is well."

think what you want but you couldnt be more wrong about me in that statement. my position also isnt all is well -- but it is that all is not as bad as the liberal media want you to think it is.

look -- every time a party loses a presidential election -- and that of course is every election these questions come up. What went wrong? how can the party redefine itself? Its coaltion must be defective (well sure, i guess that is a truism to the part that loses -- its coaltion wasnt good enough.) But the fatalism that the left is spewing -- not a chance its accurate.

BTW -- if your reference to demographic reality of the last election includes the conventional wisdom sermon that is being given on the need for immigration reform the party better tread very carefully there. I hear hear the arguments why the Republicans have to toe the line and give obama reform -- beofre you do just be damn sure that if you are given a path to citiczenshipo you aren flooding the electoral market with millions of voters who just MAY turn out to be slaves to the democratic party just like the black voters are -- after all they vote overwhelmingly democratic in all elections, not just this one (W did well with them and he lost 59% of their vote). If they turn out to be a good welfare loving block like the black votes then you may well never see another republican president.

Also -- if the key to future republican success was immigration reform do you really think Obama and hary Reid would be so in favor of it? Really?

But gotta go. Mr. Soros is calling
deaddogseye is a plant for the Democratic Soros disinformation group. This is exactly what it wants: ignore the demographic reality of what happened while continuing to believe "all is well, all is well."

think what you want but you couldnt be more wrong about me in that statement. my position also isnt all is well -- but it is that all is not as bad as the liberal media want you to think it is.

look -- every time a party loses a presidential election -- and that of course is every election these questions come up. What went wrong? how can the party redefine itself? Its coaltion must be defective (well sure, i guess that is a truism to the part that loses -- its coaltion wasnt good enough.) But the fatalism that the left is spewing -- not a chance its accurate.

BTW -- if your reference to demographic reality of the last election includes the conventional wisdom sermon that is being given on the need for immigration reform the party better tread very carefully there. I hear hear the arguments why the Republicans have to toe the line and give obama reform -- beofre you do just be damn sure that if you are given a path to citiczenshipo you aren flooding the electoral market with millions of voters who just MAY turn out to be slaves to the democratic party just like the black voters are -- after all they vote overwhelmingly democratic in all elections, not just this one (W did well with them and he lost 59% of their vote). If they turn out to be a good welfare loving block like the black votes then you may well never see another republican president.

Also -- if the key to future republican success was immigration reform do you really think Obama and hary Reid would be so in favor of it? Really?

But gotta go. Mr. Soros is calling

Republicans need to go back to being Republicans

"We are one of you"

The Romney Republicans were painted as being solely for the wealthy and they did very little to prove otherwise

Republicans need to simplify. Small Government, low taxes, personal responsibility....JOBS

When they wrap themselves in banning abortion, more guns, anti-gay, anti- black, anti-hispanic, anti-environment...they start to drive people away

Stick to your core issues
deaddogseye is a plant for the Democratic Soros disinformation group. This is exactly what it wants: ignore the demographic reality of what happened while continuing to believe "all is well, all is well."

think what you want but you couldnt be more wrong about me in that statement. my position also isnt all is well -- but it is that all is not as bad as the liberal media want you to think it is.

look -- every time a party loses a presidential election -- and that of course is every election these questions come up. What went wrong? how can the party redefine itself? Its coaltion must be defective (well sure, i guess that is a truism to the part that loses -- its coaltion wasnt good enough.) But the fatalism that the left is spewing -- not a chance its accurate.

BTW -- if your reference to demographic reality of the last election includes the conventional wisdom sermon that is being given on the need for immigration reform the party better tread very carefully there. I hear hear the arguments why the Republicans have to toe the line and give obama reform -- beofre you do just be damn sure that if you are given a path to citiczenshipo you aren flooding the electoral market with millions of voters who just MAY turn out to be slaves to the democratic party just like the black voters are -- after all they vote overwhelmingly democratic in all elections, not just this one (W did well with them and he lost 59% of their vote). If they turn out to be a good welfare loving block like the black votes then you may well never see another republican president.

