Will we EVER have another Republican president????

By the time 2016 comes around, and the elections that follow, democrats will have a permanent majority of leeches. The majority increased by millions of welfare seeking foreigners. This is what happened in California. We have a permanent democrat majority. Even as leeches become more numerous, hosts are leaving the state. Make it a nation of leeches and the productive will just leave the country.

That's basically the attitude that will lose Republican races for some time to come.
After two years of democrats being the majority in the Senate and Congress, the economy had no alternative but to crash. The trigger was the 30 year old community reinvestment act which had been undermining the economy for decades.

By 2016 we'll have almost $22 trillion in debt, 50 MM people on food stamps, 9% unemployment another Democrat downgrade or two so yeah Hillary/Carrottop looks like a winnah!!
Biden looks like he would take a crack at it.

He's not as strong a candidate, but he would come with a good resume.

If Christie ran against him..it would be a real horse race.

Joe Biden.... :badgrin:
Joe Biden.... :badgrin:


I think President Biden would do a great job

Of course the rightwing despises him....but the rest of the country doesn't care what they think

About half the country think the guy is a complete moron and utter embarassment, yet the liberals insist that Joe is a great guy. And these are the people who cursed Romney when he went to London and made "gaffes" about the Olympic games??? :bang3:
Very true

If Republicans didn't single out those groups in order to appeal to their wealthy white, Christian base.....the Dems would have nothing

Tell us again how lazy 47% of Americans are
Tell us how women who use birth control are sluts
Tell us about legitimate rapes and gods will
Tell us how overpaid and underworked cops, firemen and teachers are

Republican circular firing squad at work

omg, you people are dumb
The WHOLE Republican party didn't say those things, tell how the Democrat party said Sarah Palin was a cxxt? Nancy Pelosi called people "freeloaders" if they didn't want Socialist ObamaCare, and the idiot beat goes on

Yup...not all Republicans have said that
But they remain remarkably silent as the nutcases in their party drive their reputations through the mud

STFU should be the new GOP motto

The same could be said about the whack job liberals who say the craziest shit......and, for some reason, that is perfectly ok as long as crazy shit is said by a democrat. The dems also remain remarkably silent when nutty talk show hosts and people on the comedy channel and even politicians accuse conservatives of being whores, wanting to behead people, talk about raping conservative women, accusing people wanting to murder old people, etc....yet the libs say nothing to challenge these assholes who spout this nonesense, either. It's not a dem or repub issue.....it's a crazy person issue, and it's found on both sides of the isle.
omg, you people are dumb
The WHOLE Republican party didn't say those things, tell how the Democrat party said Sarah Palin was a cxxt? Nancy Pelosi called people "freeloaders" if they didn't want Socialist ObamaCare, and the idiot beat goes on

Yup...not all Republicans have said that
But they remain remarkably silent as the nutcases in their party drive their reputations through the mud

STFU should be the new GOP motto

The same could be said about the whack job liberals who say the craziest shit......and, for some reason, that is perfectly ok as long as crazy shit is said by a democrat. The dems also remain remarkably silent when nutty talk show hosts and people on the comedy channel and even politicians accuse conservatives of being whores, wanting to behead people, talk about raping conservative women, accusing people wanting to murder old people, etc....yet the libs say nothing to challenge these assholes who spout this nonesense, either. It's not a dem or repub issue.....it's a crazy person issue, and it's found on both sides of the isle.


How is that working out for you? Republicans pulled up every piece of nonsense they could think of in the last election. America listened to their rants, smirked and voted for Obama
What the Republicans need to do is explain that there is a parasitic class of the likes of right winger and JoeB who happily suck off the public teat and are championed by Democrats. In addition to being accurate, it is not a hard sell.

Nobody likes parasites.

What the GOP needs to do is give hussein everything he asks for. Raise the debt cieling, four or five more stimulus bills, whatever he wants. Then when our entire economy falls apart and the idiot voters in this country end up suffering, maybe, just maybe, they might realize what a colossal mistake they made. Stupidity should be painful, and they should suffer. Then the GOP could move back in.

Sounds like a plan

Just don't be surprised if the Republicans were to disappear and nobody notices

Don't count on it. You forget.....the establishment repubs and establishment dems are in bed together. They always have been and they always will be. All of this bloviating and chest-thumping politicians do from either side of the isle is just a bunch of bullshit. The tide will turn to the repubs again....it's already in the making. obama got his second term not because he actually won anything.....a 3% "win" is no where near the victory that the liberals like to portray it to be, regardless of the electoral college count.....he got his second term because it was already arranged by the powers that be. Any dem or liberal who thinks otherwise is either stupid or delusional.
Yup...not all Republicans have said that
But they remain remarkably silent as the nutcases in their party drive their reputations through the mud

STFU should be the new GOP motto

The same could be said about the whack job liberals who say the craziest shit......and, for some reason, that is perfectly ok as long as crazy shit is said by a democrat. The dems also remain remarkably silent when nutty talk show hosts and people on the comedy channel and even politicians accuse conservatives of being whores, wanting to behead people, talk about raping conservative women, accusing people wanting to murder old people, etc....yet the libs say nothing to challenge these assholes who spout this nonesense, either. It's not a dem or repub issue.....it's a crazy person issue, and it's found on both sides of the isle.


How is that working out for you? Republicans pulled up every piece of nonsense they could think of in the last election. America listened to their rants, smirked and voted for Obama

No....that's not what happened. Nice try at deflection, though.
Biden has made a few runs for the Democratic nomination has never really gotten close he has gotten a bit of a bump in working with McConnell in the Senate but I think his gaff problem will come back going through a whole primary season and general election without him giving us one or more of his Bidenismis is a lot to ask.

