Will we EVER have another Republican president????

You're full of shit and everyone knows it, comrade. No one believes your nonsense about 'Uh, I used was one a them Reepublicarns!' any more than they believe your sock JakeFakey's BS.

Unkotare is simply an ignorant hick concerning American politics and culture. What he thinks is immaterial, unimportant, and not worthy of adult consideration other than a reply of "sure, dude, sure". :lol:
He's weird alright, but he has to be accorded more respect than you, rightwinger and JoeB, an ingenuous bunch of hacks who swear on Lenin's embalmed corpse that they were once rank-and-file Republicans. Generally, people don't get stupider as they get older, though I admit there are likely exceptions.

Yup, you are a liar, too. You can't define communism, you can't show how the president is promoting such, and you just write stupidly here.. Tis what tis.
Unkotare is simply an ignorant hick concerning American politics and culture. What he thinks is immaterial, unimportant, and not worthy of adult consideration other than a reply of "sure, dude, sure". :lol:
He's weird alright, but he has to be accorded more respect than you, rightwinger and JoeB, an ingenuous bunch of hacks who swear on Lenin's embalmed corpse that they were once rank-and-file Republicans. Generally, people don't get stupider as they get older, though I admit there are likely exceptions.

Yup, you are a liar, too. You can't define communism, you can't show how the president is promoting such, and you just write stupidly here.. Tis what tis.
You of course are wrong across the board. I am not a liar and have no intention of showing that Obama has a communist agenda. I can define define communism, socialism and every other 'ism you can think. Finally, I can easily spot a disingenuous blowhard, especially the "Mickey Mouse" variety who permeate these threads. Like JoeB, you probably couldn't cut it in a free market and after getting your asses handed to you for the umpteenth time decided that the successful owe you a living greater than welfare and food stamps allow.

(I know, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker yourself, as people always are on the Internet.)
He's weird alright, but he has to be accorded more respect than you, rightwinger and JoeB, an ingenuous bunch of hacks who swear on Lenin's embalmed corpse that they were once rank-and-file Republicans. Generally, people don't get stupider as they get older, though I admit there are likely exceptions.

Yup, you are a liar, too. You can't define communism, you can't show how the president is promoting such, and you just write stupidly here.. Tis what tis.
You of course are wrong across the board. I am not a liar and have no intention of showing that Obama has a communist agenda. I can define define communism, socialism and every other 'ism you can think. Finally, I can easily spot a disingenuous blowhard, especially the "Mickey Mouse" variety who permeate these threads. Like JoeB, you probably couldn't cut it in a free market and after getting your asses handed to you for the umpteenth time decided that the successful owe you a living greater than welfare and food stamps allow.

(I know, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker yourself, as people always are on the Internet.)

You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
Yup, you are a liar, too. You can't define communism, you can't show how the president is promoting such, and you just write stupidly here.. Tis what tis.
You of course are wrong across the board. I am not a liar and have no intention of showing that Obama has a communist agenda. I can define define communism, socialism and every other 'ism you can think. Finally, I can easily spot a disingenuous blowhard, especially the "Mickey Mouse" variety who permeate these threads. Like JoeB, you probably couldn't cut it in a free market and after getting your asses handed to you for the umpteenth time decided that the successful owe you a living greater than welfare and food stamps allow.

(I know, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker yourself, as people always are on the Internet.)

You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass. XXXXXXX
Last edited by a moderator:
You of course are wrong across the board. I am not a liar and have no intention of showing that Obama has a communist agenda. I can define define communism, socialism and every other 'ism you can think. Finally, I can easily spot a disingenuous blowhard, especially the "Mickey Mouse" variety who permeate these threads. Like JoeB, you probably couldn't cut it in a free market and after getting your asses handed to you for the umpteenth time decided that the successful owe you a living greater than welfare and food stamps allow.

(I know, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker yourself, as people always are on the Internet.)

You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass.

So you are no longer in Prague?


Join Date: Jan 2012
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You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass.

So you are no longer in Prague?

Swallow, you are not the most informed of sorts, but US citizens have to file and pay federal taxes on income over a certain threshold regardless of where they are located.
Too friggen funny, they win a re-election with a incumbent Democrat President and all of a sudden that means the whole country has changed to be like them and we will NEVER have another Republican President..though we just had one a mere four years ago..

Lets just OVERLOOK that 48% of the people voted AGAINST the Dear Leader in the last election Obama lost votes in the election, but Republicans will never win again

lefties are some of the goofiest people, especially a so called, reformed Republican as the OP says he is...lol

Stephie, you really need to keep up with things. With the changing Demograpics, there are even, supposedly safe, districts in Texas that may be going blue. Nationally, it is looking pretty bleak for the White Man's Club called the GOP.

It is very unlikely that the GOP wins the WH back in the next several several generations. I would expect depression will begin to set in when you finally realize the terrible position that your party is in...Try to stay current.
You of course are wrong across the board. I am not a liar and have no intention of showing that Obama has a communist agenda. I can define define communism, socialism and every other 'ism you can think. Finally, I can easily spot a disingenuous blowhard, especially the "Mickey Mouse" variety who permeate these threads. Like JoeB, you probably couldn't cut it in a free market and after getting your asses handed to you for the umpteenth time decided that the successful owe you a living greater than welfare and food stamps allow.

(I know, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker yourself, as people always are on the Internet.)