Also -- if the key to future republican success was immigration reform do you really think Obama and hary Reid would be so in favor of it? Really?

But gotta go. Mr. Soros is calling

Republicans need to go back to being Republicans

"We are one of you"

The Romney Republicans were painted as being solely for the wealthy and they did very little to prove otherwise

Republicans need to simplify. Small Government, low taxes, personal responsibility....JOBS

When they wrap themselves in banning abortion, more guns, anti-gay, anti- black, anti-hispanic, anti-environment...they start to drive people away

Stick to your core issues

Absolutely correct imho.
Ahhh, JaketheFake bonding with his fellow liberal scum.

Blowjobs are around the corner with these morons....
GoneBezerk is right there with Uncensored in their pleasuring of their male customers. Perhaps he can find some of the male legislators on the ultra right to please.
I voted republican in every election from 1980 to 2008.

You're full of shit and everyone knows it, comrade. No one believes your nonsense about 'Uh, I used was one a them Reepublicarns!' any more than they believe your sock JakeFakey's BS.

So why do you get so upset when we say it?

Do you really believe there are no moderate Republicans or that a large section of your party has left?

Then how do you explain why Republicans got well over 50% of the vote in elections before 1992 and have gotten above 50% since 1992 only once- barely- since?

I know you won't answer this question because you lack the intellectual capacity.

McCain = 45.7% at 60 million votes

Obama = 52.9% at 69.5 million votes

Romney = 61 million votes at 47.2 %

Obama = 66 million votes at 51%

Now Math shows that Democrats lost 3.5ish million overall voters and 2% of the overall voter base...

Republicans gained about 1 million voters and closed 2% of a 7% gap in 4 years.

Conclusion... Both parties are shrinking, Democrats are shrinking by far the fastest, based 100% purely on reality and actual votes, no opinion or emotion.

Feel free to keep pretending Republicans are dying as compared to Democarts despite Democrats dying much much faster than Republicans... again, based on vote count, not opinion.

The problem with your analysis is that you are only taking two points of Data and drawing a conclusion.

WHile Obama did get 3.5 million less votes than he did in 2008, he got 7 million more votes than John Kerry in 2004 and 15 million than Al Gore in 2000. So after growing their gross numbers by 30% in 8 years, it shrank by 4% in an election where most states were told that they didn't really count because they weren't swing states.

Meanwhile, while the Weird Mormon Robot got a million more votes than McCain did, he got 2 million less than Bush did in 2004.

Also- the real problem the GOP has is demographics. Their bases is white males. The white vote was only 72% this time and it will be 70% next time.

McCain = 45.7% at 60 million votes

Obama = 52.9% at 69.5 million votes

Romney = 61 million votes at 47.2 %

Obama = 66 million votes at 51%

Now Math shows that Democrats lost 3.5ish million overall voters and 2% of the overall voter base...

Republicans gained about 1 million voters and closed 2% of a 7% gap in 4 years.

Conclusion... Both parties are shrinking, Democrats are shrinking by far the fastest, based 100% purely on reality and actual votes, no opinion or emotion.

Feel free to keep pretending Republicans are dying as compared to Democarts despite Democrats dying much much faster than Republicans... again, based on vote count, not opinion.

The problem with your analysis is that you are only taking two points of Data and drawing a conclusion.

WHile Obama did get 3.5 million less votes than he did in 2008, he got 7 million more votes than John Kerry in 2004 and 15 million than Al Gore in 2000. So after growing their gross numbers by 30% in 8 years, it shrank by 4% in an election where most states were told that they didn't really count because they weren't swing states.

Meanwhile, while the Weird Mormon Robot got a million more votes than McCain did, he got 2 million less than Bush did in 2004.

Also- the real problem the GOP has is demographics. Their bases is white males. The white vote was only 72% this time and it will be 70% next time.