Only with a very small segment of the electorate that wouldn't vote for him anyways.

Biden's problems in the past was that his successes were not really all that well known. Now they are..

And he has real appeal to blue collar folks.

Those whose only contact with the outside world is FoxNews will dismiss Biden as a clown. However, in 2016, Biden will have more experience than any other candidate. 27 years in the Senate and 8 years as vice president
Look for Obama to move Biden out from the wings in the next four years. He will have more responsibility and more visibility
If Republicans are licking their chops over Biden gaffs they better be prepared to defend their own political gaffs. While Biden may tell an occaisional joke that Republicans don't appreciate, Republican gaffs offend women, Hispanics, blacks, the middle class and non-christians

I would not write off Biden in 2016

It's already happening....obama is starting to put biden out there to "fix' certain things. biden will tout his ability to manage the debt ceiling crisis because he was the one to do the sit down with the repubs to hammer it out. Next month it will be something else. Hillary may or may not be able to run, but much of that will be based on her testimony on Benghazi shortly.....if she actually tells the truth, she is out of the 2016 running and so will the dems for the next 20 years....but I doubt she will be truthful. She and obama are guilty as sin when it comes to Benghazi....both have blood on their hands. If she manages to commit perjury and avoids prosecution for it, then I'm sure there will be a bunch of mindless and useful idiots who will vote for her and, if elected, we will find out if she is really as horrific as obama's policies and administration or if she has the balls to run the country from the center, as she has claimed she would do in the past.

If biden is all the liberals have to rely on, well, then I feel sorry for all of you. For as much as the liberals whine and complain and accuse the repubs of being "hateful" toward minority populations but loving the wealthy, it makes absolutely no sense for them to nominate a really old guy who is a racist, homophobic, wealthy, white, sexist bumbling fool. But, hey, good luck with that one!
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I just want to add on second thought ... Romney was near to victory last time, he was so close that even factors like more gun control and less military expenditure, plus more mishaps like Benghazi... could well see a different result next time...assuming that a suitable Republican candidate can be found.

So..all and all.... yes, we will have another Republican President! :eusa_clap:
My crystal ball tells me that people are going to be pretty sick and tired of Democrats come the 2016 election and that the Republicans will win the White House and both houses of Congress.
Only 38 fucking Republicans voted in favor of Hurricane Sandy disaster relief

They have made it perfectly clear they will fight to the death to save tax breaks for billionaires but won't lift a finger to help Americans who are suffering after a disaster

They will never regain power.......they don't deserve it
Only 38 fucking Republicans voted in favor of Hurricane Sandy disaster relief

They have made it perfectly clear they will fight to the death to save tax breaks for billionaires but won't lift a finger to help Americans who are suffering after a disaster

They will never regain power.......they don't deserve it

Do you think being dishonest like that is justified for the sake of your very predictable partisanship?
They just keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The election was laid out on a silver platter for them, and the right wing couldnt even reach for it, much less take it. How in the Holy Hell did they blow it THAT badly?

And they KEEP doing it? They are digging into their foxholes, and holding on to the ideology that cost them the election. And thats a good thing. Thats who they are, so it would be wrong to pretend to be anything else. They should be applauded for that.

So I wonder....if Republicans stay true to who they are, will they EVER have another Republican in the White House? Because the country is slowly drifting away from them, and that gap is only gonna get bigger with time. They severely underestimated how big of an affect it would have to piss off every subgroup of society....one at a time. All the people the right wing turned away from them- blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, teachers, cops, firemen, women, union workers. Really, the only people the GOP embraced are rich people, white Christians, and the military. They calculated that those three groups would be enough to win the election. They were wrong, and keep getting wronger!

For crying out loud Obama cheated his way to another term so what in the hell does that mean? Obviously it means that in spite of what we see going on in the country, an almost complete disaster on all fronts, the democrats will crow about them winning elections. Well since Reagan, 8 Reagan, 4 Bush, 8 Clinton, 8 Bush and 5 Obama.After 8 years of Obama disaster that still means the Republicans win 20-16. After these 8 years of democrat disaster if the Democrats don't run another black they will, in my opinion, be handed their walking papers. The only thing that saved them this time around was the color of Obama's skin, and Soros running the election machines.

Republicans maybe butt burned losers by the Democrats sure are delusional, arrogant and irritating winners, we won't forget.
They just keep digging the hole deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The election was laid out on a silver platter for them, and the right wing couldnt even reach for it, much less take it. How in the Holy Hell did they blow it THAT badly?

And they KEEP doing it? They are digging into their foxholes, and holding on to the ideology that cost them the election. And thats a good thing. Thats who they are, so it would be wrong to pretend to be anything else. They should be applauded for that.

So I wonder....if Republicans stay true to who they are, will they EVER have another Republican in the White House? Because the country is slowly drifting away from them, and that gap is only gonna get bigger with time. They severely underestimated how big of an affect it would have to piss off every subgroup of society....one at a time. All the people the right wing turned away from them- blacks, hispanics, gays, lesbians, teachers, cops, firemen, women, union workers. Really, the only people the GOP embraced are rich people, white Christians, and the military. They calculated that those three groups would be enough to win the election. They were wrong, and keep getting wronger!

No, if the GOP refuses to understand and meet the changing demographics of America.

Any more voter suppression by the party will result in its destruction.

Evolve or die.
Most Americans want a strong US economy that provides opportunity for you to succeed, most Americans favor strong families and communities.

The Julias are the outliers, we cannot be like Democrats and pander to them
Republicans have a master plan to take back the presidency

Republicans control governorships and legislatures in most battleground states. They are quietly introducing legislation to end all or nothing electoral votes and replace with an equal distribution. Essentially it takes battleground states out of play
Note that no solid red states are proposing to split their electoral votes

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