You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass.

you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker, as people always are on the Internet. a note: family is off limits, so reported.
You lied above as does the Mickey Mouse variety that you are, meathead.

I hope you are not posting on your boss's time: that would be unethical and you should be terminated with cause.
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass.

you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker, as people always are on the Internet. a note: family is off limits, so reported.
I thought I made it clear that I am not a "worker". I work for myself and thus have no boss. Is that too difficult to understand?
My boss is me and he pays taxes to support your lazy ass.

you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable worker, as people always are on the Internet. a note: family is off limits, so reported.
I thought I made it clear that I am not a "worker". I work for myself and thus have no boss. Is that too difficult to understand?

Yup, you are undoubtedly very a successful and an invaluable BOSS, as people always are on the Internet. You are a doofus. :lol:
They just keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The election was laid out on a silver platter for them, and the right wing couldnt even reach for it, much less take it. How in the Holy Hell did they blow it THAT badly?

And they KEEP doing it? They are digging into their foxholes, and holding on to the ideology that cost them the election. And thats a good thing. Thats who they are, so it would be wrong to pretend to be anything else. They should be applauded for that.

So I wonder....if Republicans stay true to who they are, will they EVER have another Republican in the White House? Because the country is slowly drifting away from them, and that gap is only gonna get bigger with time. They severely underestimated how big of an affect it would have to piss off every subgroup of society....one at a time. All the people the right wing turned away from them- blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, teachers, cops, firemen, women, union workers. Really, the only people the GOP embraced are rich people, white Christians, and the military. They calculated that those three groups would be enough to win the election. They were wrong, and keep getting wronger!

yes there will be anotehr republican president -- and there is a good chance it will be the next one. dont allow yourself to get all caught up in all this nonsense about how badly the republicans blew this election that was theres to be had. the fact is that obama was the incumbent and they usually get reelected. personally i never thought romney had a chance and did pretty well in light of that. we are in the middle of a typical cycle where a 2 term democrat followed a two term republican who follwed a two term doemcrat wheo follwed three terms of republicans. all this stuff about how weak the republicans are because obama got re elected is just part of the anti republican narrative of the MSM and its just not true.

Remeber how dead the republicans were after 2008 (and there was more basis to worry about them thyen than there is now)? That imbecile James Carville announced the dawninig of 40 years of Democratic control of the federal gocernment -- look what happened in the very next election.

my advice to you is relax. its not that big a deal at all
deaddogseye is a plant for the Democratic Soros disinformation group. This is exactly what it wants: ignore the demographic reality of what happened while continuing to believe "all is well, all is well."
The GOP should win in a landslide in 2016 after obamination destroys everything he touches these next 4 years.

More people are losing their jobs, paying more in taxes, etc.....the gravy train is going to go off the cliff with obamination and democraps inside it.
The GOP should win in a landslide in 2016 after obamination destroys everything he touches these next 4 years.

More people are losing their jobs, paying more in taxes, etc.....the gravy train is going to go off the cliff with obamination and democraps inside it.

You said the same thing in 2008

Been waiting for that "off the cliff" BS for four years.....Any day now, any day now
2008: United States presidential election, 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

McCain = 45.7% at 60 million votes

Obama = 52.9% at 69.5 million votes

Now, 2012: United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romney = 61 million votes at 47.2 %

Obama = 66 million votes at 51%

Now Math shows that Democrats lost 3.5ish million overall voters and 2% of the overall voter base...

Republicans gained about 1 million voters and closed 2% of a 7% gap in 4 years.

Conclusion... Both parties are shrinking, Democrats are shrinking by far the fastest, based 100% purely on reality and actual votes, no opinion or emotion.

Feel free to keep pretending Republicans are dying as compared to Democarts despite Democrats dying much much faster than Republicans... again, based on vote count, not opinion.
The GOP should win in a landslide in 2016 after obamination destroys everything he touches these next 4 years.

That's EXACTLY what they said about 2012.
How'd that work out for ya?

There WILL be another GOP president, because eventually the far right will lose the ability to lose elections for them. Don't know if that will happen anytime soon .... but it will happen eventually.
Asswipe....eventually the unemployment mess can't be covered up with unemployment extensions.

Eventually the credit rating of the US goes down and borrowing money won't work.

The merry go round is going to come off its hinges and obamination knows this, so he wants Congress to give him the credit card to spend and spend until the last minute of fun to keep scum like you fooled with free stuff.

The GOP should win in a landslide in 2016 after obamination destroys everything he touches these next 4 years.

More people are losing their jobs, paying more in taxes, etc.....the gravy train is going to go off the cliff with obamination and democraps inside it.

You said the same thing in 2008

Been waiting for that "off the cliff" BS for four years.....Any day now, any day now
The last 3 POTUS won re-election because most Americans are too lazy to change in mid-stream.

obamination won't be allowed to run for office again, so humpty-dumpty Clinton will need to sell her salespitch as an old hag, which won't work.

The spending spree to keep idiots like you fooled is going to hit a wall these next 4 years, so there won't be a credit card for the next Democrap scumbag trying to buy an election.

The GOP should win in a landslide in 2016 after obamination destroys everything he touches these next 4 years.

That's EXACTLY what they said about 2012.
How'd that work out for ya?

There WILL be another GOP president, because eventually the far right will lose the ability to lose elections for them. Don't know if that will happen anytime soon .... but it will happen eventually.

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