I goes beyond demographics

It is all tied up in electoral votes and Red States/Blue States

Even before the candidates are selected, Democrats have a large advantage in electoral votes. Battleground States are no longer much of a battleground as Democrats routinely take them. Hispanic population shifts will impact states like Florida, Texas and Arizona. If Florida goes blue there will never be another Republican president

McCain = 45.7% at 60 million votes

Obama = 52.9% at 69.5 million votes

Romney = 61 million votes at 47.2 %

Obama = 66 million votes at 51%

Now Math shows that Democrats lost 3.5ish million overall voters and 2% of the overall voter base...

Republicans gained about 1 million voters and closed 2% of a 7% gap in 4 years.

Conclusion... Both parties are shrinking, Democrats are shrinking by far the fastest, based 100% purely on reality and actual votes, no opinion or emotion.

Feel free to keep pretending Republicans are dying as compared to Democarts despite Democrats dying much much faster than Republicans... again, based on vote count, not opinion.

The problem with your analysis is that you are only taking two points of Data and drawing a conclusion.

WHile Obama did get 3.5 million less votes than he did in 2008, he got 7 million more votes than John Kerry in 2004 and 15 million than Al Gore in 2000. So after growing their gross numbers by 30% in 8 years, it shrank by 4% in an election where most states were told that they didn't really count because they weren't swing states.

Meanwhile, while the Weird Mormon Robot got a million more votes than McCain did, he got 2 million less than Bush did in 2004.

Also- the real problem the GOP has is demographics. Their bases is white males. The white vote was only 72% this time and it will be 70% next time.

I goes beyond demographics

It is all tied up in electoral votes and Red States/Blue States

Even before the candidates are selected, Democrats have a large advantage in electoral votes. Battleground States are no longer much of a battleground as Democrats routinely take them. Hispanic population shifts will impact states like Florida, Texas and Arizona. If Florida goes blue there will never be another Republican president

The Republicans can get around that by simply using their majorities in the statehouses to make the selection of Electors proportional like Maine and Nevada do it.

They are discussing that already in Ohio, Michigan, PA and Wisconsin.
The problem with your analysis is that you are only taking two points of Data and drawing a conclusion.

WHile Obama did get 3.5 million less votes than he did in 2008, he got 7 million more votes than John Kerry in 2004 and 15 million than Al Gore in 2000. So after growing their gross numbers by 30% in 8 years, it shrank by 4% in an election where most states were told that they didn't really count because they weren't swing states.

Meanwhile, while the Weird Mormon Robot got a million more votes than McCain did, he got 2 million less than Bush did in 2004.

Also- the real problem the GOP has is demographics. Their bases is white males. The white vote was only 72% this time and it will be 70% next time.

I goes beyond demographics

It is all tied up in electoral votes and Red States/Blue States

Even before the candidates are selected, Democrats have a large advantage in electoral votes. Battleground States are no longer much of a battleground as Democrats routinely take them. Hispanic population shifts will impact states like Florida, Texas and Arizona. If Florida goes blue there will never be another Republican president

The Republicans can get around that by simply using their majorities in the statehouses to make the selection of Electors proportional like Maine and Nevada do it.

They are discussing that already in Ohio, Michigan, PA and Wisconsin.

Very true

Republicans believe that battleground states should have proportional allocation of Electoral Votes......In Red States? No way

Should be interesting to see if people in those states will stand for losing their influence in electoral votes. States that once offered 15-20 votes to the winner would now offer up to two electoral votes. They would become irrelevant in the election
Actually, I think that if the Swing States do it, then there's going to be pressure on teh safe states to do the same, and while it won't eliminated the abortion that is the Electoral College, it will make it a lot less influential.

The GOP could win the White House and make gains in Congress in 2016, if the economy and the country in general are in the shitter. The numbers are still close enough.

But they're toast demographically and in the long run if they don't stop listening to the division pimps and start using their heads for a change.

Both parties are not willing to do one single thing about getting rid of the corruption in Washington D.C.
How about getting two new parties that will adhere to the Constitution?
Hey hey. My question is why we would ever want another Repuglican in the White Houes.
Were not things fuked up bad enough from the last Repug in the WH?
Eisenhower was a Republican. Great things can happen when the right person comes into office at the right time with the right capabilities. I think the far right needs to finish splintering off, and allow somebody to serve the people as a whole, and not just a portion thereof.

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